

“Falling. That’s all I could remember before waking up as a remanent of a boy who once lived. How did this happen?” ‘We’ll protect them’ “This is all my fault” ‘I’m sorry’ “Promise you’ll become what I could not” ‘I promise’

Knightsky · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
11 Chs

Chapter 3: Memories

Mortem Library, or what's left of it. It broke down over 20 years ago and the new people who bought the land decided to take what was left of it and build a new library called, *central library* All that's left of Mortem was the back wall which had different walls than the rest of the building. Most however don't even know what Mortem is and it was lost through time.

Time passed eerily by as Bakugou went through different books containing information about supernatural phenomenons.

'None of this is making much sense, and honestly I'm not sure if I can even believe half of this, although after everything, am I even really allowed to think that.' He thought as he flipped through the many books he had collected before sitting down at a corner table hidden from the entrance.

It didn't take long before he was just aimlessly flipping through the books trying to decide whether or not this was useful information or just the stuff of myths and legends, mere ghost stories if you will.

With one final sigh he got up to replace the books currently spread out on the small table he was occupying.

Hours passed and with little to no new information he was ready to give up, just as he was about to close the book he was flipping through, a piece of paper slipped out from in between the pages, falling onto his lap.

'What is this?' He questioned, picking it up to look it over.

'This…. This could change everything.'


Going back to earlier in the day, Midoriya woke up with a yawn just to realize he was late to class,

(wow, never thought someone who was dead would end up worrying about being late)

Glancing over at the alarm clock on his bedside table, he wondered why it hadn't woken him, just to then realize that it was probably turned off by none other than his current angry roommate.

Rather than rushing to get to a class he was already hours late for, he decided to just skip, I mean would anyone really care if a dead boy who wasn't even supposed to go to this school skip a day.

Instead he planned on going to the school's library for what seemed like the millionth time just to read books that have already been read.

At this point it seemed hopeless, even if Bakugou could find any information at Mortem library, there was no guarantee that it would be useful.

Either way, if he stayed in this bed much longer he would just feel like he was wasting away.


He had been reading in the library for a couple of hours now and when he looked up he noticed the time. It was now lunchtime, he of course was not affected by hunger but decided to visit 1a for their lunch period before returning to his study.

He had just reached the classroom door when he heard a bang from inside, rushing in he saw what looked to be a mixture of yellow, red and pink sprawled on the floor in front of the desks.

"What happened here?" He asked, walking over to help up the boy who he remembered as Kirishima.

'Oh, Midoriya, hey. We were just trying to see how flexible three people can be if they're always touching, it didn't really work all that well.'

"Ah, I see. Well, are you alright?" Midoriya asked, looking the redhead up and down for potential injuries.

'Yeah I'm great, thanks for asking.' He answered, a wide smile adoring his face.

'Hey, Midoriya right? I'm Mina, do you remember me?' A pink girl half-shouted, suddenly appearing in his face.

"Y-Yeah, I remember. {so close}." He stuttered out, backing away from the excited girl.

'Hey, if ya don't mind me asking, how long have you known Bakugou?' A blonde boy piped up, suddenly behind him.

'Ah and I'm Denki if ya don't remember that's cool.'

"I remember, and I've known Kacchan since we were babies, we grew up together."

'That's so cool, I bet he was a little firecracker when he was young.' Mina said, voice only getting louder with her growing excitement.

'So what was Bakugou like in middle school? If you don't mind me asking.' Kirishima joined in.

'Midoriya?' The redhead called, but as soon as the question had left his mouth, the green haired boy was suddenly thrust into his past memories and the events leading up to his death.

(Honestly you are so damn useless, it's pathetic)

(You should have never been born,

a waist of oxygen if you ask me)

(Just die)

The words flowed through his head as he remembered every last detail he had been trying to suppress since waking up as a ghost.

Before he could stop it, a tear rolled down his face but he was quick to wipe it away before anyone could see it.

"Ah, well, he was… someone with a strong will."

He answered in a daze. When he realized the other three's eyes were on him he quickly shook his head trying to get out of the daze of memories he was previously in.

Thankfully Kirishima changed the subject quickly, opting to talk about an upcoming game that was supposed to come out within the next week.

As lunch approached it's end, Midoriya decided to go back to his dorm, of course not before giving Aizawa an excuse for why he was ditching class that day, although it wasn't like he was required to go all the time, he wasn't an actual member of class 1a after all.

When he got to the room he decided to lay down and rest. But as he lay there, instead of sleep all that came to him was the memories of when he had first awoken as one of the dead.



{ It had been two days since he had awoken and it was to say the least not going well. Obviously Bakugou had been shocked, thinking he was dreaming or was hit by a quirk. Midoriya on the other hand was uncharacteristically quiet as he was trying to come up with a reason for why he was still in the world he so longed to leave.

Both boys had been sitting quietly in Bakugou's room.

(Current time was before he had gotten into UA)

'So, h-how are you here right now?' The blonde asked, looking at the other with a mix of confusion and horror.

"I don't know, one moment I was falling and the next I woke up outside your house." He replied back, wringing his hands in and out to ease his growing panic.

'This can't be happening. Why is this happening to me? Why you of all people?!' Bakugou half-shouted, his panic steadily growing as well.

"You think I wanted this?! I don't know how or why this happened but it's not like I wanted to be stuck here with you of all people, you saw what happened when I tried to leave." Midoriya spat back, referring to right after he woke up and tried to walk away from the Bakugou household only to be shoved back against it with Bakugou just on the other side of the wall having been pulled there as well.

"Look it's clear neither of us wanted this to happen, but it's not like we can change it, at least not yet."

'So what would you have us do?'

"Do you still intend on attending UA?"

'Yeah why?'

"It's one of the biggest schools in Japan so it must have a lot of information about different subjects right. If you get into UA and attend as a student we'll have access to more information and from there we'll come up with a solution to this problem."

'Ok fine, for now that can be the plan, just don't get in my way.'

"Deal." }

End of flashback.