
Master of paradoxical shapes

You nurtured me. You healed me. I don’t know you. Yet you died for me. You saved me. Yet you broke me the most. Why do I have to carry your lifeless body? Your warmth that once saved me, has been replaced with coldness. Our beautiful memories which were once a sanctuary, only remind me of my failures now. The memories you shielded me from are haunting me more than ever. The warmth you once gave me has vanished. You are cold. You are horrible. Yet your light is more dazzling than any star in the universe. I don’t understand why I am feeling like this. I may never understand. But I will try. In this life. In the life after that. And for the eternity that will follow. I will live for you. So please let me save you. A/N: Chapters every Monday for now. Might just come faster.

AllMightyGodOfCats · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
7 Chs

The hardship of watering seeds.

Chapter 3 - The hardship of watering seeds.

'Should I jump against the wall?

Yes I should.'

Having nothing else to do other than agonize over my boredom, I decided to jump against the wall.

I entered an empty room where I had a long-running space before I would hit the wall.

I went into a crouch position and began counting.


My muscles tensed.


My eyes focused.


My legs jolted.

I ran.

In my vision the wall came nearer and nearer to me.

Step by step, until 

my nose almost touched the wall and I stopped.


My heart shook.

Even though I didn't hit the wall, my heart beat stronger than ever before.

I released a shallow breath.

I walked back to where I started.

I once again looked at the wall.

I went into the crouch position.

I took a deep breath.

My eyes focused on one spot on the wall.

I ran.

My legs swung from one place to another.

The wall was nearing me.

But once again I stopped with only my nose almost touching the wall.

I released all the air from my lungs.

I went back to the beginning.

I went into the crouching position and ran.

No thought, no preparation, I just ran.

Even like this, I didn't hit the wall.

Once again I stopped my own self being the obstacle.

I tried again.

I failed again.

I tried and tried and tried

I failed and failed and failed.

But slowly with each failure a smile appeared on my face.

That day I didn't hit the wall.

But I was Satisfied.

And the next day I couldn't even try as my order arrived.


I looked at the giant box that was before my door.

I stepped to the side, letting a small drone carry the whole packet through my door.

"Where should the packet be placed, sir?", asked a robotic tone voice coming from the drone.

"I show you, just follow me.", I replied.

"Understood", it understood.

I made my way toward the room I had yesterday tried jumping against the wall.

"Just put it anywhere in this room."

The drone put the packet near the wall, thankfully not the one I tried jumping against.

"I will now leave sir, please have a great time with your product."

"I will and thank you for helping."

"No problem sir."

I looked as the drone flew through the roof, seemingly unobstructed by the physical world.

I followed the drone's every movement and shook my head.

My gaze turned towards the packet, my mind still thinking about the drone.

The packet was pure white with the company's logo and some other text covering the outside. The packet was pretty big, I would say half my size, but not very high.

Opening the packet I saw a bag of dirt taking up half of the space, a pot taking up half of the remaining space, a small bag of what looked like seeds, a hologram, a lamp, and some other weird equipment in the remaining space.

I took the tablet and turned it on. Instantly, a warning notice appeared reminding me of its low power.

I ignored that warning, obviously.

The interface was pretty simple, just some buttons with words that I didn't know the meaning of.

I put it aside.

I looked at the box and took another weird device, it looked like a stationary antenna/satellite mix.It didn't have any buttons for me to press and then regret pressing, so I put it aside.

Other than that there were no interesting devices, just some pipettes, a scissor, a shovel, and some other things I didn't know what they were.

I took all devices to the WABL in the next room and started charging all those that could be charged.

Things that couldn't be charged were things like scissors and shovels.

I went back and took out the pot and placed it near a window. I struggled to hold the bag of soil for some time before I managed to carry it to the pot. I held it a bit into the pot and opened it.

Soil came rushing out filling the pot up in a mere second. I shook the bag a bit to get all soil out. 

Moving the bag aside, I saw a small piece of soil fall to the ground.

I stood still and fixated my eyes on the small piece of soil hoping that it would just disappear.

But, sadly the piece of soil remained, unmoved by my gaze.

I gently used my feet to move the piece of soil behind the pot. 

'If I can't see it, it doesn't exist.'

Flattening the soil, I took the bag of seeds and distributed them all in the soil equally.

I put a bit of soil on top of all the seeds so tah all are covered.

'I need Water.'

'But how am I supposed to bring it here? There are no things to carry water near me. I don't want to get a glass from the kitchen. It's to far away.'

'Guess I just use my hands.'

Halfway to the bathroom, I wondered, 'Maybe It would have been shorter to go to the kitchen.' Nonetheless, I walked towards the bathroom. There I opened the tap, letting the water flow in my hand, which I formed into a bowl shape.

When my hand-bowl was full I used my thump to close the tap, losing some water doing it.

With my gaze on my hand-bowl, I left the bathroom slowly making my way towards the now new plant room.

No matter how hard I pressed my palms against each other, some water would always escape it, dripping on the floor.

Realizing that, I started walking faster, this made the water splash around more, making me lose it even faster.

Time seemed to pass like a breeze yet drag on forever, but thankfully I could see the door to the plant room get nearer and nearer.

Entering the plant room, my steps became a lot firmer and stabler until I finally stood before the pot.

I looked at the pot and at the water in my hand that dripped down.

'I should have expected that.'

There was close to no water left in my hand. I barely have any left.

I opened my hand-bowl letting the pathetic amount of water fall onto the soil.

A disappointing amount of soil became wet.

I sighed.

'I should have just gone to the kitchen'

I turned around and walked towards the door. At the door, I suddenly bolted out the room, full-on sprinting. I drifted around each corner, almost falling or hitting the wall next to me.

I quickly arrived in the kitchen, my heart beating fast. I hastily took a 1-liter cup and filled it with water. Sadly, I couldn't run back into the plant room as the water would spill.

So I walked back slowly, wanting to run but restraining myself.

Wet socks.

We all hate them. They are the worst.

Sadly, those are the consequences I had to endure from spilling so much water when I used the hand-bowl method. Small puddles of water covered the entire floor of the way from the bathroom to the plant room.

But that didn't matter, right now I had to be careful to pour the water from my cup into the pot slowly, to not disturb the soil.

That wasn't so hard, as I looked proudly at the wet soil.

That being said, I was exhausted. Wetting soil is harder than expected, even though I was the one who made it so hard in the first place with my idiotic actions.

'I don't want to clean.' So I just sat down and leaned against the wall.

I took out my hologram and loaded a starting tutorial for the starting kit I had.

The video began with an unboxing. I skipped that and let the video play:

"That were all the things we get in this starter kit. Next up, set up the pot.

That's pretty straightforward. Just put the soil in the pot.

But before we can use the soil, we have to wash it. Coming from the lab, the soil has some chemicals that can be bad for the plants.

To wash the soil we just put it in a container and let it fill with water so that it overflows. We do that until the water is no longer yellow."

I turned off the hologram.

'I want to throw myself into traffic.'

I didn't wash the soil.
