
Chapter 286: In Conflict (Edited)

This little black shadow is, of course, the real Fish.

While the big cats were fighting, Fish took the opportunity to secretly change into his black-footed cat form and transformed big cat near him into a tiger-spotted cat like himself, and then slapped him with [Leopard Swiftness], successfully fooling Professor McGonagall.

The black-footed cat, of course, took Professor McGonagall by surprise, and when she reacted, Fish, transformed into a black-footed cat, was nearby.




Professor McGonagall's serene face finally showed a hint of panic as she raised her wand and cast several spells at Fish, while she herself backed away quickly, trying to distance herself from him.

She remembered that Fish still had the Protego Charm, and a hastily fired spell wouldn't have much effect even if it hit him, so Professor McGonagall was only trying to slow Fish down and increase the distance.

After all, the kitten's melee ability is not common, even Acromantulas and Basilisk are no match, Professor McGonagall does not plan to experience Fish's claws herself.

However, the black-footed cat's size gave it an advantage when it came to avoiding spells, and since Professor McGonagall was a bit upset, the spells were so far off target that Fish was able to dodge them all with a few twists.

Only the small birds created by the Bird Summoning Charm managed to get in Fish's way, but they were soon slapped away by the kitten's paws.

Just as Professor McGonagall raised her hand to cast another spell, Fish swooped in front of her, and a cute little black cat paw slapped Professor McGonagall with lightning speed... destroying the Protego Charm on her body.

The opponent was Professor McGonagall, so the kitten wouldn't use its full strength, and its sharp claws shrank into the pads, but Fish knew that Professor McGonagall also had the Protego Charm attached to her, so a [Ant Power] spell was cast.


With a thud, Professor McGonagall stumbled and stumbled back two steps before Fish's black, cute paws, then fell backwards to the ground.


?(=`? ′=)?

Fish let out a cry of joy.

It was the first time he had attacked Professor McGonagall in over eighty challenges!

But Fish didn't forget to capitalize on his success, as he hit the ground with his paws and cast a [Soft Stone Spell] at the ground where Professor McGonagall was standing.

With this, Professor McGonagall, who fell to the ground, immediately sank to the ground and was unable to get up for a while.

At the same time, Fish stepped on the ground and leapt into the air, pouncing on Professor McGonagall, who was pinned to the ground.

With victory in sight, the kitten had no intention of hiding any more cards - the most important thing now was to defeat Minerva!

Then, Professor McGonagall and the others watched as the little black-footed cat leapt into the air, its body rapidly expanding and, in an instant, it became a meter-long leopard with cloud-like markings and huge claws....

Though its limbs were a bit short.


?(=`? ′=)?

Fish's main target was the wand in Professor McGonagall's hand, as long as he would swat away the small wooden stick in her hand, then Professor McGonagall's threat would be greatly reduced, In this way, he would definitely win!

The cat's series of actions, not to mention Newt, even Dumbledore and Professor McGonagall were surprised.

They did not know that Fish could turn into a clouded leopard.

One could only say that the kitten hid it very well.

Surprised as she was, Professor McGonagall wasn't going to just sit there and wait for defeat, with Fish still with the Protego Charm and herself trapped on the ground,

At this point, using a spell on the kitten jumping at her wasn't going to help the situation.

So Professor McGonagall pointed her wand at the big felines heading this way....


Fish, in clouded leopard form, felt a flash of light before his eyes, and Professor McGonagall sinking to the ground suddenly turned into a wooden caracal, which transformed back into a rock as it landed hard on top of her.

Fish looked back and saw that Professor McGonagall had appeared in the midst of the cats of which she had taken control and was being guarded by them.

Change Enchantment was a form of transfiguration, which simply meant that two things could be changed.

As with most transfiguration spells, it is relatively easy to switch between dead things, but the difficulty increases exponentially when dealing with living things, not to mention the fact that one of the objects is the wizard himself.

Even Professor McGonagall, who is a master of transfiguration, went to great lengths to practice this trick.

It was one of the few ways to move short distances at Hogwarts, where 'Apparition'... was not possible. It was one of Professor McGonagall's best tricks, but she had never expected Fish to force her to use it so soon.

Having lengthened the distance between her and Fish, a somewhat embarrassed Professor McGonagall no longer holding back, peppered the still confused kitten with spells and Transfiguration Charms.

And Fish had no intention of giving up so easily, he kept alternating between human form, black-footed cat form and clouded leopard form, struggling to resist Professor McGonagall's onslaught.

Even all the moves Fish had been hiding were forced out, except for [Elves' Fire]and [Roots Entanglement] which were ineffective due to the terrain....

Newt and Dumbledore, who were watching the battle, were amazed.

On the other hand, Professor McGonagall became more and more surprised as she fought more and more, as Fish's fighting power exceeded her expectations. The black-footed cat's size and speed made short work of most of her spells, and even the occasional concentrated ones were largely resisted by Fish's Protego Charm.

In his clouded leopard form, Fish's power rose even higher, and the sheer number of animals transformed by Professor McGonagall has a slight tendency to overwhelm him.

However, the group fighting tactic was too much for Fish's melee style, and although he was not suppressed as in the past, it still had him pinned down.

Also, with no plants in the Chamber of Secrets, Fish was left without his [Root Entanglement] spell, and after fighting for so long, and having to switch to black-footed cat form to avoid the spell, he was so hungry that he reluctantly conceded defeat.

"Damn it, I've lost again nya!".


The kitten sat on the floor angrily, pulled a bag of snacks out of his magic bag and stuffed them into his mouth.

Professor McGonagall, meanwhile, rushed to Fish's side and tugged on his cat ears.

"Rascal, when did you learn to turn into a clouded leopard?"

Professor McGonagall had read the book "Cats of the World" with Fish, so she would recognize him.



Fish wiggled his ears and answered truthfully, "In first year, when Fish was fighting those big spiders in the Forbidden Forest, he suddenly turned into a clouded leopard nya."

At that moment, the kitten wrinkled its nose and licked the leftover food from its fingers with a resentful look.

"Originally, Fish wanted to hide this move to defeat Minerva, but it still failed nya!"

Professor McGonagall slapped the little rascal on the head, but she was a little worried... Fish's strength was growing so fast that she wasn't sure if she could beat the kitten next time...

Maybe next time she'd have to drink the Multijuice Potion, right?

Professor McGonagall was conflicted, she wasn't going to go back on her word, after all, if she did, it would obviously be bad for Fish's education, but to have a mane on her head for the entire school year....

I can't seem to relax, I have to think of some ways to deal with the kitten.

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