
I found him

I marked my mothers words. Every day and night i think of my mother's advice. It was the only thing for me to look forward to. It was the only reason for me to... live.

Meeting the person who would save me... fix me... Complete me... Then one day.. I was walking in the hallways but.. someone bumped into me.. i was hurt in my arm He reached out his hand for me to grab i blushed when i saw his face.

I grabbed his hand with joy and stood up he said goodbye while continuing to walk to his destination i followed him he ate an apple he tried to threw the apple into the trashcan after eating it but it bumped out.

I quickly grabbed the apple eaten by that boy I excaminated the apple with my hand and kept it. I quickly took a picture of him and said to my mind..

"I found him." I must not lose him i must protect him. I must make him... mine.

I must not let anyone take him from me. I need him more than anything he is everything. He is worth any sacrifice. Any sacrifice. Nothing else matters... No one else matters. He will be... Mine. He doesn't

have a choice