
Meeting Info-Chan

The next day when I'm at school, i found myself stalking that boy whenever I'm around him my heart skips a beat 2 minutes later i got interrupted by a text message it was an unknown number. no name. no info

That person said "Hey your senpai is going to be taken" i responded with the typical "Who are you?" she said "I'm info-Chan" I responded with "Wait, your the girl here who is on her computer every moment and you blackmail students right?" it was a long message so it took her some time to respond to that message

She said "Yes the rumors are true" "And nobody knows my real name, Nobody" I responded "You can help me later, i need to do something" She said "Text me anytime, if you wanna know something about a student, send me their photo" "Goodbye Ayano" When i was at class all i can think is about info-Chan

I wanna know more about her, I wanna be like her. But.. I can't be like her I decided that we would be partners in crime. I wanna help her too. No one can ruin my plan. she can't betray me..