
MHA: Gomu-Gomu no mi

A boy who was sent into the world of MHA with the powers of Luffy's devil fruit to please a ROB. Watch as he becomes the strongest he can AU

stay_at_home_pig · Komik
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18 Chs

Chapter 2: Debu of a rubber man

Chapter 2: Debu of a rubber man

"BEGIN!" I heard a shout as soon as I opened my eyes, as memories of my meeting with God and the MHA and One piece anime merged with the memories of my current world.

It seems as if my Quirk 'Rubber man' is not as simple as it seems.

I have also trained in my quirk so I am decently proficient in it, it seems I can incorporate what Luffy has done before.

As I was still thinking, everyone ran right past me.

But I decided to take a minute to calm down and think about what I should do. Knowledge is strength, if I don't know what I know then I don't know anything.

With my current quirk mastery, I can probably go into Gears 2 and 3, but it will take a massive toll on my body since I do not have the physical strength of Luffy.

But, I cannot be worrying about pain, since if I want to survive in this dangerous world, I need to get into UA.

It is my best bet for survival, if I want to stay close to the plot while surviving.

Honestly, it would be better if I could go to America and learn under Stars but I don't have the capability of doing that.

As an Orphan who was kicked out for causing too much trouble, barely having Middle school education and barely making it by, I need to make it into UA first.

As I gathered my thoughts, I decided it was time to move.

I stretched my hands to either sides of the massive door in front of me, and moved back myself to stretch my body as long as possible.

After that, I thought to myself;

[Gomu-Gomu no- Slingshot!]

As I catapulted myself far into the fair, passing the entire crowd and looking down on all the robots.

[Gomu-Gomu no- Gatling]

I then proceeded to punch a large number of Rank 1,2 and 3 robots for as long as I had air time.

By the time the students made it near me, I destroyed half the number of robots there.

Right before I hit the ground, I breathed in a lot of air, becoming a balloon and immediately releasing the air inside of my body.

Then, I bent my knees a little, and tried to do what I learnt in my memories.

I increased my flow of blood.

Thanks to the rubber nature of my blood vessels and organs, my body can withstand the pressure.

I cannot believe I did not think of something like this before, Luffy really was a genius with how he used this power.

Since this was my first time, I did this to my legs, and the effect was applied to my entire body, like Luffy in Enies Lobby,

Since my blood pressure was so high, my skin turned slightly pinkish and sweat evaporated from my body, giving off some steam.

(Teachers lounge)

"Look at that kid now, he is becoming red in color, is he okay?" Said a random person out loud, looking at a computed screen.

"He will be fine, it seems like he has figured out another part of his quirk." Nezu said, causing most people to calm down a little.

"Woah, he was definitely not this fast before, he seems a lot faster."

"About 10 times." Nezu said, causing everyone to be a little surprised, not at his calculating speed since his brain is faster than supercomputers, but at Luffy's powers being amplified by 10 times.

(Yes, MC name is also Luffy)

"There seems to be a limit though." Aizawa said, looking at the 'heat' Luffy was emitting.

As he said that, Luffy extended his arm, and swept every robot near him, and slowly started to spin while swinging his hand.

For the next couple of minutes, they saw him swinging around left and right, destroying all the robots near him.

"I think it's time we released the 0 Pointers." Nezu said with a smirk, as he pressed a button near him.

Then, extremely large robots could be seen everywhere on the computer.

"Let's see how they will react now."

Most of the students started running away. The smarter ones take this as a chance to destroy some more stray robots while still running, and the kind hearted ones help everyone they can on the way.

"What's he doing now?" Said the R-18 Hero, (mommy) midnight out loud.

They all saw Luffy, stretch his hands all the way to the head of the robot, and catapult himself to about 50m higher than the giant robot.

Then, they saw him bring his hand to his mouth, as he took a deep breath. All the steam around him disappeared as his body came back to a normal color.

He then bit his hand and blew in a lot of air, expanding his arm to the size of the head of the robot.

Turning his body and using the momentum he had, they saw Luffy swing his hand down with as much force as he could toward the 0 pointer.

At the point of contact, a massive sound could be heard as the massive hand just passed through the 0 pointer.

The teachers were just left in shock, while some of them had smiles on their faces…it seems like there was a good batch of students this year.

(Luffy pov)

As I destroyed the 0 pointer and turned back into a balloon to reduce contact, I started to focus more on saving people for the last few seconds to gain some more points.

I am sure I am definitely top 3 at least in points, with all the useful ways I know how to use my quirk now I definitely scored as much.

Once the test ended, my body shrunk down as the air left my body and I fell on the floor to relax.

Using 2 gears without a strong body is definitely taxing, I'll just lay down and rest while I gather more of my thoughts.

My powers technically cannot be classified as a quirk anymore, since I remember the way I got my powers was by eating a weird fruit which tasted weird, which is the human-human fruit model:Nika fruit.

I probably have the same weaknesses as water and seastone, but since seastone doesn't exist here and I can just never tell anyone about the water part, I will most probably be fine.

But I will be fine as long as it's moving water, so water related quirks will probably not affect me but I will have to test it.

For now, I need to go back to my 'house,' which is just a rented apartment in the middle of a poor neighborhood and stay there for a while before getting back to my shift at work.

I will still have to continue working for a bit before I can find smarter ways to make money like I planned before.

I will be fine with school fees, since UA does not charge fees but asks for us to pay a part of our future salary for X number of years depending on our Hero rank.

For now, just gotta wait for my admission letter.