
MHA: Telekinesis

While a young man was having a heated debate on how to become omnipotent with telekinesis a message suddenly appeared in front of his screen. /Welcome to the Omniversal Race to Omnipotence/ And suddenly a beam of light struck the planet killing everything on it. AN: Just a very advance warning, if you can't handle the first 5 chapters, you might as well drop it and not waste your time, I'm not joking, you're literal specks of dust compared to the amount of readers I have accumulated so one, ten, or even a hundred readers who have drop this novel doesn't really matter, I'm not wasting your time so if you don't like it, then drop it. Now on to the advance warnings, first five plus chapters have something that borders the line between legal and illegal so yeah, read at your own discretion, but it does stop at beyond 10 chapters or so so if you can stomach it, then might as well read pass the horrors I made. (Started in December 4, 2021 - 9th day of writing) (2nd novel) (Reach 1k collections in February 14, 2022 - Valentines Day, nice | 82nd day of writing)

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93 Chs

Ch 64 - Arthur's Class

"Are you ready for mister Arthur's class?" ask by Vlad as they walk along the path to the training area as they enjoyed the grassy scenery around them.

"Not really, but I think I will manage" said by Anna with a smile as Vlad inspected her status.

[Race: Human]

[Class: Student]

[Level: 10]

[Quirk: Devoured Manifestation(Epic)]

[Skills: Cooking(B) Iron Stomach(B) Agility(C) Strength(C) Endurance(C) ...]

[Quirk: Devoured Manifestation (Epic) - allows the quirk holder to manifest properties of the things they have devoured and also allows the quirk holder to eat nearly anything. Amplifies the effects and progress of skills related to the quirk]

'Oh ho, an Epic quirk. Hmm, this quirk has some great potential' thought by Vlad as he put his hands on Anna's shoulder.

"So Anna, what's your quirk?" ask by Vlad as he leaned his body to Anna's as she faintly blush in surprise but regained her bearing relatively quick.

"Its called Devoured Manifestation, it allows me to manifest the things I devoured. Like this!" said by Anna as her arms became green and furry as it bulk up with muscle.

"This is from the Greenwood Boar, it increase my physical capabilities to a ginormous degree" said by Anna as she lifts him up without difficulty.

"Does it have a cooldown? Like do you need to a Greenwood Boar again to manifest it?" ask by Vlad.

"Nope, I can now use it whenever I want!" said by Anna with a smile.

"Can you eat metal?" ask by Vlad.

"What? Of course not" said by Anna.

"What if you change your head into a monster that can eat metal?" ask by Vlad.

"Huh, I never thought of that. But enough about me! What is yourrr quirk!" said by Anna with a raise eyebrow while pointing at him.

"Its called Enhanced Instinct" said by Vlad.

"So what does it do?" ask by Anna.

"Just hit me" said by Vlad with a smile.

"Are you sure?" ask by Anna with a raise eyebrow.

"Just try it" said by Vlad with a smile.

"If you say so" said by Anna as she went to punch Vlad but he just went to move slightly to the left, barely dodging her punch.

"That's it? You can dodge stuff?" ask by Anna.

"Yep" said by Vlad as he pop the p in the end.

"Huh, I thought it would be cool like mine" said by Anna with a smirk.

"Just you see" said by Vlad with a smile as they continued their walk as they finally arrive in a clear and open field with a rack of weapons, armor, potions, and arenas around.

"We're finally here" said by Vlad as they saw the other's wearing their sports uniform which was a white shirt along with some black pants with the color gold on the edges.

"The sports uniform is really cool huh" said by Vlad.

"Yeah! Even though we are under the sun I don't even feel hot at all!" said by Anna with sparkly eyes.

"Of course, there's some hidden magic runes on our uniform, all of our uniforms in fact, just look at it" said by Vlad as a magic circle appeared in front of her face as she runes scattered around their uniforms glowing in a colorful light as she looks around the place and saw how much runes are scattered around the campus.

"Woah!" said by Anna as she gasp in wonder.

"Yep, the campus has many runes around it. Enough about that, class is about to start already" said by Vlad as the magic circle on her eyes vanish as her vision returned to normal.

Soon, they saw a giant and muscular man with no noticeable hair approaching them with a big smile wearing the school teacher's uniform.

"Good afternoon sir Arthur!" shouted by the students as Arthur's smile widen while Vlad saw a black haired girl having a bored face in the corner.

[Race: Human]

[Class: Princess]

[Level: 10]

[Quirk: Enhanced Charisma(Epic)]

[Skills: Charisma(A) Charm(B) Singing(B) Literature(B) ...]

[Class: Princess - the stronger the nation, the stronger the class holder's Charisma. Amplifies the effects of Princess related skills]

[Quirk: Enhance Charisma (Epic) - amplifies the effects and progression of charisma]

'Huh, it seems like Honeywood's royal princess really is here. She also has a pretty neat quirk and will really useful when I awaken it' thought by Vlad as he remembered how strong Anna's quirk was when he recently awakened it just a while ago.

"Okay students! I am your teacher for the physical department sir Arthur! For this afternoon we will first see how good you are at combat and see what you guys are good at, and for more practicality, we will do a friendly spar. And don't worry about injuries because we have your teacher Nicolas's potions here that can even regrow back a limb! Go stand there as I will randomly pick two students to go for a spar" said by Arthur as the students were surprise that they will just suddenly gonna spar with each other.

"Yes sir!" said by the students as they all stood at the place Arthur pointed at as they saw him looking at them with intensive eyes.

"Hey Anna, who do you think will win between us" said by Vlad.

"I think it will be me" said by Anna with a smirk.

"Heh, well I have magic" said by Vlad as a magic circle appeared on his hand.

"Well I have a strong quirk" said by Anna.

"Well I have a stron-" Vlad's voice was suddenly cut off as Arthur's resounding voice was heard.

"Okay, so the rules for the spar is that no magic, no Ki, only your physical body and quirks! You may choose any weapon you want at the weapons rack over there! You get that!" shouted by Arthur.

"Yes sir!" said by the students.

"Good! Then for our first spar! It will be Leo Talbine! And!" shouted by Arthur as he stop in the "and" and look around until he saw Vlad as he smirks.

"Vlad Roseheart!" shouted by Arthur as the students cheered for them while Arthur wore an insidious smirk.

AN: I just thought of one of the greatest ideas I ever made, previously, this novel should end around 200 - 500, but now, with that simple idea, its possible this will go pass a thousand chapters with some relative ease if I also add some filler.

(February 20, 2022 - 88th day of writing)