
MHA the Black Dragon

Having lost so much as a child can Akira fill the void in his heart and save the innocent, or will he forever feel empty.

Dragon_Lord_KuroII · Anime & Comics
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U.A Entrance exams

Its been nine months since I moved and met todoroki-chan...ok I don't call her that when we talk to each, but we have become great friends.

I later found out that she was also going to U.A as well, of course she was in the recommendations so I had to take the normal U.A. entrance exam, but I don't mind it she deserves it and has to live up to the expectations of everyone while I have to build that reputation, but I will prove to be a great hero.

They would want that right mom dad.


Akira "That must be todoroki-chan"

Opening the door I see Todoroki letting her inside she sits on the couch watching the TV while I cook something...something

Akira "Hey todoroki-kun what do you want today"

Shouto "Soba"

Akira nods then works on the meal, Shouto and I eat our ramen then talk while watching TV snugaling right next to each other

Shouto "Hey Akira"

Akira "yea"

Shouto "Are you nervous for the entrance exams"

Akira "A little yea, I mean who wouldn't everyone jas the little voice in the back of there head tellong us the mights and what ifs right?"

Shouto "I guess yea, just know that if you do your best you won't have any regrets"

Akira "Are you trying to help me calm my nerves"

Shouto "is it working"

Akira "yes, cuz now I know I can't leave my best friend all by her self now can I" I say hugging her

Shouto " If where best friends then lets call each other with chans as the suffix, or do you want to use our first names"

Akira "...I get the suffixes but what about the first names??"

Shouto "first names are said by very close friends or family members ext."

Akira "so that means we have been very close friends from the start"

Shouto "I guess so"

Akira "well I don't mind being called by my first name so I think I will just stick with that, also thanks for being my first friend S-Shouto-chan"

Shouto "Thanks for being mine"

the rest of that day we chilled watching movies on the TV while I prepared for what lies ahead tomorrow....by playing the new right of duty on the new PS20 I just bought, with Shouto.

(the next morning, UA entrence exams)

I was making my way toward U.A UA which was 1 mile away from my apartment making it a easy walk or if necessary a easy run.

'I just hope I pass this exam, I need to be there with Shouto it feels so weird without her here"

entering UA I saw a guy my age with green hair fall only to be caught by a girl with short brown hair and even though she is useing her wuirk I will pretend nothing happened and let them be.

enterung UA and taking a seat president mic come up and explains what were going to be doing in a rather loud manner saying things like

"if your excited repeat after me, YEEEA..."

safe to say no one responded.

in summary we are supposed to beat the most robost we defeat more points we receive, there are 3 types of robots and a 0 point robot, self explanatory, correctly we are lining up before a recreation of a city, I guess this is the type of stuff for the best hero training school.

"AlRIGHT on my mark...GO" President mic said not giving a count down at all

I was stunned but there isnt a count down for saving people. Rushing out into the free for all, I morph into my half dragon form making my black wings and black tail sprout from behind me while my speed increased nearly 3 fold and strength by 3 fold moving at a speed of 60 mph pushing it can make me go to speeds past 100mph and more.

smashing robots with my tail and fists while using my wings for flught and mobility I also melt them with my white fire, but I have to be careful not to burn others in the vicinity

'so far so good I should have nearly 90 points I have a minute left before they call the exams off this should be good enou-*Scream*' Akiras thoughts were cut off by a screech from 1 mile north where he cought witness of the 0-point robot

'I should keep my distance and keep earning points' is what I would like to do but I saw a person trapped by some Rubble making there escape impossible

I need to help thats what a hero does

thats what I aim to be


I morph into my full dragon form, this form is to big for me to be here on the streets so I have to take a blow from the executor robot


I was punched by the robot but the recoile from his fist made him take a step back allowing me to reach for the guy who was trapped running on the buildings leaving giant dragon footprints I put the guy I just rescued a few blocks away while the executor was chasing, I am confident that I could take it out I needed to get this gut away.


Fortunately for the city and others the Exam was over but there was one more problem

"can you come down here!" said the famous healing hero recovery girl was calling to me but I just bent my head down to talk to her

"Can I have a robe or somthing mabey a chang of clothes" I asked in a deep and gravelly voice

"I have a pair right here" recovery girl says as her staff pull blankest in a box for me to change into

shrinking down into the box I put on the change of clothes

'Thank god I was able to shrink into the box' Akira thought not 100% sure if he was going to make it.

- - -

In the staff doom they where watching the events of Akiras Full Dragon form happen

"My, he sure is a big guy" A small rat dog human animal aka Nezu said responding to the events of Akira

"midnight not to mention he took the blow of a executorwithout flinching he is quite sturdy" a female with purple spiky hair said Midnight

"Luckily he didnt use his fire or else it could of gotten bad" A men with a grey block head said aka Cementoss

"But he took the blow and didn't use his fire to save someone, that is a hero in the making, someone who will take a hit so someone else won't" A man with spiky blond hair said of course this was Almight

" what do you think they are going to be in your class after all" Nezu said looking at a man with slightly long black hair, several bags under his eyes, with cloth hanging off his shoulder aka Aizawa

"well lets hope these kids are better then the other batch" Aizawa said with a judging gaze.

- - -

going back to akira who was in front of his apartment doorto find Shouto in a apron already inside cooking...well I say cooking but its more like concoction.

"well this is a surprise I didnt expext to see you here shouto-chan, how did you get in" Akira said with a wryly smile seeing shouto in a cute apron, but more for the reson of how she got in.

"With the spare key you gave me" Shouto said innocently as if nothing was wrong

'thinking back I do remember giving her the key but I just woke up when shouto have stayed for the night' I thought recalling what happened

- - -

(recap on how shouto got the spare key)

shouto was staring intensely at akira as if demanding somthing from a sleeping akira

"Can I have your spare key" Shouto asked with a determined

"h-huh yea sure *yawn* whatever" Akira replied barly able to make words

shouto takes the keys with a triumphant smile

- - -

(flash back end)

'Ohh right I do remember that I was more then half asleep when she asked but she does come over often so why not' I say thinking it's better then getting up every time

"what are you making there"Akira said curious of what she was making

"I was trying to make spaghetti before you got here, then it occurred to me that I never learned how to cook, so I dont think I'm doing this right" Shouto said looking at her creation

"*chuckle* tell you what I cook for today and if you want I can give you lessons" Akira said taking off shouto's apron and taking over the kitchen while shouto assisted while watching to learn how to cook.

"So gow was the exams" Shouto asked curiously

"I think I got in but I can't be for sure until the score is given back along with the acceptance message within the week" Akira said voicing out his thoughts and preparing for a new batch of

"How many points did you get" Shouto asked

"I think I got around 90 or so" Akira replied

"and done the pasta is done lets get a movie ready and relax" Akira said

they spent the rest of the time hanging out with Shouto siting on ger favorite place....akiras lap

(timeskip 1 week)

finally the note is here!!

opening the note I see a small chip with a red button saying press here, so following directions I press said button wondering whats going to happen



"Aha!, young Kuro I have good news!....you passed with a total amount of 150 points congratulations!! and welcome to the start of your future hero career, any further details is in the envelop that came along this message." the mini buff Almight said

"I-i did it I'm a hero!! mom dad are you proud,...I hope you are *sniffle" Akira said with a tear trailing down his eye

*open *close

running to the front door to Shouto he gives her a tight hug letting his tears falls slowly

"I made it shouto I made it into UA!!!" Akira said crying happy tears

"I'm happy for you Akira" shouto said being caught off guard by seeing akira crying.

A few min of hugging Akira fell asleep smiling

"I guess you where eating your self at night, weren't you" shouto said tucking him into bed looking at the UA message

"Guess I should let you rest good night Akira you deserved it" Shouto said

(A/N: I make alot of mistakes but thats a part of being human, if you dont like my stories just leave🥰thx)