
Marvel: The Dark Spider

Leo Vargas, a young man who experienced the tragic loss of his parents at a tender age, finds himself entangled in a series of unfortunate events. Fate has a unique plan for Leo, as he is chosen to be the successor to the legendary Spider-Man. However, a devastating tragedy strikes, altering the course of his life forever. Unable to cope with the weight of his grief, Leo adopts a new identity as a masked vigilante, taking justice into his own hands. Embracing the darkness within, he becomes known as the Dark Spider, a mysterious figure who strikes fear into the hearts of criminals. *Original Character

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42 Chs

The New Masked Vigilante

The rain poured relentlessly, adding to the somber atmosphere at the funeral. The dark clouds hung low, mirroring the heavy hearts of those in attendance. People huddled under umbrellas, seeking shelter from the downpour as they paid their final respects to Grace, Leo's beloved sister. Each person approached the grave, offered their condolences, and silently departed, leaving Leo standing alone in the midst of the rain-soaked cemetery.

As Leo stood there, the weight of grief pressing upon him, Miles approached, his voice filled with genuine sorrow. "Leo, I'm so sorry. If only there was something I could have done to help her..."

Leo turned his tear-stained face towards Miles, his voice strained with emotion. "Miles, it's not your fault. None of this is. You can't blame yourself for what happened."

Miles nodded, understanding but still struggling with guilt. "I know, Leo. But it's hard not to feel responsible. Grace was kind to me, and I wish I could have protected her."

Leo placed a hand on Miles' shoulder, offering a small semblance of comfort. "We all wish we could have protected her, but it was beyond our control. Let's remember her for the joy she brought into our lives."

After a moment of shared mourning, Miles took his leave, knowing that Leo needed time alone to process his grief. As the crowd dispersed, Peter approached Leo, a mixture of sorrow and regret etched on his face.

"I'm sorry, Leo. I couldn't save her in time," Peter whispered, his voice choked with emotion.

Leo's grief-stricken eyes met Peter's, his voice filled with anguish. "Peter, it wasn't your fault either. If only I hadn't returned to the shelter... If only I hadn't put Grace in danger, she would still be here."

Peter's heart sank, understanding the weight of Leo's self-blame. "Leo, you can't blame yourself for what the Goblin did. This isn't the right path to go down."

Leo's gaze turned cold as he glared at Peter, his tone stern and resolute. "The training sessions, the dream of becoming a hero... I'm done with all of it. From now on, I don't want to see you or anyone from F.E.A.S.T again. Your faces only remind me of what I've lost."

Peter felt a surge of worry for his friend. "Leo, please. Don't bear this burden alone. Reach out to someone, anyone. We're here for you."

But instead of heeding Peter's advice, Leo gave him a cold stare, his voice laced with finality. "No, Peter. From tomorrow onwards, don't interfere anymore. I don't want to return to F.E.A.S.T or see any of you again. Your presence only exacerbates the pain of losing Grace."

Leo turned away, his footsteps heavy as he walked away, leaving Peter standing alone beside Grace's grave. Peter watched him go, his heart heavy with concern. Leo's isolation and despair worried him deeply, but he knew that Leo had made up his mind. There was nothing he could say that would change it.

Before Leo disappeared into the distance, Peter spoke up, his voice carrying a touch of desperation. "Leo, please remember, 'With great power comes great responsibility.' Don't lose sight of that."

Leo paused for a moment, his back still turned towards Peter. He looked over his shoulder, his eyes filled with pain and bitterness. "No, Peter... It doesn't."

With those haunting words, Leo continued on his path, leaving Peter alone with Grace's tombstone. Peter stared at the cold stone, feeling a deep sense of loss and helplessness. He whispered to Grace, his voice barely audible over the rain, "I won't give up on him, Grace. I'll find a way to save your brother, no matter what."

Days turned into weeks, and weeks turned into months, each passing day carrying the weight of Leo's grief and despair. Inside his apartment, darkness reigned, mirroring the state of his soul. The once vibrant space was now shrouded in shadows, littered with empty beer bottles and neglect. Leo had become a recluse, a prisoner to his own sorrow.

He lay slouched on the couch, his body drained of energy, while his phone displayed countless unread voicemails from Peter, May, and Miles. Their concerned messages went unanswered, as Leo found solace in drowning his sorrows in alcohol. He reached for another beer from the fridge, his hands trembling with the weight of his pain.

As Leo mindlessly flipped through television channels, his eyes caught the familiar name on the screen: Wilson Fisk. The mention of Fisk ignited a flame within Leo, awakening a deep-seated anger and the realization that he had wasted precious time.

"Damn it!" Leo growled, his face contorted with fury. "I should have done this long ago. Revenge... it's the only thing left for me now."

Driven by his newfound determination, Leo gathered the remaining shreds of his dwindling finances and made his way to the hardware store. He selected a jumpsuit, ropes, gloves, spray cans, and a Spider-Man Halloween mask. As he approached the counter, the cashier's suspicious gaze met his purchases, raising an eyebrow.

Giving a half-hearted smile, Leo muttered, "It's for my nephew's school project. You know how kids are these days."

With his makeshift excuse accepted, Leo returned home, his mind focused on crafting his own suit. He meticulously cut and sewed, transforming the jumpsuit into a unique ensemble. The hoodie, worn on the outside, bore the mark of a spider, while the Spider-Man mask underwent a crude black spray paint job. Leo stood before the mirror, his reflection a distorted image of the hero he once aspired to be.

Ready to embark on his mission of revenge, Leo's determination wavered momentarily when a cacophony of police sirens blared in the distance. Curiosity sparked within him, and he decided to investigate the source of the commotion. Perhaps in witnessing the events unfold, he could repay society for the kindness once shown to him by Tony.