
MHA: A Ghoul’s Cover

A quirkless boy in the world of heroes and villains suffered constantly from the torment of his parents for his “disability”, it all changed when he awakened something that was horrifying and out of his control. Forced to take a decision of what to do with this “curse” he decided that becoming a vigilante might be the best idea, but it’s not that easy as it seems, as he will face constant struggle to control his curse and escape being hunted down by everyone at the same time. He also managed to get the attention of some unwanted individuals who might be plotting something dangerous. (AN: I got the cover from Pinterest from a user called zeina, I know it’s not a ghoul eye but who cares.) (This is my first story so please let me know what I can improve and I’ll try to learn along the way, english is not my first language btw.)

Linn_Guistick0 · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
11 Chs


"Do you like the building little guy? You'll spend most of your time here after all" Kenji asked whilst he had his left hand on Oki's back.

"I like the way it looks" Oki responded without a lot of enthusiasm.

"Hey, don't look so sad, you're going to make a lot of friends here and when you're finally with someone who's gonna love and take care of you guess what, you are going to cherish the time that you spent here"

Oki looked at the floor and didn't make a sound, his eyes looked downcast and lifeless. Kenji looked at Oki's condition and sighed, he didn't like to see him like that. Kenji kneeled down in front of Oki and looked at him in the eyes.

"I promise you that everything will be alright okay, if you feel troubled or just want to speak to someone then you can ask the headmistress or the nurses to call me, I'll leave you a note with my number. Remember to be happy and have a lot of fun, okay, don't forget to talk and have experiences with everyone, will you promise me that?"

Oki looked at him for a few seconds before replying in a weak voice, "I promise" Kenji smiled looking at that and took out his notepad along with his pen to write his number, when he was done he tore the paper and gave it to Oki. "Don't forget to call me champ" Kenji said with a smile before ruffling Oki's hair.

"I won't" Oki replied softly, after making sure that Oki felt better, Kenji entered the orphanage along with the kid. When Oki saw the orphanage, he was surprised to see about thirty children just doing their thing and having fun, he didn't know that kids could be this happy.

Oki's childhood was horrible, it didn't help that he got bullied in school for being a quirkless 'freak,' after wandering around the orphanage they finally made it to the headmistress's office. When they headed inside, the headmistress was in the process of signing some papers.

The headmistress looked up when she heard the sound of the door opening before she greeted her guests. "Hello, he must be the new kid right, how're you doing?" The headmistress kindly asked before sitting up and approaching Oki.

Oki simply replied "I'm doing okay," The headmistress then told him that her name was Nana and what was his name. "My name is Oki" Oki never liked talking too much and was mostly antisocial, he didn't want to talk with Nana right now.

"Nice to meet you Oki" Nana replied before shifting her focus to Kenji. "You're here to drop him off right? Sign these papers here and everything will be set, I'll let him be shown around by our little helper" When Nana finished speaking she handed some papers to Kenji and then left the room.

"She's quite energetic don't you think? What are your first impressions Oki? I think that you'll fall in love with this place" Said Kenji before signing the papers.

Oki just nodded in response and waited for Nana to arrive. There was currently an uncomfortable silence surrounding both of them but luckily Nana didn't take too long to arrive, this time though, she had company, a small boy that looked around the same age as Oki entered with her.

"Oki, meet Tadao, Tadao, meet Oki, he will show you around" Nana said whilst she looked at Oki. "Alright" Oki replied.

"I'll come visit you weekly, have fun Oki, goodbye" Kenji said his goodbyes and continued talking with Nana while Oki wasn't given a chance to say his goodbyes as he was dragged outside the room by Tadao who was a little too exited to show him around.

'Oh shit! I forgot to give Oki his fox plushie. I'll just give it to him next week when I come back' Kenji thought before resuming his talk with the headmistress.


"Come on you've got to see everything!" Tadao said excitedly whilst he dragged Oki by the hand.

"Calm down I don't like running" Oki said trying to make the kid slow down but Tadao acted like he didn't hear Oki and dashed towards the cafeteria.

"This is the cafeteria, the cooks and workers are very kind" after saying that Tadao moved and showed him where the bathroom was, the classroom, the teachers area, and the huge playground that was at the back of the orphanage.

Whilst Oki was being shown around, he indulged himself in a pleasant conversation with Tadao, after spending time with Tadao, he concluded that he wasn't a bad kid and liked his company, he still didn't talk a lot though. Tadao seemed to be popular amongst the kids of the orphanage as he was being showered with praise and with a lot of "hello," he was very well liked by everyone.

After showing Oki the ropes of the place, he told Oki that they were currently in lunch period and that it would end soon. After this period there were classes that he needed to attend to.

They both went back to the cafeteria and while they were going there, Oki saw a room that Tadao hadn't introduced. "What's in that room?" Oki asked.

"Don't worry about that room, inside there's clothes and useful stuff that a lot of kind people donated to the orphanage, I heard that it has a lot of clothes but I never bothered to check it."

Oki didn't inquire further and went to the cafeteria, Oki would be lying if he said that he wasn't hungry, but it wasn't enough hunger to go out of control. Oki was a little scared because he didn't know what to eat, but he would just go about his day like normal until he was hungry.

Tadao guided Oki to the cafeteria again and grabbed some food for him and Oki, they both sat down on a chair before Tadao started devouring his food. Oki looked at his food and at that moment it looked unappetizing, he knew that he would throw up the moment that thing touched his mouth.

"Aren't you gonna eat?" Tadao said after finishing his food. "I ate before at a hospital so I'm currently fine," Oki wasn't lying, he ate but just a little bit before throwing up his food.

"Are you okay? Why were you at the hospital?" Oki looked at him and said, "It's a long story, just know that I'm fine."

"I'm glad to hear that, if you're not going to eat your food then give it to me, I'm still hungry. Oh, at least drink the apple juice if you're not hungry it tastes really good" Tadao said before taking Oki's tray full of food.

Oki looked at the apple juice and took a sip of it as he remembered that nothing happened to him when he drank water. Contrary to his expectations, the apple juice tasted like pissed shit and provoked a negative reaction from Oki's taste buds. He immediately spat all of the apple juice on the table and covered his mouth to not throw up.

"Dude, how can you not like apple juice, you're exaggerating right?" Asked Tadao, who was bewildered by Oki's reaction to the juice.

"It tastes horrible, I prefer drinking water" Oki said after composing himself. Tadao was about to say something about how he had bad taste but a bell sound resonated through the cafeteria, indicating that class would start soon.

"Clean up the table fast and then let's go, you're going to introduce yourself to the whole class soon"

Oki's heart dropped when he hear this, he disliked public speeches because it made him nervous. Oki then cleaned up the table and reluctantly followed Tadao to the classroom. When he got there everyone was sitting in their desks and looking straight at him, there were some mutant type quirks present in some of the kids.

Oki was nervous because of the stares, he tried to sit down on an empty seat but he was called by the teacher before he could do so. Oki was so nervous that he didn't notice her, at this point Tadao had already taken a seat and was currently looking at Oki with both his thumbs lifted in front of him along with a smile.

"Would you mind presenting yourself to your classmates?" The teacher asked kindly.

"Uhhh, n-no, I don't mind" Oki stuttered from nervousness before walking to the front of the class. Oki looked at the teacher and she just nodded, he took this as a sign to start speaking. "M-my name is Oki, my favorite color is grey, uhhh, nice to meet you all."

After that horrible presentation, everyone started to clap, maybe out of pity but who knows. Oki went towards the only available seat and pu his full attention to his teacher.

"As very one knows already Oki is a new classmate so everyone take care of him okay?" The teacher asked, "Okay" everyone responded at the same time. "Now let's start with the class."

Oki then went through two hours of math, before taking another two hours of history, he was already tired from all the information entering through his brain but he persevered until it was time for recess, 'It's finally over' Oki thought.

He was mistaken though because the moment that the teacher left the classroom most of the kids surrounded Oki and started asking him questions.

"Where are you from? You don't look Japanese" A girl with literal glowing hair asked.

"Wanna be friends?" A boy with a nose made from steel asked whilst a little fire was being released from his nose.

"Can you play with me" A little girl that looked to be around three years old asked, she was probably like that because of her quirk.

The kids wanted to know more about Oki but he only responded that he was half American and half Japanese before Tadao interrupted everyone telling them that Oki just arrived today and he was quite tired. He helped Oki to stand up and then guided him to the playground despite the protests of the kids.

"Man, they always get like that when someone new comes here, how're you feeling?"

"I'm good, I just want to rest and not do anything" Oki was feeling quite hungry right now, he thought about eating some children back at the class when they surrounded him. Oki was now feeling quite paranoid so he didn't want to waste too much energy or he would get hungry and lose control.

"It's fine then, I'll be around in case you need something," after saying that, Tadao left to play with his friends. Oki sat down on a nearby bench before closing his eyes and just breathing, the hunger was still kinda bearable but it was affecting his mind in a negative way.

Whilst he was trying to control himself, the girl that looked like a three year old approached him and asked him something, "Can you play with me, everyone is playing tag but I just want to play with my toys" she said before showing Oki her toys which consisted of a female hero and a male villain.

"Sure I'll play with you, it's not like I have something better to do anyways" Oki agreed to play and invited her to sit besides him. "My name is Masako, nice to meet you Oki" she said before sitting besides Oki.

Then, in the next half an hour Oki and Masako played a role game with the toys. Oki pretended to be a vile villain that threatened the hero with exploding the hostages and Masako was the hero who saved the day.

Oki was having fun playing with her, but he wanted to leave as his hunger was increasing and he started to have thoughts which consisted of him eating Masako.

That scared the boy, but luckily the bell sounded, this indicated that the next class was going to start. "Go ahead without me, I'll catch up to you" Oki said.

"Okay, but don't be late or the teacher will scold you" after saying that, Masako headed towards the classroom.

Oki followed soon after he calmed down, luckily, he arrived just in time for the lesson. Oki felt like he was going through torture, his stomach was grumbling every now and then, he started to add and subtract numbers in his mind to distract himself from his dangerous thoughts.

Just like that, the class ended and now it was time for dinner, Tadao went up to Oki and invited him to walk with him to the cafeteria but he refused by saying he would catch up.

Tadao then left Oki alone to his thoughts and went to eat dinner, Masako had already left as she was quite hungry. Oki then went outside to sit on the same bench from earlier. He waited there for a full hour and a half before Tadao found him.

"Hey dude, why are you here? It's time to sleep"

"O-okay" Oki simply said before standing up and following Tadao back to the dormitory. Tadao was curious on why Oki was outside but he didn't ask as Oki seemed to be sad.

Oki followed Tadao back to the dormitory which wasn't shown by him in the beginning of the day and was horrified by what he saw. Everyone slept together in the same room, there were mattresses on the floor for everyone to sleep on.

"Come on, everyone is already trying to sleep, that is your mattress right there, goodnight" Tadao said before going to sleep.

Oki didn't utter a word before he slowly walked to his mattress and laid down on it. He was currently enduring the enticing smell of sweat, thankfully the kids showered before sleeping but the smell was still there.

Oki covered himself with the blankets before trying to sleep, it took a while as he wasn't used to sleeping without his plushie but he managed to sleep even with his terrible hunger. Unfortunately Oki woke up in the middle of the night thinking 'I need to eat right now'