

Everybody in the neighborhood knows him, a rich kid who is good at everything, especially fighting. He is the leader of the group called FROST. A group of teenagers who everybody feared of. Even the others gang fears ICE and his group. He is ruthless and merciless when it comes to fighting. He is so good at fighting that no one can beat him up. He can easily fight a group of guys without having any injuries at all.

"Ice are you sure we just going to let them leave?" DJ said as he watches their enemies left the area.

"Let them be, I know that they won't dare to come in our way again. And I'm not in the mood to beat up weak guys like them today." Ice said

"Where have you been the whole day Ice?" Leo asked

Just here and there Ice said and smiled.

What!!! I know that smile!! something good must have happened right? DJ said

I met someone today. Ice said and smiled.

Really who?

My Mint! Ice said

Mint?? Leo said

Who is that Mint that caught the attention of savage Ice?

Gwyneth Evans!! Ice said

How did you meet her? Ice said

"Is she pretty Ice?"

I wouldn't call her my Mint if she's not pretty Leo!! Ice said

Whoa!! I'm curious to meet her DJ said

You will!! Because now that I found her, I will never let her go! Ice said as he left the warehouse where frost always meets.

Whoa!! I can't believe that the Savage ice will fall in love! Leo shouted

Ice arrived at his house hoping to see his parents but what's new. As usual, they are out for their business.

Do you want me to prepare your dinner Sir? one of the maids asked

"I'm not hungry," Ice said as he walks to his room

Ice entered his room and locked it.

Thanks to my Mint at least this won't be a bad day at all. Ice said

He was busy playing on your phone when his phone rings.

Yes? Ice said while playing

"Ice !! Jake's gang has beaten up Luke!"


Okay, wait for me there!! Ice said as he ended the game and took his motorbike to drive to the warehouse.

Luke!! Ice said as he saw Luke with bruises on his face and with bleeding eyebrows.

Jake saw me in the convenience store alone, and he said that this about you interfering with him yesterday. Luke said while DJ is cleaning his wounds.

That bastard! Ice said as he left the warehouse and drive his motorbike.

Take care of Luke DJ. I'll go follow Ice. Leo said as he starts his motorbike.

Ice was driving his motorbike to Jake's hideout. That bastard will have to pay for what he did to Luke. He arrived at the hideout of Jake's gang and you saw them laughing so hard.

"haha I bet Ice is so pissed off about what we did to his friend." one of the guys said

"Ohh~~ I can't believe dogs like you are such fortune-tellers!" Ice said as enter the hideout.

I-Ice!!!! one of the guys said

"Ahh, Nice for you to know my name."

"But let me tell you something important you assholes, about Ice's rules."

Number 1: " I don't just let anyone say my name"

Rule Number 2: "Nobody touched Ice's friends"

Do you know why? Ice said as he picked up a pipe on the floor

"Because I don't want to let the monster in me come out, because even I can't tame that monster!" Ice said as he let go of the pipe

"Huh!!! This bastard!! Do you think you can beat us all alone!" the other guy said

"Try me," Ice said and smiled

"You bastard!" the guys said as they all run to Ice

"I thought that it is going to be one on one, but if that's how you want it, so be it. This is going to be fun!!" Ice said as he started to fight with all of Jake's gang.

Leo arrived at Jake's hideout and you saw Ice talking to them. He stands behind the door and watches them. The truth is he's not afraid that something bad might happen to Ice. Because he knew that no one can beat him up. So he just hides just in case he needs a backup which you know will never happen.

"Tell this to shit to Jake!" Ice said as he pulls the collar of one guy.

"DO NOT EVER MESS WITH ME AND MY GROUP AGAIN OR HE MIGHT BE SHAKING HANDS WITH THE DEVIL HIMSELF!" Ice said before he let go of the guy and leave the warehouse.

"You're here," Ice said as he saw Leo outside

Just in case you needed some backup, which I know will never happen. Leo said as he gets in his motorbike.

Tss!! Ice said as he rides his motorbike.

Are you going to the hub? Leo asked

No~~ I'm so pissed I need to ventilate. Ice said as he left Leo

Ice parked his motorbike in front of a house and waited outside.

His smile widens when he saw a girl walks out the gate.

Hey Mint. he said

Ohh!! Ice! she said and smiled

Where are you going Mint? you asked as soon as she walks towards you.

Hmm. I'm going to----

Where? Ice asked her

I don't know!

You don't know?

uh-huh! I just want to go somewhere where I can forget how sad my life is.

Do you want to come with me then? Ice said


Here and there! Ice said


Let's go then Suga said as he points out his motorbike.

"We're going to ride that?"

"What's wrong with my motorbike?"

"Is that even safe? Because I'm sick of my life but I don't want to die!"

hahaha...Of course, it is plus as if I'll let you die." Ice said while laughing so hard

"Do you even have a license?"

I wouldn't ride this thing if I don't Ice said as he walks towards Mint and put the helmet on her head.

Come on I promise you'll be safe.

"Put your arms around me Mint so that you won't fall." Ice said

Like this? Mint said as she holds Ice's jacket.

No! Like this! Ice said as he pulled Mint's hand. Hold me tight and don't let go. Ice said as he starts his motorbike.


"That was fun!" Mint said as they get off the motorbike.

I told you. Ice said as he removed the helmet on your head.

Oops, Sorry, I ruined your hair. Ice said as he fixes her hair.

It's okay!! By the way, where are we? Mint asked

Hmm.. This is my hang-out place. Ice said as he pulled her hand.

Ohh~~ You're here Ice!! Luke stand up as soon as he saw Ice.

Ohh, Who is this Beautiful Lady? Luke said as he walks towards Ice

Hello.. I'm Gwyneth. Mint said

Hi~ I'm Luke

Hey~ Back off ~~ She's is my Mint so back off Ice said

Okay okay!! Luke said and laugh.

Where are the others? Ice asked

Why?? all of sudden two more boys get inside the warehouse

Oh my god! Who is this beautiful lady here? Leo said

She's my Mint Leo! Ice said

Ohh!!Really!! DJ said

Hi~ I'm Dominic James, but you can just call me DJ! the guy with blonde hair said

And I am Leo

Hi, Nice to meet you all, I'm Gwyneth Evans.

So you are Mint! DJ said

Hey!! She's my Mint, not yours so it's Gwen for you all. Ice said

Okay fine!!! DJ said as he put the things he's carrying on the table.

Where did the both of you go? Ice asked

We bought some breakfast because Luke here said he's hungry. DJ said

Ahh-- excuse me, are you three living here? Gwen asked DJ, Leo, and Luke

Hahahaha.. No Gwen~ We just came here whenever we have time. This is our hideout. DJ said

Everyone was shocked when they saw Ice laugh so hard.

"What's wrong Ice?"

Nothing, I just remembered how she asked me if I was a beggar before. Ice said while laughing

"Hey! Don't tell them!" Gwen said as he taps Ice's shoulder.

Really? Do we look like beggars too? Leo said that made Ice laugh again

Sorry, I'm just not used to seeing -----

It's okayMint, you don't have to apologize, because I admit that sometimes we all look like beggars, but handsome beggars I say. Ice said

You have a nice place here. Gwen said

Yeah, this is the place where we can be what we wanted us to be. Ice said

But you all know that what your doing is not good. Fighting is not the answer to all of the problems. You might lose that good look of yours. Gwen said

We don't get into fights every day, we're just fighting those who mess with us. Our gang is famous for having a long patience Gwen. DJ said

Like you, we're just ordinary students who hang out with their friends, the only difference is, we have this group of friends.

"Friends who fight," Gwen said

We don't really get into a fight unless they mess with us.

But still, it won't stop unless any of you stop doing revenge. Gwen said

Can we stop talking about our gang Mint? Ice said

"Okay" Gwen said and smiled

Let's go Mint. Ice said as he holds Gwen's hand.

"Where are we going?"

To my favorite place, I want you to meet someone. Ice said

Gwen walks with Ice and waved goodbye to his friends

"A cemetery? This is your favorite place?"

Uh-huh, ~~ Ice said as he holds Gwen's hand.

You said you want me to meet someone. Gwen said

Where here Suga said as he stops in front of a tomb.

"Hi, mom!" Ice said

I want you to meet someone mom. Ice said

Mom, this is my Mint. Suga said as he holds Gwen's hand

Gwen looks at Ice and smiled.

" Hello ma'am" Gwen said

Mom, she's pretty right? Ice said

Hey, ~~ stop telling lies to your mom. Gwen said as tap Ice's shoulder

You must be proud Mint. Ice said as he sat on the grass and pulled Gwen to sit beside him.


Because you are the first and last woman that I will introduce to her. Ice said

But you just met me a few days ago. Gwen said

It doesn't matter if we just met a few days ago because I know that the moment I saw you I know that you are the one. Ice said

What do you mean by that?

I like you, Gwen, I can't even explain the emotions that I'm feeling whenever I'm with you. Your smile brightens my life that I don't know if I will be okay if I lost you. How about you Gwen? Ice asked

What do you mean, how about me? Gwen said

Do you like me too? Ice asked

"I-I don't know" Gwen said that made the smile on Ice's face disappear.

You don't know?

Yes-- I don't know, all that I know is, you make me happy, you made me feel special and I'm starting to feel different, especially when you hold my hand like that. Gwen said that made Ice smile again

Have I ever told you that you look cute whenever you smile like that? Gwen said

"No" Ice said

But I promise you that I will only show this smile to you, but promise me that I am the only one who can hold your hand like this. Ice said as he holds both of Gwen's hands

"Promise" Gwen said and smile

Ice holds Gwen's cheeks and made her look at him.

I now found a new reason to be happy in this life, and I won't let this happiness go again. Ice said as his thumb touches Gwen's cheeks.

"Me too, please, promise me you won't leave me Ice." Gwen said

Why would I do that, when leaving you means death to me. Ice said

I love you my Mint. Ice said as he was about to kiss Gwen

I love you too Ice. Gwen said as she closes her eyes.

You look prettier when you blush Mint. Ice said after the kiss

"Hey" Gwen said as she touched her cheeks