
Master Druid in Hogwarts.

This is the story of a kitten that acquired druid spells from another world and the wizards mistook it for an animagus. If you want to support me and give me some motivation to continue translating this novel, you can do it through Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/inferno303 *I don't own the copyright of such fanfic nor the contents of the novel nor the Harry Potter book.

inferno303 · Filem
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793 Chs

Chapter 285: Rebellion against the mother (Edited)

Although the basilisk problem had been solved, Professor McGonagall stopped Fish, who wanted to run away while grabbing the basilisk, and began to warn the kitten.

In addition to insisting once again that the basilisk should not return to its original size outside, Professor McGonagall also warned Fish that he should not use the basilisk to intimidate or frighten others, and in doing so, the conversation turned to his usual bad habits and asked his to correct them as soon as possible....

Anyway, Fish had heard the same thing many times before, and the originally cheerful little cat gradually collapsed under Professor McGonagall's persistent voice.


The kitten listened to Professor McGonagall's talk with a puzzled look, feeling his brain swell as his mouth pouted and muttered silently and in sync with what Professor McGonagall was saying at the moment....

He's already memorized everything by heart!

After a few moments of chanting, Fish suddenly raised his hand, took the basilisk off his neck and ran with it to Newt Scamander's side.

"Grandfather Newt, first take care of Uroboros for me."

After handing the basilisk to the bewildered Newt, Fish turned and ran back to Professor McGonagall, raising both fists in the air and shouted earnestly, "Minerva! Fish wants to fight you nya!"


After successfully transforming into a black-footed cat, Fish had wanted to challenge Professor McGonagall, but it wasn't the right time, so he had put it off for a while, and then, with his birthday and the making of the contact lenses for Uroboros, he had postponed it.

After being scolded by Professor McGonagall, Fish remembered it again, and since the Chamber of Secrets was a good place to do it, the kitten came up with an idea and challenged Professor McGonagall.


Professor McGonagall's face contracted twice, knowing that her little cat was starting to reveal itself again.

So, she smiled and asked, "Oh? And what's your condition this time?"

It was customary for Fish to propose a condition for victory before a challenge ... though he hadn't succeeded even once, but that didn't stop the kitten from fantasizing about it.

Consequently, Professor McGonagall would also make a request to Fish as punishment for failing the challenge.

Over the years, Professor McGonagall has used this model to rid Fish of his bad habits and to monitor the kitten's progress, so she doesn't mind Fish challenging her...

Of course, that she doesn't mind is not at odds with her being angry about it.



Fish scratched his head and frowned, distressed.

He had just suddenly remembered that he could turn into a black-legged cat, which was the reason he had challenged Professor McGonagall, and the reason for the challenge....

"Fish hasn't thought about it yet nya..."


Professor McGonagall rolled her eyes wordlessly, this kind of situation has happened before, and with Fish's temper, there were many such cases.

So, she made her request first.

"If you lose again this time, you must not deduct more than one hundred House points next term, and if you do, you must find a way to get them back," Professor McGonagall said after a moment's consideration, although this year Dumbledore had given Fish two hundred points at the end of the term, and the actual points deducted were probably less than fifty, but she had relaxed the condition a bit.

We can't have a Voldemort or Voldemort's Horcrux every year ...

If that were the case, she and Dumbledore would be delighted to be handed a Horcrux, even if it was a bit dangerous.

"Fish isn't going to lose nya!"


The kitten replied first with a growl,

Then he also presented his own conditions: "If Fish wins, you won't whip Fish again, Minerva! And... you will continue to drink the Multijuice Potion that Fish prepared for you next term nya."

The Cat suddenly remembered how furious Professor McGonagall was when she turned into a lion-person, so he added an offhand comment.

After he said that, he regretted it...

Because the expression on Professor McGonagall's face suddenly became suddenly terrifying.


Fish frowned slightly and stiffened his neck again.

Not only was he going to turn Professor McGonagall into a lion, but he was going to use all the animal hair Dumbledore had given his!

"Hehehe... Alright, I promise!"

Professor McGonagall grimaced, gritting her teeth as she agreed.

Beside her, Dumbledore tugged on Newt's arm and stepped back a good distance.

"Professor Dumbledore, what will they do?"

Newt didn't bother to study the basilisk in his hands at the moment, but instead looked at the mother and son McGonagall facing each other in front of the Slytherin statue, completely confused about what was going on now.

"Oh well, just stay with me and watch the fun, Fish will definitely surprise you."

Dumbledore stroked his silver and white beard, watching with amusement.

Newt, who didn't know why, had no choice but to stand beside him, a little curious about the upcoming development.

After all, in normal wizarding circles, the difference between a second-year wizard and a full Hogwarts professor was too great to see anything exciting.

At Newt Scamander's puzzled look, Fish pulled out his wand and turned the nearby debris into a lynx, a snow leopard, a caracal, and other medium and large felines that pounced on Professor McGonagall.

This movement alone startled Newt.

Not to mention the second year, when he was expelled from Hogwarts in fifth year, his mastery of transfiguration was far inferior to Fish's. This level of transfiguration, at least, he gained only after being transferred to the Beast Office at the Ministry of Magic.

And after Fish cast the Protego Charm on himself, he quickly turned into a big tabby cat over half a meter long and ran towards Professor McGonagall along with other big cats.

This time Newt wasn't surprised, he already knew Fish was a natural Animagus, the only thing that surprised him was that... the cat Fish turned into was too big, right?


Professor McGonagall, who had been prepared for this, snorted and used the same transfiguration trick to snatch the group of big cats created by Fish, but to her surprise, she couldn't control the ones closest to Fish. It seemed that the transfiguration had improved quite a bit during this period of time.

Professor McGonagall nodded in satisfaction and did not continue trying to control the big cats, but instead controlled the others and they turned around to pounce on Fish. Although a small group of big cats could not turn the tide of the battle.

Instead of speeding towards Professor McGonagall, as he had done last time, Fish brought his few remaining "minions" to fight with the group of "traitors", fur of various colors flew all over the place, and cats were heard howling and leopards howling, one after another.

However, after a chaotic battle, Fish finally broke away from the battle group, slapped two lynxes blocking the way, and ran towards Professor McGonagall.


Professor McGonagall raised her eyebrows, somewhat surprised.

The reason was that so far, besides those few big cats that weren't easy to control, Fish hadn't shown any new tricks, which wasn't quite in line with the little cat's character.

Although she still had some doubts, Professor McGonagall didn't hesitate, blocking the cat's path with Stun Charm and Petrify Charm, while casting Protego Charm and Supersensitivity Charm on her.

After dodging a few spells, the cat was hit head-on by a Stun Charm, and the red light hit the cat's head, knocking it down.

At the same time, a small black figure the size of a palm jumped out from underneath the large tabby cat at a faster speed, pouncing on Professor McGonagall like an arrow freshly shot from a bow.

