
MHA; Spider-Man

In The World of My Hero Academia, Billions of dollars have been spent to create spiders with supernatural genes, and the genes of these spiders are supposed to be transmitted to humans if they release their venom in the human. The goal of this operation is to create an army of nine people who can rule the entire world, but there is one spider missing from the secret laboratory after the success of the operation... Kyouta is a young man born without abilities and lives in the city of crime, Saikono, living a normal life, but everything was about to change after he transferred to a new school... More Chapters; patreon.com/Ayaka0

soha_rou · Anime & Comics
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26 Chs

Strange Feelings 2/2; The slow fight

In the city of Saikono there are many middle and high schools, as well as primary schools of course, and since the international system prevents all citizens from using their abilities freely, these schools are supposed to be a safe place, and they are.

But sometimes there may be some hidden life from the faces of teachers, such as the formation of alliances or groups, fights that occur outside of school, or bullying problems. In all of these cases, we will have either a group or a person who rules the school, who is known to be the most powerful student in that school.

The person who is considered to be the strongest person in this school is Hayter, who is studying in the third and last year of middle school, and he's a classmate of Kyouta.

Hayter asked Kyouta to buy a breakfast for him and his friends by kyouta's own money, tge thing that made Kyouta responded coldly;

"I'm not here to fulfill your wishes, you're asking the wrong person."

These words were enough to make the atmosphere even more tense, as all the students in the class were shocked, including Hayter and his group, and soon conversations began to spread among the classmates.

"What is this? Is he serious?"

"He disobeyed Hayter openly!"

"This boy has no ability right? Why is he so bold?"

"Is he crazy?"

"More importantly, what will Hayter do?"

"That's right, this is the first time I've seen someone disobey his orders."

"Guys, shut up, because Hayter looks angry..."

Hayter looked left and right, amazed at how quickly rumors spread. And because he did not want these rumors to get out of the classroom, he stood up from his seat and said;

"Whatever happens now, don't tell the teacher about it, okay? Or I'll make you hurt even more when we get out of here!"


Hayter quickly rushed towards Fulan, his body covered in an almost orange aura.

His speed was unnatural, as he was extremely fast, like a wild tiger.

But the strange thing is that Kyouta was seeing what was happening in slow motion, thinking;

"Isn't he a little slow?"

Hayter clenched his fist when he reached Kyouta, then punched the air in front of Kyouta.

The distance between Kyouta's face and Hayter's punch was half a meter, so Kyouta was surprised how could Hayter stop before reaching him? Then the answer came immediately...


Kyouta felt that there was a strong shock wave hitting his face, like a wind wave or something.

This blow was enough to make Kyouta fly towards the hall door, but the strange thing is that he did not fall to the ground, but rather did a quick somersault and put his feet and hands on the ground, as if he were a real spider-man.

Kyouta put his hand on his nose, and noticed that there were some drops of blood flowing from it, that's why he said in a calm tone;

"What was that just now? I'm about to swear that he didn't touch me..."

The rest of the class students knew Hayter well, his ability, his strength, and his prestige, but what was shocking to them was Kyouta's reaction. Who simply wiped the blood off his nose and then stood on his feet as if nothing had happened.

This made Hayter's friends feel strange about the situation, as one of them said with a nervous smile;

"Hey hey, Hayter. I thought you wouldn't be merciful to him this time..."

That little confidence Hayter's companions still had in him, he destroyed it with the following words, as he said in a serious tone;

"That was my hardest hit, this bastard... What kind of joke is this? Didn't he say that he has no ability?"

When his friends heard that he was serious and not joking, they looked worriedly at Kyouta, who was standing quietly while looking at his hands.

Kyouta was opening his right fist and then closing it again, thinking;

'This is strange, I feel as if my body is lighter, fitter and stronger too... Hmm, I wonder what if...'

Kyouta moved his brown eyes to look at Hayter and his friends. This look made Hayter's friends tremble with fear, and in less than a second, with the speed of the wind, Kyouta appeared next to Hayter after he jumped quickly.

Kyouta was still in a state of rushing or to make the picture simpler, he was still in a state of running, as he clenched his fist when he reached Hayter's left side. The situation calmed down as if time had stopped or slowed down, and Kyouta was the only one who saw things in such a slow manner.

Hayter quickly moved his eyes to look at his left side, but all he saw was Kyouta's hand hitting his face.


With one punch, Hayter flew into the corner of the classroom, as his body collided with several tables and knocked them to the ground, after which his body collided with the wall in the corner of the classroom.

Kyouta's brown hair was shaking, and his clothes were also shaking from the previous jump, after which his feet finally touched the ground, as he was now standing among Hayter's three friends. But they were shocked enough, unable to make any movement, the same was true for the rest of the class. Everyone was shocked as they saw the look on Hayter's face, he was kind of... Scared...

The person who sat on the throne of this school, for the first time, a look of fear and worry appeared on his face.