
MCU: Grey Jedi

Writing a synopsis isn't my strong suit, so I'll give you a rundown of what the story is about: A guy is reborn into the MCU with access to the Force. He also has access to all the Lightsaber combat forms, the unarmed combat forms and the knowledge needed to strengthen his connection with the Force and his control with it. He'll be a Grey Jedi, so he'll use equal parts of the Light and Dark sides of the Force. He'll also at some point awaken a Mutant power but that won't be a focus and will be more to shore up any weaknesses he has (it'll pretty much give him a physical buff that will tide him over until he gets his hands on a serum of some kind). He's also been transmigrated into the body of a kid who's a part of a VERY rich family. A completely OC family, of course, but a rich one nonetheless.

Not_Yujiro_Hanma · Filem
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2 Chs

Many Years Later and Heading Off To America

Slowly, I opened my eyes to the morning sun, it's rays shining through the windows of my room and hitting my body. I could feel the Force inside each life-supporting ray, as the sunlight set off a chemical reaction in my skin. More specifically the UV radiation present in the sun.

As deadly as it was beneficial, the radiation set off the production for Vitamin D as I slowly took in the Force present in the sunlight, flushing it through my body to get rid of the little tiredness I'd worked up over the night of meditation. It did it's job perfectly but I still couldn't hold back from releasing a yawn.

Wiping my eyes of the small amount of tears in them, I looked over at my alarm clock.

[6:58 AM]

'...I guess I overdid the meditation a little,' I mused before slowly raising myself off the ground with a casual display of telekinetic power. Once I'd been raised high enough, I extended my legs and let go of my body, letting gravity take control of me once more.

Feeling the brimming power in my body, I lifted a calloused hand to my chin as I thought over the years. 'Thirteen whole years, huh? It's truly been a ride. A rough one,' I dropped my hand and wandered over to the on-suite attached to my room.

Not paying attention to my reflection, I turned on the shower and stripped of the tank-top and underwear combo I was rocking before I got into the near boiling hot water.

The water washed over my body, washing the grime and dirt that had collected over the nighttime of just sitting on a carpet floor. I directed the water around me with the Force, washing at the harder to reach places or the places that needed a bit more force to wash than just the water washing over it.

'Telekinesis is by far the most convenient power, isn't it?' I chuckled to myself as the water ran through my hair, wetting it without a single drop getting in my eyes. The shampoo bottle followed a similar path and was raised above my head, the cap facing toward it.

A dollop of gel dropped onto my head before I used the Force to emulate hands that rubbed the slight pink substance into my black hair. The cherry-scent of the shampoo flooded the air and I was glad I decided to go for the shampoo with such a delicate scent. It was easy on the nose - well, a nose like mine, anyway.

While I was doing this, I casually split my focus as I ran a bar of soap over my body, washing it further. With such efficient washing - like I had multiple sets of hands to help - it didn't take long until I was done washing myself.

Getting out of the shower, I collected the soapy water off of my body before depositing into the drain, 'Truly the most convenient power,' I laughed to myself before I shook my head.

Deciding to not let my arms atrophy away in my laziness, I grabbed a towel and wrapped it around my naked lower body before walking over to the mirror in the bathroom. Looking at the vivid green eyes in the mirror, peering through the misty sections of the mirror like a predator's eyes looking through the vegetation in front of it I admired what I considered to be my most attractive feature.

Wiping the mirror clean of the condensation, I looked at the tanned brown skin I'd gained over countless days training outside in the sun. Even if England wasn't the sunniest or hottest place in the world, it had it's moments where it'd get decently hot or sunny. Which led to the days of outside practice resulting in a pretty good tan. It went well with my dark hair and green eyes, so I couldn't exactly complain.

'Handsome as always,' I scratched my cheek as I looked over my fine and noble features. A sharp jawline, a straight nose that was the right size for my face and unblemished skin. Everything on my face was in proportion and was neither too big or too small. Everything worked together to make a good-looking face. But right now, a slight blemish on these good features of mine would be the patchy facial hair that was growing on my cheeks, upper lip and chin.

Sighing, I brought my hand up to my face and extended my index finger while leaving the rest curled into a fist.

From the extended finger, my nail lengthened a few inches and sharpened to a point while the edges took on a very sharp appearance. Looking at the nail-turned-claw, I ignored it and looked back to the mirror as I glided the claw across the places with patchy hair.

The black hair was easily cut as the claw's edge was easily beyond that of a metal blade and before long, I was clean shaven.

The slight pangs of pain from my finger were annoying but as soon as I retracted the claw, the pain went away as the injury the claw made as it extended and sharpened, was healed by my healing factor.

This, was obviously the Mutant power I was promised by that wheel.

From what I could gather, I was just like Sabretooth and Wolverine. My power was similar to Animal Mimicry or a physiology that took traits from an animal. The claws made me think I had some sort of relation to a certain Victor Creed, but I'd had DNA tests done in the background and both my parents were indeed my biological parents.

A coincidence, then. Not that it mattered all that much.

In fact, what I'd gained from this Mutant power could easily be said to be more than what Sabretooth/Wolverine gained from theirs.

Not only did I have a potent healing factor but my physical abilities were beyond what theirs were. They were the peak of what a human could be, while I was easily beyond that at this point. Last time I checked, without Force Enhancement, I could lift around nine tonnes. With Force Enhancement? Well, the skies the limit at that point. I'd pretty much ran out of things to lift. Buses and trucks are easy when I run the Force through my body. Even easier when I use Telekinesis in tandem with my enhanced physical strength.

Going back to my Mutant power...awakening it was kinda anticlimactic. One day I didn't have enhanced senses and a superpowered body, and then the next day I suddenly had it. No explosion of emotions or life and death scenario. It just popped up.

Kinda like a growth spurt. Which it did indeed give me.

'...That was annoying to explain. I grew, like, 4 inches in a single night. Absolutely ridiculous,' I huffed before ruffling my hair up and finally making way to leave the bathroom, my dirty clothes levitating and floating into the laundry basket in my on-suite.

Though, looking down at the well-muscled frame I'd gained through my Mutant power and my martial training, I couldn't exactly complain about it.

Shrugging, I pushed those thoughts away as I dropped the towel and walked over to my wardrobe. I had to get dressed - I had a big day ahead of me.

. . .

"I can't believe the young Master I've been serving all these years is finally about to fly the nest," Sebastian, the servant who'd been at my side for the past 13 years, was dabbing at his eyes with a handkerchief as he tried to dry up the crocodile tears he was shedding.

Looking at the man I'd been with day and night for so long, I couldn't help but reminisce about that day I'd woke up as Arthur Belmond.

Back then I'd thought he was a tall and well-built man despite his age. Yet age hadn't been too kind to him. His once straight back was now somewhat hunched and his broad shoulders curled inward like his body couldn't handle to support their heft. Even his once brown hair was now greying and becoming thinner.

Even if he were to stand up straight and have his shoulders squared, I'd still be taller and broader than him. Even if he were to be de-aged back to his prime, I'd still be more brawny than him as well. Martial arts and practicing mythical combat forms such as the ones in my mind have that effect, I guess.

"Oh please, Sebastian," I rolled my eyes at the melodrama in front of me, "With me gone, wouldn't that mean you finally get to retire with a hefty sum of money? You've been waiting for this moment for the past few months you old codger," I smirked and behind the handkerchief, I saw Sebastian return the smirk.

Chuckling, Sebastian dropped the act as he put the handkerchief back into his pocket masterfully, "I had to try and keep up appearances, Master Arthur. I'm sure you understand," he waved his hand before continuing, "Though I'd be lying if I said I don't somewhat dread you leaving England. All alone in such a place as New York...I wonder how you'll hold up with the servants and maids at your beck and call," he said, sounding actually worried despite how sarcastic his words could sound and be interpreted.

Rolling my eyes, I bit back the urge to refute him as I looked around, "And where are mother and father? Not able to make enough time to see the prodigal son leave?" I joked yet I instantly saw Sebastian's face sour as he coughed awkwardly.

"I...I apologize, Master Arthur," he bowed his head slightly before looking back up at me, "They are...considerably busy with their duties. I apologize on their behalf," he went to bow once again but I stopped him with a hand on his shoulder.

"You need not apologize for them, Sebastian. I've long since gotten used to their callous behavior," I gave him a sincere smile yet instead of placating him, it only made his sourness increase in intensity.

In the end, he let out a sigh before shaking his head, "I suppose that would be the expected result, Master Arthur." He seemed to have lost his jokey attitude and let out another sigh, "Lady Lucille and Master Christopher did tell me to address their sincere apologies that they couldn't turn up either. I hope you know their apologies are truly sincere."

"I know," I laughed before waving off his worry that I would hold my siblings absence against them, "Luci is working herself ragged to inherit the Dukedom and Chris is too busy trying to garner our parents attention by earning science awards and commendations - they're both overworked at the moment, so I wouldn't expect them to be here," I sighed, thinking about my older and younger siblings. "Tell Luci to not spread herself too thin. If she needs any help with the business, she can give me half of the work. And tell Chris to get some blood sleep - he hasn't slept in 24 hours. Make sure one of the servants makes him sleep at normal hours as a favor to me, will you, Sebastian?" I gave a wry smile which Sebastian mirrored as he nodded.

The low hum of an engine entered my ears and a 2006 BMW 3 Series* pulled up next to us before a servant got out of the driving seat, walked over to me and respectfully held out the keys, "The keys for your car, Master Arthur. Your luggage has been fully loaded."

(*A/N - Keep in mind that the date is currently 2006 for the story, so a BMW 3 Series from 2006 is a top-class car to have. Especially for an 18-year-old.)

"Thank you, Jeremy," I took the keys with a smile and the servant gave a respectful bow before walking away. Turning back to Sebastian, I gave him a smile before putting my hand out in a handshake, "Until next time, Sebastian. Remember to call me if you ever need help, okay?"

Nodding, Sebastian grasped my hand firmly, "Until next time, Master Arthur," he smilingly replied.

With that done, I released his hand and turned away before getting into the car. Inserting the key into the ignition, I turned it and the engine roared to life. Then off I went.

I'd completed all my education up until this point. Top marks on my GCSE, top marks in my A-Levels, enough recommendations and athletic commendations to blot out the sun...so I was ready to go to America on a scholarship based off of my martial arts. I'd basically took the world by storm by winning Boxing matches, Karate tournaments, Kickboxing tournaments, Taekwondo tournaments - I'd done it all and it'd allowed me to secure a sports scholarship at Empire State University in New York.

Just like I'd planned.

Big timeskip just because I don't wanna bore you all by showing his training arc. We're onto bigger things now. Like America and meeting some characters or whatever.

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