
MCU: The Heavenly Yaksha (A Non-Harem FanFic)

Tom was your normal average unemployed guy, whose life completely changed due to a sudden survey. Watch as he rises as a great man known as The Heavenly Yaksha in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. |-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_| -This is my 3rd book so please be gentle with me. -English is not my first language. -Leave some honest reviews, please. -There will be some random movies added in that won't interfere too much on the MCU plot, so beware. My update schedule will be 5 chapters a week: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday Tags: -NoHarem -SlightlyStrongMC -SlightRomance -SlowPaced You can visit my Patreon to read 10 advance chapters and if you want to support me. www.patreon.com/SlimeSage *Cover is not mine, I just found it in Pinterest.* *I only own my OC*

SlimeSage · Filem
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158 Chs

Ch. 66 - The Black Sky

The next morning, Doflamingo walked inside an abandoned warehouse where he was met with 4 people and one of them is Bakuto.

"Looks like you did as I asked, Bakuto." Doflamingo said as he walked in arrogantly, not caring about the deadly glare that Bakuto is giving him.

"This is the guy that you were talking about, Bakuto? Except for being tall, he doesn't look like much." A black man wearing white suit said as he laughed and mocked Doflamingo.

And yes, Doflamingo isn't using his clone on this one but his real body.

As much as he was confident in his strength as a clone, but we're talking about 4 ancient ninjas here, so Doflamingo won't underestimate them.

"I want him dead." Bakuto didn't hide his intentions anymore and coldly said to Doflamingo. Although he was weirded out by Doflamingo's sudden increase in height, but he has seen many weird things in this world so he doesn't care that much.

"That hurts, Bakuto. And here I thought we were friends." Doflamingo clenched his chest in pain as he pretended to be hurt by Bakuto's words.

"You must be delusional, it's 4 against 1, you're outnumbered." Bakuto said.

"Delusional? There must be something wrong with your head. There's only 4 of you, you're gonna need more than that." Doflamingo arrogantly smirked, which irked Bakuto.

"Bakuto, who is this arrogant man? Is he the reason why you used your favour from us and called all of us here?" The black man, known as Sowande asked Bakuto.

"He killed Gao and wanted to take over The Hand to himself. He thought he's capable enough on defeating us." Bakuto said he unsheathed his katana and threw the scabbard towards Doflamingo, tending to distract him.

Sowande and the other Hand Fingers were shocked at Bakuto's words and stared at Doflamingo in wariness. Although Madame Gao isn't the strongest among them but her strength is nothing to scoff at.

"Hah!" Bakuto yelled in the top of his lungs as he swing his katana towards Doflamingo's neck, with an intent to kill him.

"Be careful." Doflamingo just bend his head before speaking.

"No one escapes my blade!" Bakuto muttered however, Doflamingo heard him.

"I just did." Doflamingo said while pointing to himself.

"You're just lucky!" Bakuto said before striking Doflamingo in several points, mainly his heart and his neck, however all of this cannot escape Doflamingo's observation Haki, so he just dodged all of them with ease.

Doflamingo then sidestepped from one of his strikes before countering with a kick towards his face. However, because Doflamingo was taller, instead of his feet, it was his leg the one below the knee that hit Bakuto's face.


Bakuto was thrown away with a bloodied nose, which is amazing as his face would normally cave in if he is just a normal human.

"What a surprise, you survived my ki-." Doflamingo was about praise him and clap his hands when he sensed a sharp kunai flying towards him.


Doflamingo coated his nail with Armament Haki before deflecting the kunai turned his attention towards the suspect.

"Uhm? Who are you?" Doflamingo saw a Japanese man in a suit, looking at him with confidence in his face.

"Murakamidesu!" Murakami said. Doflamingo could tell that Murakami just introduced himself.

"English?" Doflamingo asked.

"Anata wa kyō, watashi no te de shinudeshou!" Murakami yelled before unstrapping a knife from his waist and continuously attacked Doflamingo.

Bakuto wiped his nose before standing up and attacked Doflamingo along with Murakami.

However, even with the two of them combined, Doflamingo was just causally dodging and deflecting all of their attacks as if it was a walk in the park.

"I should probably help them." As Bakuto's friend, Sowande is obviously worried for him as Bakuto's injuries were piling up in every second.

Sowande then ran forward and have a flying kick towards Doflamingo's unsuspecting back. Atleast what he thought, but the moment he moved, he was already under Doflamingo's senses so when he tried to kick Doflamingo, Doflamingo was already on guard against him and grabbed his leg before slamming him towards Bakuto.


Doflamingo dodged another kunai from Murakami and his Kagune suddenly sprouted from his back and stabbed Murakami on his chest.

"Nani?!" Murakami stopped in his tracks as the pain on his chest assaulted him, when he looked down and saw his impaled chest, he gritted his teeth and tried to move forward, trying to give Doflamingo his one last blow before he died.

However, before he even move a single step, several spikes suddenly sprouted from the Kagune, which caused Murakami's heart to be stabbed by the spikes.


Pulling the Kagune out of his body, Murakami fell on the ground with an unbelievable look on his face, he was too overconfident to notice that this fight has always been on Doflamingo right from the start.

On the side, the only one that hasn't fought yet is Alexandra Reid. She wanted to analyze Doflamingo first before she strike but seeing that he doesn't seem to have any weaknesses and even a surprise attack is not effective to him, Alexandra was already thinking of whether she should escape or not.

Fortunately for her, she didn't go here without any plans, in fact, she already gathered all of goons outside the warehouse, waiting for her signal to invade and attack Doflamingo.

"Since surprise attack doesn't work then perhaps numbers will." Alexandra whispered before snapping her fingers.


As soon as the snapping sound reverberated around the warehouse, the windows and the ceiling glass were suddenly blasted away as several ninjas clad in black came pouring in and surrounded Doflamingo.

Bakuto and Sowande helped each other to stand up and back away from Doflamingo, not minding Murakami's body as if he wasn't their companion a few minutes ago.

"I admit I was surprise by your strength but that's all. If three can't handle you then how about hundreds?" Alexandra gained her confidence and arrogantly mocked Doflamingo.

"Hundreds?" Doflamingo's smile never disappeared from his face as he looked around and there is indeed hundreds of ninjas surrounding him.

"What hundreds?" Doflamingo asked before his Conqueror's Haki flared out and soon, one by one, the ninjas that Alexandra spoke of, fell on the ground like puppets cut out of their strings.



*Thud* x169

Meanwhile, the three Fingers were wide-eyed at this as the force that is pressuring them almost made them faint, if it wasn't for their Chi keeping them from fainting, then perhaps their lives woukf already be at Doflamingo's mercy.

"Impossible." Sowande muttered as he gulped in fear, not wanting his life to end here.

So, without hesitation, he tried to run away with full strength when a string suddenly wrapped itself around his legs, tripping him and made him fall on the ground.


"Ohh!" Sowande groaned in pain as he realized that running from Doflamingo is not a good choice.

"Who said you could leave?" Doflamingo slowly walked towards Sowande, ignoring Alexandra and Bakuto's fear stricken faces.

His footsteps were very quiet but loud enough for Sowande to hear that Doflamingo is slowly coming closer to him.

"Look man, I didn't sign up for this shit. You want the Hand? You could take it! Just spare me, please!" The earlier confidence that he once had crumbled upon Doflamingo's presence, prioritizing his life more than his property.

This is the reason why he betrayed K'un-Lun and seeked immortality through the Dragon's Essence. Because he valued his life more than anything.

"If our positions were swapped, do you think you will spare me?" Doflamingo crouched in front of him before tilting his head while asking a question.

Seeing that Sowande is taking too long to answer, Doflamingo finally decided his fate.

"Just as I thought." Doflamingo whispered but loud enough for Sowande to hear.

Realizing that Doflamingo was planning on killing him, Sowande tried to beg for his life.

"Wait! Wait, hold o-." Doflamingo didn't hesitate to grab his head and his eyes glowed in power.

"NOOOOoooo....." Sowande's eyes slowly lost their light as his body turned into a corpse, as if all of his life were sucked out of his body.

In fact, that's what Doflamingo just did.

This is one of the magic spells that Doflamingo learned during his training with the Masters of the Mystic Arts. It doesn't have a name yet but it's capabilities were quite scary as it could absorb someone's Chi or Lifeforce through physical contact.

The benefits aren't that great as it only increases you Chi reserves, and that's it. It doesn't increase your lifespan or anything, just your Chi reserves.

So, basically if Doflamingo's Chi is exhausted due to a fight, he could use this spell to absorb someone's Chi to fill up his own.

Use of this too much could endanger his life as there must be a limit on how much he could absorb.

A good example of this is a rubber band. Absorbing Chi would be like stretching out the band but too much would cause the rubber band to snap, hence why it is dangerous.

Doflamingo doesn't know his limits yet so he has to be careful on this spell. So, he would probably use this spell just for this occasion and after that, he won't use it anymore. That is why it is one of the forbidden spells according to the Ancient One.

"So, who's next?" Doflamingo turns around and faced Bakuto and Alexandra.

"You know even if you kill us taking over the Hand would still be impossible as their loyalties towards us is engraved deep within their bones. So, there's no point on killing us." Alenxandra explained and Doflamingo could tell that there's a 'but' to her next sentence.


"But if we declare you as the Black Sky, no one will oppose you, even us." Alexandra knew that this is her moment to save her own skin, so she immediately said.

"Black Sky? Is that some kind of a title or something?"

"Black Sky is similar to the Hand's god. We worship the Black Sky as our god, hence if we declare you as the Black Sky you would directly become the Head of the Hand. If you could spare us and allow us to proceed with this plan, then the Hand would be yours, even I will be yours." Alexandra then decided to strike the iron while it's hot, and even added a seduction to it.

"Fine then. Lead the way. But only you." Doflamingo said with a smile before looking at Bakuto.

Bakuto, realizing the meaning of his look, was wide eyed and was about to ran when Doflamingo pointed his index finger towards Bakuto.



You can visit my p@treon to read 10 advance chapters and if you want to support me. (www.p@treon.com/SlimeSage) don't forget to change @ to a.