

Months passed, and the first year of school is going to end next week . Emily has no complaints now everything was going out pretty well. Alot has changed in her life bruce and she became best friends , stephen falls in love with her which she wasn't aware about and while Bruce helps her in studies , Stephen makes her laugh over his lame jokes, Betty was jealous seeing Emily with Bruce . And now Emily was preparing for her exams which were on going with Bruce and stephen in a library. Then stephen said in a low voice"Emily listen".

"What now?" Emily asked.

"Do you know why a bicycle can't stand by itself "stephen said.

"Why?"Emily asked.

"Because they are too-tired"stephen laughed.

"Hahaha, it was more bad than the first one" Emily said.

"I liked this one it was funny"bruce said.

"Since Bruce liked it i have one more to tell"stephen said.

"No,please don't it's a library"Emily said.

"I said that so you don't feel bad, text your jokes to me I will laugh there, now study"Bruce said while smiling.

"Ah man , I can't do this anymore you guys carry on Emily will teach me later"stephen said while closing his books.

"In your dreams, I am not that good" Emily replied.

"You are alot more than that"stephen smiled and said then leave.

Bruce looked at Emily.

"Leave him, can you please tell me this question?"Emily asked.

"Why did you even asked, come on buddy"Bruce smiled and said.

"Buddy, how cheap"Emily said while making face.

They both laughed.

The exams went well. And the day of results came everyone was nervous and was checking on the board. Bruce got first rank in the class and emily got third , Stephen was happy as he didn't fail.

"Thank God"Stephen sighed.

"Why"Emily asked.

"I didn't prepare for the exams I just guessed by singing ring around the roses and filled the option ".Stephen said.

"You are so funny"Emily laughed.

Stephen looked at her laughing she was beautiful and then he said

"You should laugh oftenly".

"It was actually funnier than your jokes"Emily said.

Then the last year started and the school organised a trip of 2 days . Everyone was pretty excited and the day of the trip came. The bus was leaving in 15 minutes but Emily hadn't came yet. Bruce and stephen were waiting for her they tried calling her but she wasn't picking up.then stephen get out off the bus and said "You go, I will stay here".

"Why?"Bruce asked.

"I am not feeling well" Stephen said.

Then he saw Emily running towards the school gate wearing a yellow summer dress sun was making her bright, her hairs were shining then she came and said while panting " Get on the bus, I am already very late".

"You came stone head"Bruce said.

"Don't call me that today"Emily said while getting on the bus "stephen why are you not getting in?"

"He is not coming with us ...."Bruce said and stephen interrupted " Well I was waiting for you "

"But you said.."Bruce said then stephen interrupted him again " Whatever let's just sit "

Stephen and Bruce sat together while Emily sat with stessy. They played games and had alot of fun. Then they reached their destination."Fresh yourselves, and let's meet at this point after an hour " teacher said. Every body goes to their tents.

So things are getting better now will they will be like this or not ? Thanks for reading it shower some love and tell me your reviews.

asfiyacreators' thoughts