
Marvel: The Death Surgeon

A man died at the age of 26 due to cancer. He was filled with regret as he had not done anything substantial in his life. It was just boring. He wished he would get a chance to reincarnate and he did get a chance to reincarnate in the Marvel world. At first he was terrified but then he became excited as though about a thrilling life in the Marvel world. God gave him two template system of two characters from different worlds -Urahara Kisuke from bleach and Trafalgar Law from the world of one piece. This began the journey of Law Cromwell as the Death Surgeon in the Marvel universe. Disclaimer Everything belongs to marvel except my OC. Nothing is owned by me. It's just a fanfiction. If you can please support me on pat*reon. Link> http://pat*reon.com/Charizard6 No star in the link

Charizard6 · Filem
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97 Chs

Chapter 73: Law frustrates Apocalypse

Seeing a man teleport near him, Apocalypse was alerted. He stopped trying to take control of Charles's mind and focused on Law.

"Who are you?"

"Hey, big blue guy! You can call me Mr. Surgeon. Are we chilling in the desert? How did you get that blue tan anyways?" Law curiously asked

"Who dares to mock the mighty Apocalypse? I am En Sabah Nur, the one true ruler," Apocalypse did not understand the joke as he angrily observed Law.

"I can sense that you are quite strong. You must be a mutant just like me. How can you let these inferior humans rule the world? Join me, mutant, and together we shall reshape the world!" Apocalypse arrogantly said.

"Oh, En Sabah Nur, is that your mutant name or just your karaoke stage name? Because, trust me, the world doesn't need a reshape, it needs a fashion makeover."

"You insolent fool! I am Apocalypse, the first and most powerful mutant. Who are you to defy me?"

"Are you deaf? I remember telling you my name. Call me Mr.Surgeon – the mutant with a better sense of humor than a sense of world domination. Apocalypse, you should try stand-up comedy instead of world-ending plots. Your speeches are killing the mood."

"You underestimate my power, Law. Join me, and I shall grant you unimaginable strength."

"Unimaginable strength? Can you grant me unimaginable pizza toppings instead? That would be a game-changer. Would you include Pineapple as a topping? I am kinda pineapple on pizza kinda guy."

"You jest in the face of your potential ruler!"

"Hey, Apocalypse, ever consider a career change? How about Mutant Matchmaker? I heard there's a vacancy."

"Enough! I demand to know the extent of your powers."

"My power? It's the ability to turn serious situations into a comedy show. Call it "Stand-up Mutancy." You might need a laugh after all that doom and gloom."

"You are a peculiar mutant. Perhaps there is more to you than meets the eye."

"Oh, definitely. I've got layers, like mutant onions. But sorry, Apocalypse, I'm not joining your evil army. I'm more of a solo act. Good luck with the world domination thing, though – I hear it's a tough market."

"I see great potential in you. I will give you another chance mutant. Join me, I offer you power beyond imagination. Embrace your mutant abilities and stand by my side!"

"Power? I am already very powerful. Power is my middle name."

"Your humor is irrelevant. The strong survive, and I am the strongest."

"Strongest? Ever heard of a little thing called a knock-knock joke? Strength doesn't help when you're cracking under pressure."

"Your insolence will not be tolerated!"

"Insolence? Sounds like someone missed their naptime. Maybe that's why you're always so cranky."

"You mock me, but soon you will kneel before my might!"

"Kneel? I can barely touch my toes. Maybe I'll consider it if you throw in a yoga instructor as part of the deal."

"Enough of this nonsense! Will you join me or face the consequences?"

"Consequences? I once ate a whole pizza by myself. Your threats don't scare me, Apocalypse. Nice helmet, by the way. Did it come with a two-for-one discount at the villain supply store?"

"WILL YOU TWO SHUT UP? MY HEAD ALREADY HURTS? JUST KILL ME ALREADY I CAN'T BEAR THIS ANYMORE!" Charles who was lying beside Apocalypse shouted as he was frustrated by the neverending conversation between the two.

"Hey Charles, it's good to see you too buddy." Law waved at him.

"You are correct, it's time for someone to die." Apocalypse said while glaring at Law. He felt his brain fried while he talked with this peculiar mutant. He did not voice his thoughts as he was pretty sure the mutant would make fun of his brain if he said something like that.

The four horsemen Magneto, Pyro, Angel, and Psylocke appeared in front of Apocalypse along with the rest of the brotherhood that was being mind-controlled.

"Oh, So you have your Mutant army? Well, Sadly for you, I have my own army." Law said as portals appeared around him from which the sentinels came out along with Emma and Gambit who too wanted to take part in this fight.

Before he started the fight, he asked his Sentinel with mind-reading powers and Emma to find out about the mutants being controlled, especially their goals and personalities.

He found some disturbing information. Most of these mutants had destructive tendencies. They wanted to become kings with their mutant power and that's why some of them were not even controlled by Apocalypse. They willingly joined his army.

Law now had to make a choice whether he should kill the mutants or not. He knew they would become a pain in the ass in the future and that included even Magneto who hated discrimination of his race and wanted to establish a new order.

Emma could not read Magneto's memories thanks to the helmet but Law was keeping an eye on him and knew about Magneto's plan to deal with him and then to become the Law himself.

Law was not some DC Batman that did not kill people and only jailed them only for them to escape and kill more people.

Law had watched enough anime (MHA), movies and read fiction novels, and above all he had seen in real life that throwing bloodthirsty maniacs does not change them after they leave the jail. They would continue to misuse their 'superpower' as they wish.

Law knew that he was being a hypocrite as he himself misused his power but he knew that what he did was because the world needed stability.

Without Stability on Earth, They would not be able to handle future threats. He would always be the one that had to deal with such threats. This universe was a mess, to begin with. There was no Jean-the Phoneix, no Rogue, and many other mutants in this universe and the timeline was fucked up too.

Law justified his killing by telling himself that it was for stability.

He killed Trask because Sentinels were a threat to the entire humanity if someone like Ultron managed to take control of them.

He killed Stryker because he was experimenting on mutants and creating his own mutant army for power which was Kinda the same as what Law did. But he did not kidnap innocent mutant kids for this nor did he experiment on living mutants.

He killed goons in the Hells Kitchen because they had already killed people and were going to keep on killing after they got bailed out of jail.

Yes, some might turn to better people. But that would be rare. Law preferred killing a person now than letting the person kill 100 people in the future and then kill him.

He understood that he was no judge but sometimes in a world with magic, powers, and extraordinary tech, you don't need a regular jury to judge people. You have to become the executioner yourself. And he would be the Soul Reaper in this universe whether humans, Mutants, Gods, and Celestials like it or not.

"Kill the ones that are going to be a problem in the future." Law ordered as the sentinel with mind-reading powers told everyone which mutants were to be killed or not.


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