

“Falling. That’s all I could remember before waking up as a remanent of a boy who once lived. How did this happen?” ‘We’ll protect them’ “This is all my fault” ‘I’m sorry’ “Promise you’ll become what I could not” ‘I promise’

Knightsky · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

Chapter 4: We’ll Protect Them

As soon as Bakugou had finished reading the paragraph that had caught his attention, he immediately put the other books away in favor of taking the book up to the main floor to be checked out.

It didn't take long, and soon he was on his way back to the school to share the information he had learned with his green eyed roommate.


Midoriya, having fallen asleep, woke up with a shout when the dorm room door slammed open with a panting blonde hunched over in the entrance.

"What happened, did you get hurt?! Why are you so out of breath?!" Midoriya questioned, scrambling to his feet to see if the other was ok.

'I'm fine.' The blonde panted out, still trying to catch his breath.

'I found something, something you need to hear.'

"Ok, I'll listen, just sit down first, I'll get you some water." Midoriya replied, helping Bakugou to the bed and fetching him a water bottle from the small fridge in their shared room.

Once Bakugou had calmed down a bit he started to share what he had found, bringing out the book he had checked out at the library.

'Not much is known about your situation, but an interesting story came up that I think may fit this, I can't be sure though, I'd like to do more research first. But if what I found is true, you need to keep and eye out for class 1a, they could be in danger.

"What do you mean?"

'According to the first part of this story, this isn't the first time someone has come back as a ghost, and a certain group of people could see this ghost. Soon after though they all died. The only reason there is any information now is due to the author of this book, he was the brother of the ghost and documented his experience, the author's friend later finished the book after everyone had died. Only the people who could see the ghost died, no one else did. And so it became a myth. There is more to the story but it's in another language and I'm having trouble translating it.'

"Ok, so I just need to keep watch over class 1a right? But I don't have any way to protect them, should we tell Mr. Aizawa? Is this my fault? Are they all gonna die because I came to this school with you?"

'Calm down, I know this is a lot to take in. I don't think we should tell anyone until we have more evidence, this could be nothing more than a myth you know. If something does happen, tell Aizawa and he'll help you.'

"Ok, but… is this my fault? Should I leave? Will they all be safe if I leave?"

'No. Don't put this all on yourself, it's not your fault *I don't think* for now, just keep an eye on them.'

"Ok. I'm just worried."

'I know, but don't worry, we'll protect them. You are the one who said you wanted to be a hero who saved people right?'

"Yeah, no matter what, we'll protect them."


Over the next few days Midoriya spent his time getting closer to class 1a and keeping an eye on them in the process. It had been a week since this started when it happened.

"Hey Mina, have you seen Kirishima?" Midoriya asked, having just finished another study session with Bakugou.

'Um, he was with Denki in the training grounds, they wanted to see if Kirishima could handle electricity.'

"Oh." Was all the green haired boy got out before the classroom door slammed open.

'Mr. Aizawa! Help!' Screamed Kaminari, before passing out on the floor.

Both Aizawa and Midoriya moved at once to catch the blonde, Aizawa being the closer one, caught him before he hit the ground.

"Kaminari are you ok? What happened?" Midoriya asked, worry lacing his voice as the boy slowly turned to him to answer.

'Kirishima and I were training... I must have used too much lightning….. a building collapsed and some of the debris pinned Kirishima to the ground… I wasn't strong enough to lift it…. he told me to go and get a teacher…..' Kaminari explained, passing out right after.

'It looks like he's been hit too, the adrenaline must have kept him going. I'm going to take him to Recovery Girl, you kids stay here until I return.' Aizawa ordered, standing up and leaving to go find the school nurse, Kaminari, in his arms.

It had only been a few seconds since Aizawa left, and Midoriya was already sprinting out the door, ignoring the calls of his friends.

He ran on pure instinct as he turned corners, and before he knew it, he was already on the training grounds.

He quickly searched until he found the piece of rubble that was pinning Kirishima down. Out of nowhere came a loud screeching sound that drew his attention upwards. His face contorted in horror at what he saw, there above where Kirishima was trapped was the rest of the previously falling building, it was only caught loosely by another building and was sliding downwards towards his friend.

Not knowing what to do, he sprinted to where Kirishima lay, trying to find a way to get him out from under the chunk of building that trapped him.

"Kirishima! Are you ok? Can you move at all?"

Slowly but surely Kirishima opened his eyes to look up at the other.

'I-I can't move….. I'm not sure if I have any broken bones but I can't feel anything from the waist down.' The redhead spoke, the pain seeping out of his voice with every word.

Midoriya tried and failed to get the debris to move and instead opted to try and find a metal bar of some kind to heave it up even just a little. Seeing none, he let out a ragged breath trying to come up with a way to save Kirishima.

Just as Midoriya thought *it couldn't get any worse* another loud noise from above rang out, signaling that the building had gotten loose from the other building and was now free falling towards the two boys underneath.

"Well, shit."