
Kelekona and The Dragon Vengeance

Rexie_Valkyrieson · Fantasi
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8 Chs

Episode 7

Lady Cha classes were mainly simple but necessary snice. Kelekona barely knew anything about magic. "Magic lives in everyone and everything. It binds all of us together, some people are able to see and control magic, we call them magic wielders or magician. Depending on who you asked."

"Ms. Cha." A student asked, rising your hand. "You said we are able to see magic?" Everyone started to laugh, and a burst of wind came out of Ms. Cha, everyone went silent. "First of all, I don't take kindly to bullying!" Ms. Cha said with a sinister smile. "Seeing magic is a necessity to control magic. We call it Locate and identify."

Ms. Cha claps her hands. "This is perfect, I was going to for tomorrow snice it your frist day but snice you don't know this basic step." Ms. Cha waves her hand for the boy to come down. "Stand here in front of everyone!"

"I want to take a deep breath and close your eyes!" Ms. Cha started to explain the lesson. "Do that a few more times you start to feel something."

The boy then screamed, "Monster!" He pointed at Kelekona as he fell down. "No, no, no!" Ms. Cha tries to calm the boy down. "What you are seeing isn't actually real." The boy looked again and just saw Kelekona. "What you saw was Ms. Wilkins familiar magic."

"I believe she is the only one room with a familiar!" Said Ms. Cha looks around the room. Then help the boy up, "Try again this time. Don't be scary!"

"I can ask if Teisess can turn down the magic abilities a bit!" Said Kelekona. Ms. Cha shook her head, "He going to see it or feel it every day!" Said Ms. Cha. "He going to have to learn to take control of his fear." Ms. Cha turns back to the boy. "Please try again."

The boy tried again and saw magic flowing everywhere, "I see a kind of color!" The boy said. "From what I understand, magic does have color." Color of magic is as follows: Red for fire, blue for water, green for wind, light is white and dark is black. There are other colors, but these six are more common colors, everyday colors.

That was all the Ms. Cha taught as of today. The next classes were with Mr. Erin, he was an elemental teacher that Kelekona had fallen under. Most magic wielders had to use their equipment to use magic, Elementals do not.

Elementals are more rewarding when it comes to magic abilities but also great risk. If not channeled properly, magic could do harm or even death to it user. The Elementals classes will teach Kelekona to channel her magic and bit of her familiar magic.

Kelekona next class is the Familiar Class with a young upstart name, Anda. Her Familiar is Griffin. The Giffin is a wing magical creature. Anda is a non-magic wielder, so she relied on Griffin for magical practices.

The last class is pretty much a study hall or homeroom with Azure being her teacher. "Having Azure has your final teacher would is amazing." Teisess said. "With her being a water elemental and her familiar being a water serpent. She will be able to help you grow into a strong and power magic wielder. Strong enough to protect your family."

"And to get your vengeance!" Kelekona said in her mindspace. "How are you planning on doing both at the same time?" Asked Teisess. Kelekona looks at the map of the world. Much still need to be explored.

Kelekona port town is in the southwest part of Shuzia Kingdom. The Alberon family lives across the Water of Arbornan, in the southerneast Kingdom of Ikarus. The Alberton family doesn't have a Navy, so Kelekona didn't have to worry about that.

However, South of the Arbornan is the Viking homeland, Naked Archipelago. It is called that because the main island is the spade of a naked woman. Or that is what it looks like. There are several island chains on the major island. The Viking homeland is known as the Vinland Nation.

Kelekona entered her mindscape, "I can always join the Shuzia military." Kelekona ponder ideas. "They have military homes for family, but I doubt Mother would want to move. Isn't the Elven Nation on the other side of the sea?"

"The land is known as Mel Lenora!" Said Teisess. "I don't know how much have changed my passing, but I do remember they were a magnificent race, hated by the human and almost hunted to extinction. There was rumor of a powerful Sage of the Elven People that made a home in the forest region far north of the Kingdom of Ikarus."

"That probably how mother and father meet then!" said Kelekona, throwing the Elven idea out the window. "Viking normal don't travel during Winter!" In the Naked Archipelago is very close the lower part of the world. So winter is much longer than most places, sometimes months in the complete darkness of the moonlight.

"We can protect my family. Over the summer, spring and fall breaks, winter should be safe." Said Kelekona. She couldn't really do anything about The Scarlet Domain or Teisess vengeance until school was over. "Wait, don't I have a cousin here?" Kelekona broke her concentration and accidentally spoke out aloud.

Azure knew who she was talking to. The other looked at her like was an idiot. Be quiet for a few seconds, then spoke out of nowhere. "From what the Headmaster said, it seems so!" Said Teisess as Kelekona reappears in her mindspace.

"We aren't really allowed to kill anyone here!" Said Kelekona. "However, they do have tournaments where people can compete with one and another."

"So you want to beat your cousins in a tournament!" Said Teisess. Kelekona took a deep breath and looked up towards the ceiling in the real world, then said in her head. "They say the Alberon Family is the most powerful family in the Ikarus Kingdom."

"When I was alive, a Knight name Alberon led the charge into the Scarlet Domain." Teisess said. "That probably why!"

"Well, there is only one way to really find out." Kelekona said as they were dismissed from class for the day. "Let's hope that we can battle my cousin in this tournament."

Kelekona walked inside her dorm, and Ryul was waiting for her. "I asked the other not to come back til later." Ryul said. "So you and I can talk!" Ryul explains that Lexine is a 1/3 Elf and 1/3 human.

Lexine was living in Mel Lenora, the last Elven Kingdom. She was a guard of the outskirts of the Kingdom. When she came across a man holding a baby. They were chased out of Ikarus.

The Elven race knew what it felt like to be hunted and stuff along those lines. So when it comes to people in real need of help, the Elven people won't abandon them.

The man was Gavin, and the baby was Kelekona. The Elven people help Gavin get passage on a ship to The Empire of Shuzia but that time Lexine fell in love with Gavin the Mel Lenora give their blessing for her to live and spend her mortal life with Gavin.

"Then is Lexine a family member of yours?" Asked Kelekona. Ryul nodded, "Lexine is family!" Ryul answered. "Lexine or Gavin ever officially got adopted you, far as my family are aware of."

"In order to be officially adopted, they will have to announce who I am!" Said Kelekona she figures he already knew who she was. "They was afraid what my family would do if they found out."

"Do you want to know what happened to your mother and father?" Asked Ryul. Kelekona paused for a moment. She ever really thought about them, but from what Gavin to her. Kelekona parents did love her, "Just out of curiosity!" She answered.

"From what little my family could gather!" Ryul said. "Your Father became a mercenary. We believe he is trying to look for you and your mother, which last they heard was sold into slavery."

"I thought Slavery was outlawed?" Asked Kelekona.

"In Shuzia and a few other countries, yes, but the world no!" Ryul explain. Kelekona was puzzle, she didn't know how to feel about her birth parents. She knew they loved her and cared about her, but did Kelekona feel the same about them?