
Chapter 2: Life of an Idol

"Kim Namjoon! Kim Seokjin! Min Yoongi! Jung Hoseok! Park Jimin! Kim Taehyung! Jeon Jungkook! BTS!"

I smiled as I watched a beautiful ocean in front of us chanting our names. I can't help but be proud, sleepless nights had been paid off because of our ARMYS.

Being an idol was not on my number one list. It takes a lot of time to explain how I ended up here but no regrets, just blessed. At first, I was thinking of how I can make money out of this but later on, I've realised that being an idol is more than making money. It's the bond that we created with our fans is what amazes me most. To be able to speak out for the youth, and to give courage for those who are down.

"Okay, forty minutes break before you start with your make up guys!" Our stylist said after three hours of training.

"Aghh" I muttered as I sat on the chair, exhausted. I close my eyes to rest but realising that we still have a fan meeting to attend makes me more restless. I mean, I'm happy that I can see our fans again but it'll sure be tiring. But let's just look at the bright side, right Suga?

10 minutes have passed and I feel someone sat beside me. I can feel it's Hobi.

"Suga hyung, still tired?" He asked and I nodded. He chuckled and said "I should've not ask, you're always tired"

I opened my eyes and hit him lightly. "Yah"

"But seriously hyung, looking back at the times where we still feel nervous yet excited to make our debut stage, it feels really different now." I look at him and wait till he continues. "I mean, in the past, we're worried because what if no one will like us? What if it's a failure? But today, our worries now is how we could improve ourselves to make our fans love us more and.."

"How we could deliver out thankfulness to our ARMYS. It's because of them, we became better and we started to believe in ourselves " I cut him off and we both smiled.

"Waaahh!!!! Min Yoongi I will sue you! I will really sue you for capturing my heart!" A familiar voice shouted and I laughed.

"Here you go again. You kept on saying you'll sue me but nothing happened" I jokingly responded to the fan.

"Hyung, you're famous" Jungkook whispered in my ears and we both laugh.

"Says our International playboy"

After the fan meeting, we went back to our dorm and chatted for a while.

"Our ARMYS are the best" Jimin suddenly blurted.

"It's a fact. I'm really thankful to them"

"Yah, Suga hyung and the fan interaction a while ago was amusing haha" Rm said while laughing and the members began to laugh too.

"Suga, is it the same fan in the past fan meeting?" Jin hyung asked and I nodded and they laughed again.

We were just busy laughing when our Manager-nim went in. "Guys, you're flight a day after tomorrow is cancelled because some fans got the copy of your schedule so we have to reschedule all of your activities"

We all looked down. "Hey cheer up, they just love you guys so much that's why they did these things. In fact, it's a good news because you can have a lot of rest days before we can finalize your schedule".

After our Manager went out, I sighed. This kind of acts from our fans makes me worry. Perks of being an idol...