
marriage to Mr. Ryan

she is his secretary and he is her boss. his grandparents wanted his to get married so quickly to head a project. but she didn't have a single up to live so she got married to him on a contract

Okekunle_Goodness · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
25 Chs

In love with her husband

Ryan and all the directors sat at the conference room apart from, Mr Smith and Ryan noticed immediately, because he sit right beside him.

"Where is Mr Smith?" He asked jasmine

"I guess he is running late today" jasmine replied standing up.

"Can you give him a call?"

"Sure, yes sir" she answered and walked back to the office.

"First thing let us gather informations about all the people that is involved in the sunlight project and get information about the ups and downs in it, their mistakes and all"

"Yes sir"

"This is a project that is very important to this company, I may led it but we own it, let us try as much as possible to gather useful informations that would help us" Ryan said glance and looking at them one after the other.

"Yes sir" they all replied

"We would be having our next meeting at the day after tomorrow and we must have all done our tasks"

"Yes sir"

"I ask for your cooperation I can't really do it alone"

"Why are you not giving us an option to do it or not"one of the director said eating the down part of his pen.

"Oh! I should. Then if you are not interested you can leave, but don't expect any gain from it, are you satisfied?" He asked the director and faced the others.

"Since you are can we move to the next project I have no time to waste.


Mr Smith sat down in his office looking at the registration for the sunlight project on his laptop.

he was sweating in the air conditioned office thay he needed to drag is tie down, and them removed it totally.

This would cost him a lot of things, if the company gets to know he would be sacked and of he is sacked he doesn't have anywhere to go to because of his old age.

Who would want to employ a old man

The door opened and jasmine came inside, with a look of surprise written on her face.

"I saw your car outside but why are you here?" She asked moving closer to him

"If I do the sunlight project and I fail what would happen to me?" Mr Smith asked without taking his eyes off the laptop.

"What do you mean?" Jasmine asked pretending to be surprised at her boss's breakdown.

"If the company finds out and sack me, what would I do?" He asked again because he is desperate for answers.

"At least you would know that you tried"

*That I tried?"

"Yes you would know"

He sighted and passed enter.


Harry stood with his hands in his pocket and smiled at the figure before him, it wasn't a smile for like but a sly one.

"You like riddles right?" He asked walking close to the window.

"Not to good at it"the figure replied with his face unknown.

"Then let me ask you one"

"Okay, I am all hears sir"

"It is something that you need to break before using it"

"Excuse me?"

"You heard me"

He face became clear and the figure is Joshua, Harry told Ryan to invite him over because he as a special task for him and here is he asking riddles.

"I said before use it you need to break it" Harry repeated.

"Eggs"Joshua answered and nodded.

"That is correct"

"Excuse me sir, did you call be here to ask me riddles?"

Harry gave a smirk and asked.

"How is Ava doing?"

"What...what..how..who is Ava?" Joshua was taken back and he lost speech.

"Your boss that sent you here, how is she doing I heard she lost weight is she fine"

"I am sorry I don't know what you are talking about"

"I don't know what that sly fox asked you to do here, but know that I am watching your back and if you do anything stupid, we won't be standing here laughing" Harry said with seriousness.

Joshua and Harry looked at themselves in their eyes both burning with anger and fury not wanting to take their eyes of each other, because it seems that the Battle line between the both of them as just been drawn.


Ryan worked so hard on his desk, while Astoria watched after helping him to arrange the files in the office.

He is so handsome that her heart beat lost control, he looks good with white shirt on and not only good, also hot, everything on him is breath taking, from his hair to his eyes to his nose and to his lips.

And that lips she remembers kissing it on their wedding, it was her first kiss and also last but then, that moment she felt like she is kissing an angel.

something cold fell on her hands and she came back to reality as she checked what fell on her hands.

That was when she realized that she is drooling.

Jeez how could she be so Carried away that she is drooling over her boss.

"Astoria get yourself together, snap out on anything you are thinking about"

"Are you talking to me?" Ryan asked

"No I am talking to myself"


"I should just kill myself" Astoria said sipping her beer

"Why?"Isadora asked looking at her friend with a smile on her face.

"I am so tried that I can't move a muscle" Astoria said placing her head on the table.

"Why did you come her instead of going home?" She asked.

"Ryan is not at home"

"Where did he go?"

"He is at Harry's they are preparing for the project"

"Are you planning to sleep here?"

"Nope, why would I? I have a home now" Astoria said and laughed.

"I hope you are teaching that asshole a lesson"Isadora said

"Don't curse at him" Astoria said angrily.

"What?" Isadora asked taken back.

"Why are you calling him a asshole" Astoria asked.

"You called him that first"

"That was then, and not now don't call him that"

"Astoria wait a minute, are you falling for him?" Isadora asked not wanting to hear a positive answer from her

"No I already fell for him, Isadora I am in love with my husband" Astoria said and hugged her bag.

"Holy shit" Isadora said in disbelief