
Chapter 1: Life of A Fan Girl

Nearly each youth had a few idols they love so much. When speaking about them, we'd always smile with delight and grin from ear to ear. One second, we're still normal people, but in the next, we'd go completely crazy. Our admiration is because of pure happiness...

"I'm sorry, but I don't have the courage to let you go" he said while looking at me with those sad eyes.

"That is why I'm telling you to take me with you" I sadly uttered while small tears begun to run from my eyes.

"If I follow my heart, would you be able to take the consequences?"

"I can if it's with you" I whispered. He slowly draw his face nearer to mine and I close my eyes waiting for his lips to touch mine.

Suddenly, someone threw something on me and woke me up! Gaadd! Who dare to throw a chalk on me!

"Aishera Mikaela Lim! You dare to sleep on my class!" And that my friends woke my whole existence up! Oh no! I slept on Mr. Andrew's class which unfortunately our terror teacher. Great!

I bow my head and said "I'm sorry Mr. Andrew" and force myself to be awake while listening to his boring discussion. Thus, I can't help but daydream. It's okay if I get scolded from sleeping in his class as long as I get to dream about mu ultimate bias, Min Yoongi, AKA Suga.

Yup, you read it right. I'm a BTS enthusiast. I went to all of their concerts, attended every fan meetings, got lot of posters and collections of them..... yeah right! As if I can afford. My broke ass can't afford even if I had to sell my kidneys.

Well, I believe that even if you don't have a lot of merchandise nor attended concerts, as long as you love them sincerely, you're still considered as an ARMY.

The class was finally over and I walk my way out of the room but suddenly stopped when I heard them talking.

"What can she get in fangirling those bunch of gays? Didn't she know she's just being used as an income for them? Haha"

My ears went full red as I walked up to them. I stop in front of them and gave them my sweetest smile. "Excuse me, if you have nothing to do with your lives better not to talk bad about my boys. What can I get in fangirling them? I got motivation in everything that I do that's why I was always the top in this class" I paused and smirked. "Opps sorry, I mean the top of this school. I was used as an income? Oh guys you have nothing to worry about" I moved my face closer to them and whispered "Cause I'm willing to give all of my money to them" and walked out.

I arrived at my house and went directly to my room after kissing my parents hello. I stared at my wall to see a bunch of seven guys smiling at me and I smiled back. "Things I do for you guys".

I played their "Spring day" and sing along with them. I opened my phone to see Suga in my lock screen.

"I promise I'll see you soon"

Hey guys! So My story “writing songs about you” was deleted so I have to rewrite it and I. Changed the title to Let Me Know. Hope you enjoy this!

inalisticpanda3creators' thoughts