
MHA: My Bathroom Has a Quirk!?

Warning: This is PURE SMUT. There is no plot. I am only writing this for fun. Synopsis: After I transmigrated I was disappointed to learn that not only am I born 5 years earlier than the main cast, I also didn't have a quirk. My new life quickly resembled my old life. After I got in to an accident during a villain attack, I bought a new apartment with the compensation. But for some reason, female heroes and heroes in training keep coming to take a bath at my house... Inspired by a certain H doujin. If you know, you know. Daily updates for the first 30 chapters. I only write when I want to.

PeakCulture · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

Can I borrow your bath?

NEET life wasn't bad. I could just watch anime and play games all day without worrying about money. Monotonous, but ehh, could be worse. My easygoing nature worked wonders to rationalize my new NEET life. Not a bad life, all things considered.

At least that was how I imagined the rest of my life would be like. Until one day, someone knocked on my door.

A visitor? No way. My parents lived in Fukuoka, and would inform me if they were going to visit which was never. I didn't really have any friends, at least none that bothered visiting me when I was hospitalized. I couldn't imagine them visiting my new apartment when I didn't even tell anyone my new address. That hero that put me in the hospital also stopped visiting once the NDA was signed.

It was probably a delivery. I must have ordered something online and completely forgot about it.

When I went to open the door, I was shocked to see a truly unexpected sight. A woman with long blonde hair wearing a purple and tan skin tight bodysuit that hugged her curves was standing in front of me. Her face was only slightly covered with a thin eye mask that didn't hide much, while two horns poked out of her hair.

I immediately recognized her as the up-and-coming rising star Pro Hero, Mt Lady. What was she doing at my apartment?

"Excuse me, can I borrow your bath?" She asked with a slight smile.

"Eh? What do you mean?" I responded with clear confusion.

Yu Takeyama tilted her head as though she didn't understand my question. "As I said, I want to take a bath in your place. I was patrolling for the whole day and I am sweaty, so I just wanted to borrow your bath for a bit."

"Ah, I see." I nodded, though I still didn't understand what was going on. Was this a normal thing? Did Pro Heroes regularly borrow the bath of random civilians?

But I was honestly a little too star struck to think about it more logically, so I just opened the door fully to let her in. "Go ahead, the bathroom is on the right."

She uttered a curt "Thank you" and walked in before turning into the bathroom without hesitation.

Mt Lady closed the door behind her, leaving me bewilderedly scratching my head in confusion. "What the…"

As she had said, the pro heroine only borrowed my bath for a bit. She was done washing up in just ten minutes. Ten minutes that had me wondering if I was day dreaming though the sound of water flowing from a faucet proved me wrong.

"Thanks for the bath." Mt Lady bowed slightly and left without saying anything else.

"The fuck just happened?" I was only more confused than ever.

The next day, I was even more baffled.

Mt Lady was back again.

"Hello, can I borrow your bath again?" She asked with the same slight smile that I had just seen yesterday.

"Well, sure… but, ah never mind. Go ahead."

"Thank you." She walked in and as she did yesterday, took a quick bath before leaving.

I looked around my bathroom after she left, wondering if there was anything special about it that I hadn't noticed before.

There wasn't.

The next day, I slightly expected Mt Lady to show up again. I was wrong.

Today it was another blonde woman though her hair was a lot shorter than Mt Lady. Half of her face was concealed by a half-mask that looked like claws or scales. She wore a red qipao that showed her pale thighs.

It was Ryukyu, another pro-heroine. Why was she here, Musutafu City wasn't even in her regular area of operation?

"Good afternoon. May I borrow your bath?"

"Uh, okay." At this point I wasn't even surprised at this question anymore. "Did Mt Lady tell you about my bath?"

She looked confused at my question, "Mt Lady? No, I haven't really talked to her before."

"Then, why do you want to take a bath at my house?"

"Just because I want to." Her eyes widened slightly, "I am sorry, am I bothering you?"

"No, not really. It's just… never mind, please suit yourself."

"Thank you very much. I will be quick."

"No, take your time."

As Ryukyu went in my bathroom, I started to wonder if I really did have a quirk but I just didn't know about it.

A quirk that makes pro-heroines want to use my bath? No, that's stupid. And if it was my quirk, why didn't this happen until now?

Did the accident awaken my quirk? Then they should have appeared at the hospital, right?

I looked around my studio apartment. Realization slowly dawned on me.

It was the apartment. Or, maybe more specifically, my bathroom? Did my bathroom have a quirk? Could an inanimate structure even have a quirk?

Shit, what kind of situation is this, when my bathroom has a quirk and I do not.

But still, it was kind of interesting. Was this the first ever occurrence of an inanimate structure possessing a quirk? And a quirk with an extremely specific effect at that. Did the previous tenant also experience this?

I wondered if I should try to find out by calling the real estate agency that I bought the studio apartment from to see if I could talk to the previous owner, but it sounded like too much work and I would probably have to answer a few questions that I didn't really have an answer for. 

Popular heroines were regularly using my bathroom for some strange mystical reason. And it didn't seem like they even thought it was a big deal. Like borrowing the bath of a complete stranger was just a normal thing.

Was the effect like a temporary hypnosis? But after they left and realized they had just taken a bath in a random stranger's place, wouldn't they think it was weird. If that was the case, the police might have already knocked on my door suspecting that I was illegally using a quirk to hypnotize heroines, right?

A permanent hypnosis then. One that made them think – using Itsuki Ren's bath is normal. What a strange effect.

I sat there and thought about it some more. Should I ask them to stop coming over? They probably would if I asked them to. But it wasn't particularly disruptive. And it was amusing to see popular pro-heroines that appeared on TV and commercials come to my house to use my bath.

No one would believe me if I told them, not that I had anyone to tell in the first place. Should I take a video? I could post it on my social media that had a grand total of 16 followers – all of them bots that used profile pictures of beautiful women to scam people.

Or I could post it on YouTube – "Compilation of heroines asking if they could use my bath (FUNNY)".

No, that's dumb, I might really get police knocking on my door if this got out.

Though if I could put a hidden camera in the bathroom, I bet there would be tons of perverts out there that would pay top dollar for a video of their favourite heroines bathing.

Ah, that's a crime. Again, police would kick down my door while shouting "Police, put your hands up! Stop resisting! Shit, gun, gun, gun!"

My NEET life would turn into NO LIFE in an instant.

As the dark thoughts swarmed my consciousness, Ryukyu came out with the distinct post-bath glow that I was starting to get used to seeing. She spotted me sitting on a cushion deep in thought and bowed slightly.

"Thank you for lending me your bath, sir."

"Ah!" I was shaken from my musings from her sudden appearance, "You are welcome. Come back anytime."

"Sure. I will be back soon."

With that, the Dragoon Hero left, the red qipao hugging her body even tighter due to the dampness of her post-bath body. Sheesh, what a sight.

I was slightly ashamed to say I sniffed the towel she used with gusto. Aside from the familiar smell of the soap, there was a distinct feminine scent that gave me a half-chub.

I decided. Tomorrow, if another pro-heroine really came again, I would see just how my bathroom's quirk really worked. I still wasn't fully convinced that this wasn't just an elaborate prank show starring the confused me.