

In the evening of Trip first day the teacher asked everybody to gather then said"Since it's almost the time of dawn I will be distributing you guys in two teams and the teams will have to prepare snacks or anything they like, the winning team will get this hamper".

The teams were made emily, Stephen, bruce and stessy were in team 1 and betty,Paul, will, ginnie were in team 2. The other students were judges. Then stephen said "so what are we gonna make?"

"Sandwiches are easy " stessy said.

"But they are common" Bruce said.

"We can make something to drink" Emily said.

"Yeah that will be a good option" stephen said.

"We also have strawberries so let's make milkshake".stessy said.

"So, Stephen and stessy you guys cut the stawberries, bruce and I will ready the ingredients" Emily said.

Every body start doing their works. Bruce and Emily were picking the ingredients betty was noticing them.

"So, that's all what we need"Bruce said.

"Yeah, let's go and get the blender from teacher" Emily said.

"Okay, stone head " Bruce said.

"Not now , we have work to do " Emily said.

Bruce laughed softly

"You know you were looking like a bee in that yellow dress"Bruce smiled and said.

"But stephen said I was looking like a sunflower" Emily said.


"He is a liar" Bruce said.

"No you are a liar" Emily said.

"Stephen is " Bruce said.

" You are" Emily said.

They were laughing and teasing each other. Betty pisses off and go towards stephen who was busy in his work.

"Looks good" Betty said.

"What?"Stephen asked.

"Chopped stawberries"betty replied.

"Yeah they are fresh" stephen said.

"Are you doing it alone?"Betty asked.

"No stessy was helping me she has gone to get another knife"stephen replied.

"What about Emily?"Betty asked.

"She is helping bruce"stephen replied.

"But it's look like more than help, look at their smiling faces"betty said.

Stephen looked at betty and said "what do you mean?"

"I mean i thought you liked Emily" Betty said.

"Yes i do" stephen replied.

"Then it doesn't bother you to see her giggling with other guy?".Betty said.

"He is her best friend, and it doesn't as long as she is happy" stephen said.

"Seriously"betty said.

"Can you please leave i have things to do" stephen said.

Betty leaves, teams had made their snacks now it's time for them to serve them, bruce and stessy were gone to return the blender and utensils, Stephen had gone to washroom,and emily was garnishing the milkshakes then betty came to her.

"Are they ready?"Betty asked.

"Yeah just going to serve them" Emily said.

"Let me help you" Betty said and flipped the tray of milkshakes.

"What the hell did you just did right now"Emily said.

"I did it for good so nobody has to drink this shitty shakes" Betty said.

"Are you out of your mind?"Emily said.

"I am in my mind rightnow you piece of trash"betty said while getting closer to Emily.

"Be in your limits" Emily yelled.

"No I won't" Betty said and pushed Emily, she was going to fall but stephen grabbed her from the back.

"Why did you push her?"Stephen asked in a high voice.

"It's none of your business"betty screams.

"Okay, then what if I push you" stephen said while getting closer to betty.

"What are you doing?"betty said nervously.

"Just pushing you" stephen said and step ahead.

"Stop it " Betty screams.

Stephen stops and whispers in betty ear "Don't you dare to touch her again, I will not stop next time".

"Let's go stephen, enough". Emily said.

Stephen holds her hand and took her in his tent.

"Are you ok?"Stephen asked.

"No, she ruined everything all of our drinks"Emily said.

"But why did she did that?"Stephen asked.

"I don't know why she is always like this when I am with you guys " Emily said.

"Leave it, it's okay" stephen said and changed the topic.

"There's a mark on your arm" stephen said while pointing.

"It's the gift you gave me on our first meeting"Emily said.

"Yeah, it's been a long time". Stephen said.

"I still hold grudges anyway"Emily smiled and said.

Stephen laughed then he told Emily to take some rest while he goes outside then Bruce showed up he was running.

"Where's Emily? " bruce said.

"She is resting now don't disturb her" stephen said.

"But how did it happened?"bruce asked.

"Because of you , bro betty likes you which is obvious to everyone except you and now she is jealous of Emily"stephen said.

"I didn't know about it, let me talk to Emily first"Bruce said.

"No, she don't want to talk about it anymore just go and listen don't ever make Emily hurt because of you it's my last warning".stephen said.

Bruce looked at stephen's eyes then he left. He enters in betty's tent, Betty was sitting there with stessy then Bruce said "What's all this?"

"What do you mean bruce ?" Betty asked.

"Why are you annoying Emily? " bruce said.

"I hadn't done anything she also said bad things to me"betty said.

"Then why did you push her?" Bruce screamed.

"Why does it bother you?" Betty screamed.

"Cause I like her"bruce yelled.

"What?"Betty asked.

"Yes, I will not tolerate this kind of behaviour of yours anymore, stay away from my life" bruce said.

"Bruce, listen.."Betty said but Bruce left then betty cried, stessy consoled her.

On the next day of trip they were hiking a mountain, Emily was with stephen and Bruce felt a little left out he can see the bond Emily and stephen shares so he decided not to tell Emily how he feels and just to be friends with her. The three of them played alot of games and had alot of fun. Betty behaves like she don't exist . Then the trip ends with Emily having feelings for stephen and Bruce deciding to hide his feelings.

The trip ends with new feelings will bruce and emily will confess them or hide them?

asfiyacreators' thoughts