
MHA; Spider-Man

In The World of My Hero Academia, Billions of dollars have been spent to create spiders with supernatural genes, and the genes of these spiders are supposed to be transmitted to humans if they release their venom in the human. The goal of this operation is to create an army of nine people who can rule the entire world, but there is one spider missing from the secret laboratory after the success of the operation... Kyouta is a young man born without abilities and lives in the city of crime, Saikono, living a normal life, but everything was about to change after he transferred to a new school... More Chapters; patreon.com/Ayaka0

soha_rou · Komik
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26 Chs

Men with black suits

Kyouta started walking towards his school as usual. It takes him about 17 minutes to walk to school, as he does not use any means of transportation because the school was close enough to his brother's house.

While walking through the city streets, he enjoyed seeing the ordinary view. The major red walls of the houses, the gray pavement, streets full of cars, heroes wandering here and there to spread security in the hearts of the residents. A blue sky filled with some white clouds, and a moderate atmosphere, neither hot nor cold, as if it was spring.

While he was walking on the sidewalk, he reached the pedestrian crossing, where the pedestrian light was red, meaning he had to stop for a while.

Around him, an employee man carrying a small brown bag, and on his other side, a little girl accompanied by her mother.

While they were waiting for the traffic light to turn green, two men came and stood behind Kyouta.

They weren't exactly standing behind him, as if they were following him, they just stood behind him and behind the other people who wanted to cross the street.

Their aura was not aggressive, with muscular bodies, as they were wearing a black suit, black glasses, and also one earphone for each of them, which was also black. They are the kind of men that any peaceful person would want to avoid getting involved with.

They were looking directly at the road, with serious features on their faces, as one of them said;

"Why don't they genetically modify a new one anyway?"

"They spent billions of dollars on one spider, how do you want them to prepare that amount again? It impossible."

"The most impossible thing is to find a spider that has escaped from a high-security laboratory. It may be easier to spend another billions of dollars, rather than this process they have assigned us."

"I don't care about all that stuff. As long as I get paid, then I'll do my job."

"Doing your job? How exactly are we going to do that when the spider signal has disappeared? He's obviously dead or something like that. Just a failed experiment..."

"Whether it was a failed experiment or not, whether it is dead or alive. All of this has nothing to do with me. Just focus on doing your job. All of these results do not matter to us..."

The green light finally came on and everyone started crossing the footpath. At that time, Kyouta remained standing in his place for a few seconds while hearing the sound of footsteps, thinking before he took the first step onto the footpath;

'Am I imagining or are they looking for a genetically modified spider? There are a lot of strange jobs in this world... Speaking of spiders, that bite didn't cause me any harm, so maybe the spider wasn't venomous after all. How convenient, I thought I would bother my brother with hospital expenses...'

Thus, Kyouta continued his walk towards the school, and as soon as he set his feet there, he sighed after remembering what happened yesterday, thinking;

'It'll be fine as long as they don't ask me to do anything more than clean the classroom...'

While he was walking down the corridor at school, some students were whispering about him and looking at him in a strange way.

"Look look, he's the transfer student that the rumors are swirling about."

"You mean the boy who became a servant to Hayter's Group?"

"He's skinny and looks weak. I feel sorry for him, man."

"His life will be tough here. I wish I could help him. But I can't stand against Hayter and his friends..."

"Be quiet, if someone hears you wanting to help him, they might bully you too. We who have C-rank ability have no right to talk to those who have S-rank ability. This is the basic law of this school."

This was only a small part of what those students were talking about, as there were dozens of conversations, and this was only one example. Everyone who saw Kyouta was talking about him, and the question that Kyouta was asking at that moment was;

'Why is their whispering so audible? They're supposed to be talking without me knowing they're talking about me, so why am I able to hear them?'

This was the second time today that Kyouta heard sounds that he was not supposed to be able to hear. But unlike what happened this morning, he did not hear all the sounds around him. Rather, he only heard the whispers of those who were talking about him, as if he heard them of his own desire. But this morning, he heard all the sounds without his desire.

Kyouta entered his classroom normally, then went and sat in his chair, and indeed the school hours passed quietly, a teacher explaining, pens dancing on papers, attentive eyes and attentive ears... This was the atmosphere of the classroom for a full hour and a half, until the morning break came.

Kyouta got up from his seat and started walking towards the classroom door, trying to leave and go to the student canteen to get something to eat.

But before he left the classroom, he heard someone calling him;

"Kota-san, can you come here for a moment?"

This sound was not strange to him, without even looking at its owner, he could tell what might happen in the coming minutes.

Kyouta slowly turned towards the source of the sound, to find a young man sitting and surrounded by three students, who were his friends.

These four students are the strongest team in the school, as two of them have S-rank ability while the other two have A-rank ability. The leader of this group is a student called Hayter, who is the student who was sitting, and he is the same one who called out to Kyouta just now.

Kyouta acted normal and said after walking towards them;

"Kota? And who is this? My name is Kyouta, and I think you know how to pronounce it already."

One of those three students who were standing around Hayter smiled and said;

"Since when does the servant have the right to respond to his commander with such boldness? Have you forgotten your position?"

Kyouta looked at him calmly without adding any answer, while Hayter smiled and said;

"Calm down, guys, there's no need for all this fuss. Kyouta-san is one of us now, and there's no need for you to be strict with him. After all, today he's going to volunteer and buy us breakfast with his own money."

When the class students heard this sentence, they were surprised and they all looked at Kyouta with pity, because they knew that he is forced to do this. As for Hayter's three friends, they laughed and said;

"What a good idea, Hayter! In that case, I want chocolate milk and a light sandwich."

"I'll just have lemonade and some chocolate."

"I want a cappuccin__."

Before the third student could complete his sentence, Kyouta moved his lips, saying in a serious tone;

"I'm not here to fulfill your wishes, you're asking the wrong person."

These words were a shock to everyone in the hall. All the students were looking at Kyouta in amazement. At that time, Hayter looked seriously at him and said;

"Huh? What did I just Hear?"