
MHA: My Bathroom Has a Quirk!?

Warning: This is PURE SMUT. There is no plot. I am only writing this for fun. Synopsis: After I transmigrated I was disappointed to learn that not only am I born 5 years earlier than the main cast, I also didn't have a quirk. My new life quickly resembled my old life. After I got in to an accident during a villain attack, I bought a new apartment with the compensation. But for some reason, female heroes and heroes in training keep coming to take a bath at my house... Inspired by a certain H doujin. If you know, you know. Daily updates for the first 30 chapters. I only write when I want to.

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10 Chs

Mt. Lady

The next day, someone knocked on my door.

"Yo, can I use your bath again?"

Mt Lady was back. She was getting more casual too.

"Sure." I just as casually replied while letter her in.

"Oh I was about to take a bath too. Do you mind if I go first?" My question was meant to probe her willingness to delay their objective. If she didn't want to wait, it meant that there was only a very weak force that attracted them to his bath. If she agreed, it would mean the opposite. That they were willing to wait for me to take a bath if they could still-

"Hm? We can just bathe together." Mt Lady casually replied.

"Huh?" What did she just say?

"Yeah, it's your bath after all."

My jaw dropped. "…are you serious?"

"You don't want to? Hm, I can't spend too much time here though, I've got to get back to patrolling soon."

"No! I mean, sure, if you don't mind."

"Nah, it's fine. We can save some water too. I am an environmentally friendly hero!"

Wasn't she the one that casually left pulverized roads when she ran after villains in her giant form? The stray thought left as rapidly as it entered my brain as I processed the idea of bathing together with THE Mt Lady.

As she walked towards my bathroom, I quickly scanned the outside of my apartment, expecting a camera crew to pop out at any moment.

Mt Lady opened the door and looked back at me surveying outside my apartment building, "Hey, are you coming or not?"

Lady, I'm about to come so fuc- "Yep, coming!" I ran back in, closing and locking my front door.

As I stepped into the bathroom, Yu Takeyama was already unzipping the back of her costume. Holy shit is this the real life, is this just fantasy? Caught in a landslide, no escaping-

With one smooth motion, her skin tight body suit slipped off her right shoulder as she casually flashed her big bouncy tit at me.

"Ooph." A gasp involuntarily escaped my lips. Okay, there is no way this is a prank show. There is no way a celebrity hero like Mt Lady would be stripping nude just for a prank.

While I stared at her speechlessly, Mt Lady's torso was already fully nude while she pulled out a leg from her boot that was connected to the costume.

She glanced over at the frozen me and quirked an eyebrow impatiently, "C'mon, are we bathing together or not?"

Was it the natural aura of authority that exudes from pro heroes? I followed her instruction obediently as I took off my T shirt. My hands were sweaty, nervous that at any point she would either start laughing at me asking if I really thought I was going to bathe together with a pro hero, or she would knock me down and arrest me for peeking on her.

I had already planned what I was going to say in either case, "Hah! Jokes on you, I saw you naked anyway!"

But my expectations were getting overturned one after another as by the time I had taken off my shorts, Mt Lady was already fully nude.

"Oh you already prepared the bath water? That's considerate." She commented while tying up her hair.

The only thing I had left on were my embarrassingly white briefs, the ingrained societal norms and social mores preventing me from fully showing off the hidden weapon underneath them. Honestly, my dick size was the only thing I could be proud of. It was even bigger than my previous life's one. 

Takeyama then turned on the shower and tested the temperature of the running water with her hand. Seeing her adjust the temperature to her liking with the shower knob with familiarity for some reason cleared my head.

Right, this wasn't her first time here. I wasn't breaking any laws. She was inviting herself into my bath and she was the one who offered to bathe together. I wasn't do anything wrong, if anything she's the weirdo!

With this realization, I had a boost of courage and I took off my underwear without hesitation. Fuck it! I don't care anymore! Let's bathe together!

When I joined the voluptuous Mt Lady, she was already washing her body with the shower head in one hand while the other wiped at the crevices of her body. I couldn't help but realize she was carefully avoiding her hair as she aimed the shower head at her body.

The thought of how crazy this was disappeared from my head as I fully took in Takeyama's naked form. Her body was incredibly fit, and her flat belly showed faint lines of her abs. She had wide hips and an incredible ass. Most impressive of all was her large breasts that jiggled slightly every time she moved her body.

My dick was Hard. Fuck.

Mt Lady didn't show that she cared one bit, if she even noticed my boner at all (a little insulting to be honest).

"Here." She handed the shower head to me and I took it without thinking.

She turned away and start soaping up her body. She rubbed the foam on her body without superfluous thought. Like there wasn't a grown ass man with a hard ass cock staring at her the whole time. It was indifferent as though she was simply showering at home as always, no big deal.

It was so devoid of emotion that I had simply followed suit, washing off my body with the shower head as she had done so.

I don't know what heroic spirit had possessed me in this moment, and before I knew it, the words had already slipped out of my lips.

"Do you need me to wash your back?"

Mt Lady glanced back, and for a split second, the fear crept back in. It was for naught, however, as she simply shrugged. "Okay, thanks!"

I took the bar of soap from her, trying desperately to control the shaking of my fingers, and I started lathering her back. I traced the ridges of her spine with my palm, while the soap bar slid across the hard lines of her back muscles, generating more white foam.

I was taking my sweet time exploring Takeyama's naked back, at the same time careful not to let my rock hard erection poke her shapely butt. I had to tilt my body away at an angle to do so.

She didn't seem to mind that I was slowly caressing her back, her previous impatience gone while she simply waited for me to finishing soaping up her back.

If the first hypnosis effect of my bathroom was "using Itsuki Ren's bath is normal" then I could now surmise that the second hypnosis effect was probably "washing each other in Itsuki Ren's bath is normal" or something to that effect.

Though the water was running and the room started to look misty from the steam of the warm bath, I could feel my mouth and throat getting dry. Her back was just too damn sexy, especially when I imagined what her front would feel like.

My hand holding the soap slipped down and I tentatively lathered her butt as well. Seeing her not reacting at all, I gulped down the saliva that I had unknowingly accumulated in my mouth.

My bathroom's quirk was insane! I was touching the butt of Mt Lady, rank #23 on the Hero Billboard Chart of Japan and she didn't care!

I started getting braver, full on groping her ass with both hands while I continued 'washing her back'. I even had to bend my legs a little to tilt my erection downwards to avoid and prevent myself from sliding it between her legs.

It was incredible. Her ass had a mochi-like elasticity yet I could also feel the firm glute muscles underneath the fat. I kneaded her ass like dough, careful not to exert too much strength in my fingers.

Apparently I was taking too long playing with her butt as she turned back, "Hey, you have to wash the back of my legs too you know?"

"O-oh, yes. Right." I quickly wiped off the saliva at the corner of my lips and squatted down to lather the back of her legs.

I glanced upwards and caught a glimpse of the holy land covered by clouds of white foam. Lord, give me strength to hold myself back from rubbing away the lather.

I felt that if I stayed in this position any longer not even Jesus Christ himself could stop me, so I quickly got up.

"All done."

"Thanks." Mt Lady curtly replied, and turned back to me. I hesitated for a moment but decided to go all in.

"Can you wash my back too?"

She blinked. "You want me to wash your back?"

"Can you wash my back too?"

She blinked. "You want me to wash your back?"

I nodded, trying my best to keep my cool.

There was a moment of indecision before she shrugged, "Guess I can't help it. You lent me your bath so I have no choice except to listen to you, right?"

"Ooph." Another gasp involuntarily escaped. "Yes, please. Thanks, Mt Lady."

"You can just call me Yu." She smiled, taking the soap from my hands and started lathering my back. It was indifferent, and quick. Not like me who took my time playing with her butt and exploring her smooth skin and muscles of her back.

In just ten seconds she was done with my back. But she didn't stop there.

She walked to my front and started lathering my chest too, not even caring that my erection was poking her stomach.


"You take too long." She answered.

Again, she nonchalantly washed my front, getting her fingers into the crevices of my armpit and then very indifferently rubbing my erection and balls with soap.

Officer, a goddess just touched my no-no place. What? You are arresting me for being a lucky son of a bitch? You're goddamn right.

She finished up with my legs and then proceeded to wash herself off with the shower head. Ah, I wanted to do that. I probably did take too long playing with her ass, so she decided that washing herself would be faster.

When she was done, she handed me the shower head, expecting me to take it. But I had a different idea.

"Can you shower me down too, you are faster."

Yu shrugged, "Yeah, that's true. Hold still."

With one hand she aimed the shower head that spouted warm water on me while her other hand wiped off the foam.

Naturally she had to squat down to wash my groin, ignoring the rock hard erection at poking her forehead.

When she was done she turned off the water and turned back to me. "You took too long, I can only soak for awhile."

"That's fine." I responded.

We soaked in the hot bath water for around 5 minutes. Nothing particularly sexy happened but my dick was still hard as hell as I just stared at the naked Mt Lady relaxing in my bath.

Thankfully my bath tub was large enough that there was enough room for both of us to sit in it facing each other without being uncomfortable. Though it was still small enough that our legs were touching each other the whole time.

As she closed her eyes and relaxed, I couldn't help but think about a sentence that she had spoken.

'You lent me your bath so I have no choice except to listen to you'. Was I perhaps wrong but the second hypnosis effect of my bathroom's quirk?

It wasn't "washing each other in Itsuki Ren's bathroom is normal". It was actually "You have to obey Itsuki Ren while using his bathroom."

Jesus Christ. Exactly how far were these women willing to obey me in my bathroom? Could I actually do pervy things with them? Because if it was only to the extent of washing each other indifferently, then it would just be the biggest blue balls experience in the world.

"Okay I'm done." Yu said as she got up from the bath.

Ah, she was about to leave. I have to try it!

"Yu, do you want to stay a little bit longer? We can, I don't know, do other things too." I hinted suggestively.

The naked Mt Lady looked back at me quizzically, "Other things? No thanks, I just came to borrow your bath, so I will pass."

Damn, was it really only related to bath-related requests? No, maybe it was because I asked her after the bath had already concluded. If I tried to do something half way through… Yes it is worthy of an experiment. Besides, she is coming to me and asking to use my bathroom. She even washed my dick and balls without batting an eye. I definitely wasn't doing anything wrong.

Before I knew it, she already dried herself off and was putting back on her costume.

"See ya."

Ah, she left. Goodbye Mt Lady's mountains. I looked down at my erection still going strong. Shit, guess I have to take care of this myself.