

The next day it was difficult for Emily to get up from the bed. She pushed herself to gather some strength then gets up. She was not being able to do her stuff and change her clothes she got frustrated and said "Why,Why, all problems are for me " she sat and cried.After some time when she was in the kitchen trying to make breakfast her phone rings."Hello"Emily answered

"Hii Emily, Stephen here" the guy said.

"Stephen?"Emily said

"The car guy"stephen said

"Oh, that reckless driver" Emily said.

"Yes, I am sorry for that , how are you by the way?"Stephen said

"How can I be just struggling because of you"emily replied

"Ahmm, I called you cause I wanted to help you"stephen said

"What kind of help?"Emily asked

"I have sent someone to do the chores for you"stephen replied

"Wait,how can you sent someone I don't know"Emily said

"She is my maid and trustworthy she will be with you until you get fine"stephen replied.

"No, I don't need any kind of help from you"Emily said

"Don't say that , trust me for this one. I really want to help you.No more objections"stephen replied

"Hey, Hey why are you so kind..."Emily said

The door bell rings, emily opened the door , a fat lady with round face wearing glasses , bubblish and was smiling was standing outside.

"Hello,Miss emily?"the maid said

"Hi, are you..."Emily asked

"I think she reached , she will handle everything you just relaxed trust me bye , get well soon"stephen said

He got disconnected before Emily can say something

"My name is tory, Stephen had sent me to take care of you, he said you have a small fracture also " she sees emily foot and said" oh darling you shouldn't stand like that ,Sit" Emily sat and said " Thanks, but I will be honest actually I don't have money to pay you, so you don't have to do anything."

"Don't worry about that stephen paid me already"tory said

"He did" she said amusingly

"Yeah he is good at heart and a little mature to be a highschooler"tory said

"Highschool"Emily asked

"Yeah he is in highschool he is not good at studies though"tory replied

"Oh, i see" Emily said.

Then Emily took six days off from her work and school . Tory took care of her , emily was very happy seeing someone doing this for her.then after she got better. tory decided leaving then Emily said "I don't know how to thank you"

"You don't have to , darling"tory replied.

"Thank you so much"emily said

"Needless, I am gonna go now"tory said

"Okay bye"emily replied.

Tory hugs Emily and left . Emily was pretty impressed by what stephen had done for her . She tried to call him but he was not picking up.

The next day Emily was all ready to go back to school. There's three days left for her plaster to get open but she can't miss more off days as she feel completely fine.she took a support to walk and entered her classroom, there are many new faces and in those the one which grab her attention was the face of Bruce. Who was looking like a setting sun in light and was busy in his own work . Then, stessy said

"Emily, what happened are you hurt?"

Then everyone notices her and started asking questions she became uncomfortable till a familiar voice came in her ears "Girl,I thought you got hurt at the head, you fine?"it was Bruce voice.

"Oh, i got in an accident"emily replied.

"I see, I told you to be careful anyways since we are in the same class tell me if you need anything,sorry I forgot to introduce myself I am Bruce. "Bruce said by giving his hand.

"I am emily, thanks"emily replied while holding his hand.

The teacher arrived everybody goes back to their benches . Emily was sitting after Bruce. The benches were full except one the one right next to emily. Then the teacher started teaching , emily pen falls under the desk when she was trying to pick it she heard someone asking"May I come in teacher?"the voice sounds familiar to her . When she looked at the door she got amused as the voice was of Stephen nicely dressed looking smart.

"Yes, you may but after this class it's your punishment for coming late "the teacher said.

Then stephen looked at the class then she saw Emily amused face and waved at her and waited outside.

After punishment stephen came and sat right next to emily. Bruce said " Mr. Stephen came to school after an eternity"

"I think it's been more than a eternity"stephen laughed then he looked at emily and said "hi,emi.."

The teacher arrived then everyone became shut , he started teaching.

"Emily"stephen whispered

"What,stephen"emily asked.

"How's your health now?"Stephen asked

"Better, thanks to you for sending tory"emily replied.

"No worries, look we are in a same school and in same class and sitting next to each other,what a coincidence?"Stephen said.

"Yes, a complete coincidence"she replied.

"Shh,guys introduce yourselves later the teacher is looking at you"Bruce whispered.

Things are getting better for Emily now , let's see what's next. If you liked reading it support me with thumbs up.

asfiyacreators' thoughts