
Kelekona and The Dragon Vengeance

Rexie_Valkyrieson · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Episode 8

Kelekona was walking down a hallway when a boy dumped into her. "What it, commoner!" Said the boy. He had short blond hair, with blue eyes , and a similar to Kelekona.

"She not worth it, Lord Akano!" Said a boy standing next to him. Akano huft and walk away. "Was that? Asked Kelekona, watching the boy walk away. "I believe it was!" I quickly get moving before he realizes as well."

Akano then stopped and was about to say something but could see where Kelekona went. "What is wrong?" Asked Akano, friend. Akano didn't say anything, but he had a serious and terrifying look on his face.

"Otsuki!" Said Akano. "You see that commoner again. You let me know, and they walk to class.

Kelekona quickly ran into a room and closed the door. She took a deep breath, "Akano Alberon, huh!" Kelekona said.

"What are you doing here?" Yelled a man.

It startled Kelekona, "I am sorry!" She said, bowing her head. She didn't see who it was.

"Alexander!" Yelled a woman voice. "You leave the poor girl!" Kelekona lift her hand up, and a dark shining knight turns to a young woman, a few years older than Kelekona. "I am a Farla, and this Elelorne." The woman introduced them. "Do you follow the Virtuous Gods as well?"

"Gods?" Asked Kelekona, looking around and realized she was in a temple of some shorts. "I thought religion and politics stay out of the Academy!"

"In class or on campus ground, but there are area where people, like myself, have a place to go to practice and preach their beliefs."

"Doesn't she look like..." Said Elelorne.

Farla raised her hand, and Elelorne stopped talking. "What made you stop by here?" Farla asked. The door pushed open, Kelekona fell to the ground, and Akano stood over her. "By the Gods?" Said Akano give Kelekona by the hair. "You that rat bastard from my uncles, aren't you?"

"Damn!" He figured me out. "It wasn't hard to figure out." Teisess said. "You two look almost like siblings."

"Let her go!" Said Farla.

"Stay put of this!" Akano said, kicking Kelekona, not giving her time to think. "This is Alberon Family business. You have no right to interfere." Akano said. Farla walked up, "You didn't realize what you walked into, did you?" Asked Farla. "You are standing in the temple of the Virtuous Gods of the Ikarus Kingdom. And I am a Priestess of those Gods. As long you are standing in this temple, your business is the Gods business, which in return is my business."

Akano grain his teeth and let go of Kelekona roughly. "You better hope we don't meet in an Ikarus political territory or a tournament." Akano walk away.

While Akano was distracted by Farla, Kelekona swiped a dragon claw necklace from Akano. "Thank you!" Said Teisess. "That was the dry blood I smell the other day. It is from a baby dragon."

"Are you okay?" Asked Farla, holding her hand out to Kelekona. "As I thought, she is from the Alberon Family." Elelorne said as Farla helped Kelekona up. "Elelorne!" Said Farla, "You need to learn to keep to stay out of other people business." Farla brushed the dust off of her. "I am sorry about his. He was a spy in another life. He is having a hard time adjusting to his new one as my bodyguard."

"A Priestess need a body guard?" Asked Kelekona follow Farla down an aisle. "Priest and priestess are pure souls that are blessed with divine protection." Farla, explain. "Your power can range up to High Teir 4 magic without multiple people."

One of the statuses began to glow. "What does" mean "?" Asked Kelekona. Farla was puzzled and then spoke, "That the Goddess of Reincarnation, I think she wants to speak to you."

"Um... how? And why?" Kelekona asked. Thinking it as to do something with Teisess. "I don't know why?" Said Farla. "But touch the status, and she will speak to you."

Kelekona was hesitant at first, "Goddess of Reincarnation is one of the Virtuous Gods." Teisess said. "She probably the one who pit me inside you." Kelekona took a deep breath and touched the status.

Kelekona seems to be transported into a large bright room with white stone pillers in Kelekona Wilkins-Alberon." A soft woman voice spoke, Kelekona turn around a mysthetistic woman, with long curled brown hair, in leather fur coat, carrying a walking stick with a lantern. "Welcome to the room of reincarnation."

"Thank you, Goddess!" Kelekona bow before her. "No need for that, I know that you don't really worship Gods, so their no need for that." The Goddes wave her hand like she was uncomfortable. "Why have I been brought here?" Asked Kelekona.

"Right then!" The Goddess clears her throat. "Well, you see, there been a slight problem when it came to your birth, not the whole your grandfather try to kill you part. Before that." Kelekona, look confused. "Teisess, here you don't have to be in Kelekona body. You can be free to leave it until you are sent back. This is, after all, a realm of spirits."

Fire flew out of Kelekona and formed into a mighty red dragon. With four strong legs and mighty wings. "It a pleasure to meet you, Goddess of Reincarnation." Teisess lowers his head. "Good, now snice you are out maybe I can pulled the other soul out." The Goddess said.

"Teisess did mention that sense another presences in my mindspace." Said Kelekona. Goddess nodded, "Yes, well." The Goddess brushed her the back of her head like she didn't know what to say. "You see, reincarnation isn't an easy thing, tho I have been granted the power of it, I am not the only God that can do it."

"The Realm of the Divine is a vast or disorganized group." Teisess said respectfully." The Goddes lower her head, "I apologize for chasing the issue before you were conceived." The Goddess said. "But I was able to lock him way deep in your mindspace before he could do damage."

"Damage?" Asked Kelekona.

"The body can handle to soul, barely but adding a third, so make a person go crazy." Said Teisess. "I have seen it happen before. Not only that, she said it was a he, he probably would have been a Pervert."

"Hey, I resent that remark." A young man voice spoke out.

"Their you are!" The Goddess wave her hand and bright lights came out of Kelekona and foam into a soul. "Welcome, Minato Hikan, is it?"

"Thank you for getting me out of there." Said Minato. The Goddess waves her hand, and the spirit vanish. "What happened to him?" Asked Kelekona.

"He will go through a proper reincarnation circle." Said The Goddess. "I don't know why they chose to do it at birth, but it is not how it supposed to go."

"Why not?" Asked Kelekona.

"Mainly because that would be killing a soul before they had a chance to be born. For example, you, if them had it their way, you won't be born and Minato will be in your body."

"And I would probably burn him alive for being a pervert." Said Teisess. With a wave of the Goddess hand, Teisess went back into Kelekona's body, and Kelekona reappears in the temple.

"Taken way, my fun!" Said a voice with the Goddess. The Goddess turned and saw a being floated with an open book. "Things would have gotten interesting with him still being in that body."

"I understood you're a higher being!" Said the Goddess. "But be careful of our world!" The Goddess lantern stick turns into a spear, and her cloak turns into armor. "Toy with these people, and you'll have to answer to the Gods of this world."

"Fine, fine!" Said the being closing their book. "I will stop messing with your world. I certainly don't want to end up like the last one who tries to mess with you all."