
Marvel: The Dark Spider

Leo Vargas, a young man who experienced the tragic loss of his parents at a tender age, finds himself entangled in a series of unfortunate events. Fate has a unique plan for Leo, as he is chosen to be the successor to the legendary Spider-Man. However, a devastating tragedy strikes, altering the course of his life forever. Unable to cope with the weight of his grief, Leo adopts a new identity as a masked vigilante, taking justice into his own hands. Embracing the darkness within, he becomes known as the Dark Spider, a mysterious figure who strikes fear into the hearts of criminals. *Original Character

IRIS01 · Anime & Comics
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42 Chs

A Tragic Befallen

The debris shelter was now covered in debris and dust, with three figures coughing and struggling to breathe. Leo, Miles, and Grace found themselves amidst the chaos, surrounded by fallen walls and shattered furniture. The air was thick with tension and fear.

Leo surveyed their surroundings, his heart sinking at the sight of the destruction. He knew they needed to act quickly to ensure everyone's safety. Without wasting a moment, Leo turned to Miles and Grace, determination in his eyes.

"Miles, Grace, we need to get everyone out of here now," Leo ordered, his voice filled with urgency. "Take the locals and lead them to safety. I'll go and find Aunt May."

Miles and Grace nodded, understanding the gravity of the situation. They quickly rushed to the locals, guiding them out of the building one after another. Leo's words had ignited a sense of purpose within them, and they were determined to ensure the safety of everyone.

Not long after, the police officers also joined in, assisting in the evacuation. They ushered the locals out of the building, their training kicking in to maintain order and protect the vulnerable.

Meanwhile, Peter continued to struggle with the Goblin. He had taken a severe beating, thrown around like a ragdoll by the relentless attacks of his formidable foe. Yet, he refused to give up, defending the shelter with all his might.

Blows rained down on Peter as he was hurled left and right, up and down. The Green Goblin seemed to know his every move, striking him with precise and calculated strikes. Peter's Spider-Sense, though enhanced, struggled to keep up with the Goblin's teleportation and swift attacks.

While Peter fought to buy time and protect the shelter, Leo navigated through the debris, making his way towards May Parker's location. The debris littered the hallway, collapsing from above and obstructing his path. However, Leo's newfound ability allowed him to parkour across the debris, displaying agility and strength beyond his previous capabilities.

Finally, Leo reached May's office, only to find her trapped by a large piece of debris. With determination in his eyes, Leo summoned his strength and pushed the heavy debris aside, clearing a path to her. Though it was a strenuous effort, Leo successfully freed May and escorted her to safety.

But their respite was short-lived. The Green Goblin, wicked and relentless, laid his eyes on Leo. Without hesitation, he rushed toward him on his glider, knocking Leo away from May. Leo shouted to May, instructing her to run to safety while he dealt with the Goblin.

The Goblin wickedly greeted Leo, a malevolent grin spreading across his face. Leo couldn't help but feel a surge of fear course through him as he faced the terrifying villain.

"Why are you doing this?" Leo asked, his voice laced with concern. "What do you want from us?"

The Goblin laughed, a chilling sound that sent shivers down Leo's spine. "Oh, Leo, my dear, you are far more important than you realize. I have plans for you, plans that will change everything."

Before Leo could respond, the Goblin lunged at him, ready to strike. However, Leo acted swiftly, tapping the web-shooter that Peter had given him during their training. He managed to web the Goblin's face, temporarily blinding him and buying Leo some time.

Taking advantage of the situation, Leo webbed away while the Goblin crashed into one of the walls, momentarily disoriented. However, the Goblin quickly recovered, crashing through the wall and continuing his pursuit of Leo, determined to fulfill his sinister objectives.

Leo dashed through the shelter, battered and bruised, with Peter joining the fray, urging Leo to run as fast as he could while he tried to hold off the Goblin and create an escape path. They exchanged quick words amid the chaos.

"Leo, you have to go! I can handle the Goblin," Peter insisted, his voice filled with urgency.

"No, I won't leave you alone! We can fight him together," Leo replied, determination etched on his face.

Leo persisted, refusing to abandon the fight. He wanted to prove that he could contribute to the battle against the Goblin. Determined to swing away like Peter, Leo tapped the web-shooter, only to discover that the cartridge was empty. He couldn't web anymore.

Peter shook his head, realizing the danger they faced. He picked Leo up and carried him to the entrance of the shelter, urging him to run.

"Listen to me, Leo. You have to get out of here. You can't fight him now. Run, and I'll join you after dealing with the Goblin," Peter said firmly.

Reluctantly, Leo accepted Peter's plea, knowing that his own safety was crucial at that moment. Peter webbed away, joining the clash with the Goblin, leaving Leo standing at the entrance of the shelter, torn between the need to escape and the desire to help.

As Leo hesitated, a sense of foreboding washed over him. Something within him sensed danger, not for himself, but for someone close to him. His gaze turned towards Miles and Grace, his sister, who were still inside the shelter center, assisting a local with a crushed leg.

Suddenly, Leo's instincts kicked in, pointing him in their direction. He knew something was about to happen to them, and without a second thought, he dashed towards them.

As Leo entered the center hall, he saw Miles and Grace trying to help the injured local. At that moment, Leo realized the imminent danger. An explosion above them sent debris raining down, threatening to crush them all.

"No!" Leo shouted, his voice filled with desperation. He raced against time, knowing that he had run out of web cartridges to save them.

The debris descended, and in the midst of the chaos, Leo could only watch helplessly as it slammed down, collapsing onto one of them. The dust veiled his view, obscuring the truth of who it was.

As the dust settled, Leo's heart raced. He saw a figure rising from the ground, hoping against hope that it would be Grace standing there. But reality was often far from ideal.

It was Miles who regained his footing, coughing and suffocating under the weight of the dust.Miles's eyes widened, realizing that Grace was missing. He quickly pieced together the events, realizing that Grace had pushed him out of harm's way, sacrificing herself.

Amidst the chaos, a pale Leo rushed in, his face filled with agitation. He repeatedly called out Grace's name, searching frantically for her. While Miles still recouping his consciousness, slowly realizing Grace has saved him.

The injured local, still alive but trapped under the debris, weakly pointed in the direction where Grace had been crushed. Miles's face paled further as the realization of what had happened to Grace settled in.

"No, this can't be happening," Miles whispered, his voice filled with disbelief. Memories of Miles's father's death flashed before him, reminding him of a similar incident where a building collapsed on someone he knew and cared for.

Leo skimmed through Miles' grief-stricken state, reaching out to him in an attempt to shake him out of his despair and help lift the debris.

Leo shouted at Miles, desperate to bring him back to the present moment and assist in lifting the debris together.

Which Miles snapped back to reality after a vigorous shake from Leo prompting him to act. With renewed determination, Miles joined Leo, their combined strength applied to lift the debris. They strained against the weight, inch by inch, the debris began to rise.

Underneath the debris, they discovered a young girl, it was Grace, her stomach pierced by a metal bar from the building wreckage. She was losing blood rapidly, her life slipping away with each passing moment.

Without time to think, Leo frantically attempted to free Grace from the bar, but the pain she experienced made it excruciatingly difficult. Grace, weak and fading, gently placed her palm on Leo's face, attempting to soothe her brother one last time.

"It's going to be alright, Leo," Grace whispered, her voice barely audible. "I'm just going ahead, joining Mom and Dad. Look after Miles for me."

Leo's eyes welled up with tears as he refused to accept the reality of losing his sister. He pleaded with her, begging her not to say such things, to stay awake.

Beside them, Miles dropped to his knees, overwhelmed by grief. Sobbing uncontrollably, he didn't know what to do. The only thing he could do was weep for the loss of his dear friend.

But Grace, even in her final moments, comforted Miles, assuring him that it wasn't his fault. She asked him to take care of her brother, to be there for him. Miles responded, mirroring Leo's pleas, refusing to accept the loss.

While the pain wracked her body, Grace managed a weak chuckle. "You guys... always... stubborn," she said, her voice strained. "I'm... blessed... to have... a brother like you, Leo... and a friend like you, Miles. Thank… you… for everything… Leo…"

With her final words uttered, a tear trickled down Grace's cheek. The light in her eyes faded, and she was gone.

Leo's world shattered as he repeatedly called out Grace's name, pleading for her to stay awake. But his voice grew hoarse, and he crumbled to the ground with her lifeless body in his embrace, tears streaming down his face.

Meanwhile, as Peter swung through the debris-filled shelter, his eyes caught sight of the tragic scene unfolding before him. Anger surged through his veins, and without a second thought, he lunged himself at the Green Goblin.

The Goblin, seeing Peter's furious approach, smirked and prepared to defend himself. He evaded Peter's initial attack by teleporting a few feet away, narrowly avoiding a punch that would have landed square on his jaw. But Peter was one step ahead.

Having witnessed the Goblin's teleportation trick earlier, Peter anticipated his move and swiftly shot a web at the spot where the Goblin appeared. The web anchored onto the device the Goblin used for teleportation, and he tore the webbed device off the Goblin's hand and destroyed it, preventing him from escaping.

Caught off guard, the Goblin cursed under his breath as he realized he no longer had the upper hand in this battle. But the Goblin regained his composure, his eyes filled with fury. He launched a barrage of explosive projectiles toward Peter, who skillfully dodged and weaved through the air, relying on his agility and enhanced senses.

With each explosive dodge, Peter closed the distance between him and the Goblin, relentlessly pressing the attack. He unleashed a flurry of punches and kicks, their impact reverberating through the air. Despite the Goblin's resistance, Peter's years of training and experience as Spider-Man gave him the upper hand.

The Goblin fought back with his own agility and strength, parrying Peter's attacks with his glider and launching counterattacks. The battle intensified, the sound of punches and clashes echoing through the crumbling shelter.

Peter's spider-sense tingled, alerting him to the Goblin's incoming attacks. He dodged a swoop from the glider, somersaulting through the air and landing behind his foe. With swift precision, he webbed the Goblin's arms, immobilizing him temporarily.

Seizing the opportunity, Peter unleashed a final flurry of punches, his fists connecting with the Goblin's face and body. Blow after blow landed with satisfying thuds, sending the Goblin reeling backward.

Defeated and disoriented, the Green Goblin lay on the ground, tangled in a web cocoon. His menacing presence was finally subdued, and Peter stood over him, breathing heavily.

After this devastating clash between him and the Goblin, Peter joined them in the shelter center by swinging through the standing roofs and a battered suit was left of him.

Once he arrived, realization hit Peter like a tidal wave. He had failed to save a person, and that person was Grace, a young girl with her whole life ahead of her. Grief and guilt washed over him as he stood by Leo's side, their shared loss bonding them in their sorrow.

In the aftermath of the battle, Leo, Miles, and Peter stood together amidst the debris, their hearts heavy with grief. The shelter that had once provided them refuge now held the weight of tragedy.