
Just keep pretending

Eventually, I was pretending to be a normal person almost every hour of the day. I pretended to be friends with people who have emotions. I pretended to have hobbies. I pretended to care for others. But, It was all fake...

In reality... i felt.. nothing. The only thing i felt was.. Emptiness. As i grew older i became resentful about my condition. I wanted to experience life of other people who is normal.

I wanted to feel joy, I wanted to feel sorrow. I tried everything that might cause me to feel something, anything... Guilt, Shame, Regret. I want to feel emotions any emotions.

But, Nothing worked. No matter what i do or how extreme it is, I could not feel anything just Emptiness. My mother's advice was always the same. She kept telling me that "One day, You'll meet someone special."