
Marine’s Dark Admiral (by High Fever 36 Degrees)(complete)

Original Title : 海贼之黑暗大将 (Navy's Dark Admiral) Author : 高燒三十六度 (High Fever 36 Degrees) He is the Admiral, praised by the world as the light that cuts through the darkness, the Holy Lance Longinus. He is the Dark Lord, feared by the world as the darkness that ends the era, the Demon Sword Apophis. He wandered in the light and darkness and wove the battle song of blood and fire. When he looked back, he found that he had crushed the world beneath his feet. PS1: This story did not feature any fruit or system, the title of the book has nothing to do with Yami Yami no Mi! PS2: The timeline is quite long, starting when Roger began the great age of sea pirates! PS3: Non-scrappy article, highly fantastic and biased slightly off, but the characters should be intellectually ruthless basically in the line! Original Site: https://book.qidian.com/info/1014128504

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788 Chs

Kozuki and Wano (3/3)

"Judging from your costumes and the way you spoke before, you should be from Wano, right?" Borsalino rubbed the stuck man's chin, "Why are the people of Wano here?"

When he heard the dirty man in front of him mentioning Wano Country, Kawamatsu's mind even raised the thought of killing all these people to silence him.

Although this group of people was considered their benefactor, he would never hesitate to take action if it endangered Her Highness's safety!

Only his last rational thought saved his life.

Because, earlier in the time tunnel, he vaguely saw that they had shot out of the sky by a man.

That man's strength was not something he could resist!

Perhaps even his mighty lord might not be able to block that shot!

"I ... I and my little daughter have indeed come from Wano, and have mistakenly entered this place, so please forgive me." Since he saw him through, Kawamatsu naturally didn't bother disguising his tone.

"As to why I have drifted here, I am not quite sure, but I remember that after encountering a band of pirates, I jumped into the sea to escape, and finally fainted from exhaustion in the drift."

"Oh~ So that's how it is!" Borsalino smiled with narrowed eyes.

"My name is Kozuki Matsu, this is my youngest daughter Kozuki Sumire, I have the courage to ask your benefactors for your high names!"

Longinus' mouth twitched slightly; he remembered that the Straw Hat crew had infiltrated the Wano Country in the future path as well. Should I say that people in this world were too casual about hiding their names?

"This is the one who saved you, Commodore Longinus!" Borsalino didn't bother to point his finger in the right direction, so he crooked his mouth to indicate it.

"Thank you so much, I will never forget the kindness of you, geika!" Kawamatsu drops to a knee straight to the ground with a dirt floor.

"If you knew that I was the one who killed Momonosuke, I don't know, would you still be thankful enough to come out?" Longinus slandered under his breath, while his mouth said, "Actually, you should also thank Sumire for your rescue. If her strong will to live had not been perceived by my Kenbunshoku Haki, I would not have been able to discover you under the surface."

"Is that so? That's great!" Kawamatsu couldn't help but be pleased; it seemed that Her Highness Hiyori was indeed a natural-born talent!

In this way, Her Highness might be able to revive the Kozuki clan!

While excited and ecstatic inside, Kawamatsu was also extremely jealous of this seemingly gentle and elegant warrior who looked like a wolf or something cockwire. "Even Her Highness was able to grasp a trace of her will in the deep sea, this guy's perception is a bit too strong!"

"Now that I think about it, the man who shattered the space-time tunnel seems to be him! Anyone you meet in the outside world is this overly strong monster, are they too strong or are we too weak?"

"That monster that destroyed the Kozuki Clan seems to have come from the outer sea as well, right? It seems that the lord was right, only by opening the gates can we realize the vastness of the world!"

"It's just a pity that it's too late!"

"Vice Admiral Borsalino, Commodore Longinus, there is something odd about the two of them." A marine captain stepped forward, not lowering his voice either, and looked at the two with eyes filled with hostility, "I just inquired about the information. Ever since that change in the Wano Country two years ago, the closed-door policy has become more and more oppressive, how could the two of them ..."

Kawamatsu's pupils contracted sharply after first tightening his armpits, and he couldn't help but interrupt directly, "Now, what year is it?"

"June 1503 on the Age of the Kaien, what, is there a problem?" Longinus smiled.

"The outside calendar, when converted, should have us departing in the year 1502 of Age of the Kaien!" Kawamatsu scratched his head furiously and yelled frantically, "No, no, no, how can it be 1503, how can it be 1503!"

"Commodore, there's definitely something weird about this guy!" Perhaps knowing that Polusarino didn't like to take ideas, the captain asked Longinus, "Should we get him under control first?"

Kawamatsu just woke up to the fact that he was losing his temper a bit and warned directly with a knife across his chest, "What are you trying to do?"

"No, don't kill us, okay?" Hiyori looked at them with tears in her eyes and grabbed the corner of Kawamatsu's coat, pleading with her baby voice.

The "innocent and clear" look in her eyes made the captain, who had suggested it before, feel a little ashamed. Hadn't he gone a little too far?

Longinus smiled, "Don't worry, we're a marine that represents justice."

"Marine?" Kawamatsu whispered, as if he had heard the Lord mention it, it seemed, and the so-called pirates in the outside world were on entirely opposing sides.

Saying so, Longinus turned back and instructed, "Organize a room for them to stay in until we get back to the branch."

"But Commodore, they ..."

"Don't be nervous, don't forget, this warship has me and Vice Admiral Borsalino on board." Longinus laughed, "Don't tell me it's the two of them, even if Big-Mom or Beasts Kaido came, they wouldn't be able to get a good time."

"Right oh, I was too careful!" The captain who spoke smacked his head; with such a powerful lineup, it should be the others who were afraid of them.

"Kaido? The Beasts Kaido?" Kawamatsu screamed, "Is it, is it that monster with horns on its head that sometimes transforms into a dragon?"

"Oh yooooo~ I didn't think you guys had even met Kaido!" Borsalino smiled with narrowed eyes.

Kawamatsu was first on edge before settling down and explaining, "That was, after all, the monster that destroyed half of the Wano Country, and I had seen it from a distance before I fled."

"Oh ~ so!"

"You must be tired after escaping all the way and being rescued from the sea, so why don't you go to your room and rest first." Longinus smiled, "By the way, you can think about your future path after escaping from Wano Country."

"The future path? Thanks for the reminder, geika!" With a nod from Kawamatsu, he took Kouzuki and kept up with the marine who had shown them the way.

Half a day.

The crowd on the deck was dispersing, and most of these soldiers were tired after that storm.

"The identity of these two is probably not simple, that samurai, but a very powerful monster."

"And how many times does the Vice Admiral think he can take you on?" Longinus seemed to be smiling.

"I don't know, I think I can manage to catch twice as many as I can!" Borsalino said with a serious face.

"That's very impressive indeed!" Longinus squared off.

"Also, the little girl said she was his daughter, but he didn't dare to be intimate ... or overstep his bounds, and if I'm not mistaken, the two of them should be in a similar relationship of lord and retainer in Wano Country." The famous detective Borsalino analyzed.

Longinus was also a little surprised; Kizaru, who usually acted like a fool, didn't realize that his eyes were quite sharp!

Yes, there are no fools who become admirals.

"So what is Vice Admiral's plan?"

"No plans anywhere, as long as ..." said Borsalino with a carefree face, "they don't give me any trouble."

PS: 5.1 and 5.7 barely made it to three shifts, which is underwhelming, but I can't help it; I can't squeeze it in; otherwise, I wouldn't even be afraid ask for votes during this double monthly pass(ㄒoㄒ).

If there are errors in naming characters, places, skills, etc., please notify me as soon as possible to correct them. Thanks.

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