
Maryama (dropped)

When the Avengers found Maryama on a mission they knew they had to take her in. After joining their forces she fights alongside them until a terrible accident kills off many of the team. She is stressed and accidentally tears down the whole mansion. Will she stay on the team or will the pressure be too much? This is a fanfiction taking place in a different Marvel universe where the hero's identities are kept secret (Thor being an exception). There is no Thanos in this universe but a different villain did kill Loki prior to the events of this story. Being a Marvel fanfic some people do die but nothing gory.

Genderfluidcat37 · Movies
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11 Chs

Chapter 3

A lightning bolt hit our house and the lights flickered. I sat by myself in a corner rocking back and forth. I was only 8 and this was my first time ever using my powers although it was unintentional. The electricity radiated around me but it never touched me. My sister was in the other corner trying to do anything she could but her water powers weren't very useful in this situation.

"Calm down Ama." I heard her voice say in my head "Imagine the electricity as if it's a dog. Command the dog to stop."

I tried her method. In my head, I pictured a cute little puppy chewing on a shoe

"Stop," I told the puppy firmly. It however ignored me "Stop." I said again "Please stop."

The puppy didn't stop it tore at the shoe until it was in shreds. My sister ran up to me as the house crumbled around us but my shield of electricity shocked her and pushed her away. Another blast of lightning shot in front of me causing me to wake although I knew what happened next. My parents died leaving me and my sister alone. We fended for ourselves until recently. Now I'm even more alone than before. I had settled on that thought when I opened my eyes and remembered yesterday's events. I knew someone was probably watching me through the camera. I sent a slight bolt towards it and I was comforted knowing it was gone. I got dressed and headed out the door to train.