
Marvel: The Dark Spider

Leo Vargas, a young man who experienced the tragic loss of his parents at a tender age, finds himself entangled in a series of unfortunate events. Fate has a unique plan for Leo, as he is chosen to be the successor to the legendary Spider-Man. However, a devastating tragedy strikes, altering the course of his life forever. Unable to cope with the weight of his grief, Leo adopts a new identity as a masked vigilante, taking justice into his own hands. Embracing the darkness within, he becomes known as the Dark Spider, a mysterious figure who strikes fear into the hearts of criminals. *Original Character

IRIS01 · Anime & Comics
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42 Chs

A Familiar Face

Leo followed the sound of sirens, his steps shadowed by the night. When he arrived at the scene, chaos enveloped the air. Gunshots echoed through the night as law enforcement engaged in a fierce battle with a group of armed thugs.

As the gunfight between the law enforcement and the thugs raged on, Leo found himself unable to directly join the fray. However, he wasn't about to let that stop him from making a difference. With agility and stealth, he skillfully maneuvered his way to the backside of the thugs, silently taking them down one by one.

It was during this process that Leo realized the true nature of the thugs' intentions—they were attempting to rob a warehouse. The realization fueled Leo's determination even further, knowing that he couldn't allow such criminal activities to go unpunished.

With his plan crystallizing in his mind, Leo stealthily climbed the walls of the warehouse, moving with the grace of a predator closing in on its prey. From his vantage point, he surveyed the scene, observing the thugs as they busied themselves with their illicit activities.

Among the thugs, Leo spotted one who seemed to be separated from the others, perhaps acting as a lookout. Without hesitation, unlike Spider-Man's usual approach, Leo decided to eliminate the threat with a lethal method. He swiftly closed the distance between himself and the thug, using his arms to strangle the criminal until he lost consciousness. But instead of letting go and leaving him alive, Leo went further, finishing the thug off by snapping his neck, ensuring he would never pose a threat again.

Feeling the weight of the situation, Leo made a quick decision. He retrieved the thug's gun and knife, recognizing their potential usefulness in the upcoming confrontation. Determined to protect innocent lives and bring justice to those who deserved it, he silently moved through the warehouse, dispatching the remaining thugs one after another.

In this dark and perilous moment, Leo made the difficult choice to kill rather than subdue his adversaries. Each thug fell under his deadly precision, as he recognized that simply leaving them unconscious would not be enough to put an end to their criminal activities. It was a decision he wrestled with internally, fully aware of the moral implications and the line he was crossing.

As he moved through the shadows, the warehouse became a graveyard of fallen criminals, their lifeless bodies a testament to the grim reality Leo now found himself immersed in.

Meanwhile, at the forefront, the remaining thugs ranted in confusion, their frustration building as they wondered why their comrades hadn't completed the job and made their escape.

As they continued their heated exchange, Spider-Man swung onto the scene, gracefully landing amidst the turmoil. His presence was accompanied by a sarcastic remark, his voice laced with biting wit. "Well, well, what do we have here? The bumbling bunch who couldn't even finish a simple robbery? I must say, your incompetence is truly impressive."

The thugs, already on edge, panicked at the sight of Spider-Man. Determined to eliminate the perceived threat, they aimed their guns, ready to open fire. But before they could pull the trigger, their weapons were swiftly disarmed, taken from their hands with incredible speed and precision.

Spider-Man's agile movements allowed him to swiftly incapacitate the thugs, using his web to immobilize them. He swung through the air, incapacitating some and leaving others in a tangled mess of webs. The criminals, now helpless, could only watch in disbelief as their nemesis toyed with them.

Meanwhile, an officer approached Spider-Man, grateful for the assistance. "Spider-Man, there might be more of them inside the warehouse. Be careful."

Spider-Man tilted his head, a sarcastic smirk playing on his lips. "Oh, really? More thugs? I never would've guessed." With a casual wave of his hand, he sauntered towards the warehouse, ready to confront the remaining criminals.

As Spider-Man climbed the walls of the warehouse, his senses heightened, scanning the area for any signs of movement. He stealthily made his way around, peering through windows and vents, only to realize that the warehouse was empty. Confusion crept over him as he dropped to the floor, his eyes falling upon the lifeless body of one of the thugs.

He crouched down, examining the scene with a mix of curiosity and concern. It was clear that someone had been here before him, dealing with the criminals in a brutal and decisive manner. Spider-Man's gaze shifted, catching a glimpse of a figure in the distance, dressed in a dark suit. The black-clad individual seemed poised to make his escape, ready to leap onto the rooftop.

Acting on instinct, Peter couldn't ignore the presence of this mysterious figure. He hollered out, his voice filled with urgency, "Hey! Wait! What are you doing here?"

The figure halted in his tracks, slowly turning towards Peter's direction. Recognition flickered in his eyes as he realized it was Peter beneath the mask. Though their face remained concealed, only Leo knew who stood before him. There was a brief moment of silence as their eyes met, a hidden connection forged through shared experiences.

Leo's voice resonated through the air, a blend of greeting and farewell. "Peter... Good to see you. Also goodbye…" And with that, he disappeared into the darkness, leaving Peter with more questions than answers.

Peter's heart pounded in his chest as he sprinted after the fleeing figure, hoping to catch a glimpse of who this masked vigilante truly was. But he was too late. Leo had vanished into a hidden corner, melting away like a shadow. Peter stood there, his mind racing, sensing that there was something familiar about the enigmatic figure.

"He knew me," Peter murmured to himself, his voice laced with a mixture of confusion and determination. "Whoever he is, he knows me. And I'm going to find out who he really is."

With a renewed sense of purpose, Peter's mind raced with possibilities and theories. He couldn't shake the feeling that this encounter held significant meaning, and he vowed to uncover the truth behind the black-clad figure who seemed so intimately familiar. The journey ahead would be filled with uncertainty, but Peter was determined to unravel the mystery and bring his friend back from the darkness that threatened to consume him.