
marriage to Mr. Ryan

she is his secretary and he is her boss. his grandparents wanted his to get married so quickly to head a project. but she didn't have a single up to live so she got married to him on a contract

Okekunle_Goodness · Fantasy
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25 Chs

Mr Smith

Jasmine walked inside her boss's office and dropped his schedule then she saw him working on "the sunlight project".

She is about to leave when, and idea dropped to her mind, so she moved backwards and talked to her boss Mr Smith.

"Oh you are applying for the sunlight project?" She asked knowing fully well that he is not.

"No I am not, this is the order from the chairman to help Ryan with the project" Mr Smith said focusing on the project that he is doing.

"Why are you not applying yourself?" Jasmine asked.

"I guess that is my business to take care of" Mr Smith said knowing what she is about to do.

"I am sorry it is just that you have all the qualifications for the project and you helping someone old enough to be your child to be more successful than you" jasmine replied him.

"Watch your words jasmine, please leave the files you came to drop on my table and leave" he said getting annoyed.

"Sure sir but you should really think about it you can't continue to clean their asses forever you should also do something to step forward."

"You can use the door now jasmine"

Mr Smith continued his job ignoring everything jasmine said, although Mr Ryan is younger that him, but he as really helped him in all his life, he really can't repay good with evil to a nice person.


"I heard about the "sunlight project"" Astoria said putting down the coffee she made for him on his table.

"Oh you did?" Ryan asked not surprised.

"So are you going to take it?"

"No of course not" Ryan said making a irritated face.

Astoria chuckled and asked. "May I know why?"

"Just because of somethings, like that and that you know" Ryan said playing with his cup.

"That and that?" Astoria asked to be sure about what he is saying.

"Yes that and that?" Ryan said smiling at her.

"I also heard that your grandfather is forcing you"

"You heard right, I don't know why he is doing this, she should be chaising me away from the project"

"If there is anything I know about Mr Rogers, is that he loves you very much"

"Love he doesn't" Ryan said with a loud sigh.

"If he doesn't love you who does he love?" Astoria asked

"I don't think so"

"Why don't you just think about the reasons why he wants you to take that project? Maybe you could fine sense in it"

"The reason?"

"I am sure he won't put your life on the line just to get money there must be a reason behind it"

"A reason? And by the way you said you heard where are you hearing those information from"

"I would be in my office" Astoria said running out of Ryan's office.

Ryan smiled as he watched he go and rested his back on the chair, and sighted.

"A reason?"


Mr Smith got home and held on the door handle contemplating if he should go inside or not, but on the other hand really, he doesn't want to go in, because he knows what he would meet inside if he does.

But where would he stay no matter what he as to enter the house.

As soon as he entered he met his wife sitting on the couch waiting for him to return.

"You are back?"

He nodded and made his way to their room, ignoring her totally.

"So what are you going to do?" She asked standing up to fave him.

"About what?"

"About ivy? What are you going to do about her, that football is the only thing she wants to do and we don't have the money to sent her to a standard school?"

"We're do you want me to get the money from? We both know that we can't collect loans again and we gave the house rent to settle, we gave a lot of dept to settle and I don't have the money yet"

"You have never been responsible, all you do is care about less important things than you own family"

"But I don't have the money"

"You always don't, I heard the sunlight project is out, use your brain, and stop being the toy dog of that Ryan of yours"

He watched his wife walk out on his and sighted, who says getting married is the best thing that can happen to you, to him he regrets it, maybe because he doesn't have a considerate wife.

Taking up the sunlight project means back stabbing but then he needs the money, he really needs the money.


"So what are you going to do?" Harry asked.

"Are you asking what I am going to do? We both know that that project killed my parents"

"So you don't want to die?"

"Who wants to die?"

"Ryan running away from what killed your parents gives you the excuse to be lazy"

"What do you mean?"

"Don't you want to know, why they continued that project knowing fully well that they would lose something, especially when you were still young?"

"I want to know but....."

Harry cut in and said.

"Ryan your grandfather wants to make you heal, you should fight and recover all the rewards of your parents, without leaving a dime and if you ask me your grandfather is the one in greatest sorrow, you are the only child he has and I am sure he won't leave you to die"

"But it is too risky, I don't have anyone I want to lose either"

"And nobody wants to lose you either, for your parents fight, you should recover everything without leaving a dime" Harry said

"When did you have this much sense"

"Since you lost yours" Harry said and sipped his tea


The next morning came out more quickly, eight o clock sharp Ryan was already in the office with Astoria behind him, it was like he was re born afresh, after the conversation he has with Harry last night.

They stepped into the company and everyone could feel the Aura coming from him and Astoria, and the bunch of bodyguards following them inside.

"Miss Astoria?" He called removing his sunglasses.

"Yes sir" Astoria answered swinging her hand bag and posting like she is taking pictures.

"Prepare the conference room"

"Yes sir"

"Do it neatly and make every single directors come to the meeting"

"Trust me sir" she said with a smirk.

"We are starting a new project this morning, "the sunlight project"