
marriage to Mr. Ryan

she is his secretary and he is her boss. his grandparents wanted his to get married so quickly to head a project. but she didn't have a single up to live so she got married to him on a contract

Okekunle_Goodness · Fantasy
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25 Chs

the story about unfold

Ryan stood up looking at Astoria and made his way to the door, he checked his time and it was eleven in the mid night and to cap it all the knock is so aggressive, that the chills increased even when the heater is on.

"Who is there?" He called as he walked closer to the and also wondered what the gateman is doing to allow a aggressive knocker come to his door like that.

Or is it like a robbery attack and the gateman and been knocked out????

He opened the door and his jaw dropped, his eyes blinked severally as heart beat increased, the figure in front of him is worst than that of a armed robber. It is not someone he is expecting.

"Who is there?" Astoria called and she walked to where he is, when he is taking longer than usual just to open the door.

She walked to the door and peeped from his behind to see why he is so surprised.

"Good evening ma'am" she greeted her mother in law, when she confirmed her presence.

"Why? Is he looking at me like that?" Mrs Rogers asked looking at Ryan weirdly.

"I don't know to" Astoria said and moved him to a side.

"Why would you come here on noticed?" Ryan asked trying to block the way for his grandmother to come in.

"Why?" His grandmother asked with disappointment written on her face.

"I mean before you come you should tell me" Ryan said raising his voice a little

"Why would I tell you before coming to sleep over" she replied with the same time he gave her.

"Sleep over?" The both of them chorused.

"Do to expect me to go home this late?" She asked looking at them in disbelief

"Why did you come this late?"

"Would someone let me inside now"

"You have a driver and a bodyguard tell them to take you home" Ryan said

"You can come in now?'

"Yes ma'am" Astoria said and opened the door for her to come inside.

Ryan pulled as Astoria inside when his grandmother and walked inside the house fully he need to have a heart conversation with her.

"What do you mean by come in, she would notice" Ryan said

"Notice what?" Astoria replied clueless.

"I mean we don't sleep together have you forgotten?"

Then her sense returned and she said

"Oh jeez I forgot? What are we going to do now?"

"Let's just act natural, just locked your room and sleep over at my room this night"Ryan said

"Natural yes natural, lock my room and sleep over at yours this night"


After they had confirmed that Mrs Rogers has gone to sleep, they both entered Ryan's room, then this awkwardness started between the both of them, either of them knows what to do in the situation, together alone in the room wasn't new but together alone in the bedroom after their intensed kiss is the awkward one.

"Errrm I would sleep on the sofa" Astoria said breaking the silence.

"No we can sleep together"Ryan said bluntly and quickly regretted it, he didn't mean for it to come out that blunt but it did.

"Sleep together?" Astoria asked with surprise in her face. And her heat beating fast

"We have done it before, the bed is quite big so we can take it side by side" Ryan said trying to cover up his blunt mistake.

"Side by side" Astoria said and nodded.

That night weather was so cool, that they couldn't sleep and just looked at the celling without saying a word to each other.

and the truth is even if they wanted to talk they absolutely have nothing to say, not in this situation, Ryan don't want to open his mouth because he might say another blunt thing.

Astoria also did not want to open her mouth because she might end up confessing her feelings to him of which she is not ready for yet.

but they were both in the same time, the same weather, the same condition and the same feeling.


He was so disappointed when he saw her walk inside, he really wanted to carry out his operation this night, kidnapping Astoria and forcing Ryan to drop out of the competition.

But then his grandmother came inside for a sleepover that is disappointing, he would have get it done this night and everything would have been beautiful but he has to wait for another night, he can wait he has done of before and he can do it again.

By all means he has to win the sunlight project, not Ryan he needs the money really badly and he has to get it as bad as he wants.

He pulled his hood over his head and walked away from the place into the darkness were he came out from.


The next morning Ryan's ringing phone woke him up wondered which nigger rose up early this morning to call him

"Hello?" Harry voice said.

"Yes, why are you calling me this early did you miss me?"

"Ryan can you see me briefly?" Harry voice said in a Rush


"There is something importantly I have to tell you before it gets too late"

"And what it that?'

"Just cut the crap and come over" Harry shouted

"Sure, I am on my way I needed a excuse the leave the house in the first place"

He cut the call and got ready to leave, he really wanted to see Astoria face but the call sounds so serious.


"When you told me about Mr Smith I had a little doubt so I decided to do a little digging on him" Harry said handling over some files to Ryan


"It is true that he has a company but it a paper company"

"Yes, can cut the chase you are making me scared" Ryan said

"During the time his company was good, he joined the sunlight project "

"He did?"

"Yes alongside with your parents"

"Wow what a coincidence" Ryan said and smiled.

"Just like now, he was the second place and your parents was the first place when they died he became the first place "

"What that's normal"

"But he wasn't given the award because his company went under water"


"Don't you get it? He knows your parents and came to work for you, your parents died because they were murdered and you are giving me this reactions?"

"It might be a coincidence"

"Shut the fuck up he has a criminal record" Harry said shouting.

"And what is that?"

"Murder bro, Ryan don't you think it is time to dig out your parents death?"