
Maryama (dropped)

When the Avengers found Maryama on a mission they knew they had to take her in. After joining their forces she fights alongside them until a terrible accident kills off many of the team. She is stressed and accidentally tears down the whole mansion. Will she stay on the team or will the pressure be too much? This is a fanfiction taking place in a different Marvel universe where the hero's identities are kept secret (Thor being an exception). There is no Thanos in this universe but a different villain did kill Loki prior to the events of this story. Being a Marvel fanfic some people do die but nothing gory.

Genderfluidcat37 · Filem
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11 Chs

Chapter 2

"Everyone please come to the living room for a meeting." a robotic voice called causing me to jump yet again

I quickly changed into a yellow crop top and shorts before heading out of my room. I found myself on a second-story balcony with what I assumed was the living room in front of me. Many people were sitting there mostly male. I saw Peter sitting alone and I went and sat next to him.

"Hey," he said

"Hi. Do you know what's happening?"

"I think it's for you."

"Look she's finally arrived." I heard a loud voice belonging to someone with long blonde hair drinking a bottle of who knows what.

"Thor," Peter whispered to me "He's usually drunk these days since the passing of his brother, Loki."

I nodded after the death of Loki no one had seen or heard from Thor. This must've been where he was hiding out. I saw a man I could only assume was Tony walking up to me. He motioned for me to join him at the front of the room and Peter gave me a small thumbs up.

"I'm sure many of you remember our last mission when we found her." Tony gestured to me "I'm going to let her introduce herself to you all."

"Hi." I waved shyly "My name is Maryama but you can call me Mary. I come from here on Earth but both my parents come from Asgard. I'm sure you all saw my powers I can manipulate electricity as well as mind control which I'm not very good at yet."

I saw only two other women in the group. One in all red with long red hair was smiling kindly at me. The other in all black with short red hair was looking me up and down as if deciding if I was worthy of a spot on the team.

"You can all speak to her if you would like but keep in mind she's still recovering." Tony finished "That's all"

They all got up and many of them headed to me. Enclosing me in a circle. The girl in red was the first to get to me and began speaking to me.

"I'm Wanda Maximoff aka Scarlet Witch." She said "Nice to meet you."

The other girl walked up to me "Natasha Romanova. There's only four girls on the team so we've got to stick together."

"Where's the fourth?" I asked glancing around for any sign of her

"She doesn't live here." Answered Wanda "You might see her around from time to time but mostly she only comes for missions."

Seeing I was ignoring them the crowd had dispersed and it appeared everyone had gone back to their rooms.

"Thanks. I've never really had any friends before. Everyone usually avoids me because I'm different."

"Of course, everyone here is different. It's why we make such a great team." Natasha told me

"I'm going to head to bed now. Thanks again."

I headed back to my room and turned on some music quietly to help me sleep and was out in minutes.