
Kelekona and The Dragon Vengeance

Rexie_Valkyrieson · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Episode 6

The Academies of Magic have four primary years. Magic wielder or magician go to this Academy to learn Magic and hopefully use them wise and benefit the people.

Unfortunately, every once in a while. A student can move off the path that society thinks is good. This isn't the Academy fault. The Academy is there, so a student don't lose control of the magic, not to force them to do good. Freewill and all.

Most of all, politics and religion are restricted in the Academy. The Academy goal is to train the students in magic not to brainwash them with Gods and stuff like that.

During the first year of the Academy, the students will learn about the four properties, which most should already know. Focus their time and energy on mastering one properties. If they have more than one, they will be taught how to combine them in year two.

Year two is when the combined magic will be taught. This would be the High Tier Magic. Most people can combine Magic on their own, so they will need to work together in groups of two or more people. So basically, year to is about team building.

Year three, the students will learn the different opportunities they can have once they leave the Academy. The military of a country or the guilds.

Military is pretty much self-explanatory. Guilds can be divided by two factions, adventurers, and mercenaries. Adventurers are a group of people who will explore things called Dungeons. Mercenaries are groups of hiring people, like if there a drought and farms need water or a lord need of extra muscles.

The four year is where the students can experience this thing and finish whatever studies they need to order to graduate. The school uniforms is what you expect out of an Academy but there mainly color is black with trim color to show what year people are, year one is white, year two is blue, year three is red and year four is yellow.

"Did you get all that?" Asked Balthazar finishing up the tour of the Academy. "I believe so, Headmaster Balthazar." Said Kelekona said as they stopped at a dorm room. "This is only day one of the Academy." Said Balthazar. "And you already got the attention of most people in the school."

Kelekona took a deep breath, people are going to talk about her and watch her after Teisess outbursts in the courtyard. "You need to be careful, tho, Ms. Alberon." Said Balthazar. "Your cousin also attended this academy."

"I hate how knowledgeable this man is!" said Kelekona, gripping the only bag his brought with from home. "He is am Ally, Kona." Said Teisess. "May I call you that?"

"Yeah!" Kelekona said, taking a deep breath. Kelekona grips the door handle and opens up the door to her room.

"YES!!!!" A woman voice screamed out, and some spook Kelekona by hugging her. "Thank you, thank you, and thank you."

A young man gave her and dragged her off of Kelekona. "Forgive her!" Said the man. "She just a bit unhinged by having the same dorm with men." The woman began to scream to the boy. She really was uncomfortable with it.

"Allow me to in everyone." The young man said after the woman finished yelling. "The Half-Orc girl is Lumorak, the Giant here is Nadak, and I am Ryul Giltris."

"Doesn't the other two have family names?" Asked Kelekona, noticing only Ryul given his family name. "I see!" Said Ryul. "You must be from a small village, I take it?"

"Small port town in the south." Said Kelekona. "Why?"

"Excuse me if I offended, but most commoner don't have family names, a few do, but family name are reserved for highborn, like Nobles, Knights and Royals." Ryul explain. "The few commoners that do have a family name, either have highborn blood in this or the Kingdom grant them it for doing a good deed."

"It one of the way, the wealthy stay in power." Said Nadak.

"Nadak is a conspiracy theorist." Said Ryul. "Pay him no mind. Anyways, what you name?"

"Everyone already knows her name. Why asked?" Nadak said, then Ryul knocked Nadak on the head. "It is polite!"

"I thought Elf was supposed to be level-headed?" Asked Kelekona. Ryul laugh, "The older generation, yes, the older elves get the wiser they become." Elf age differently then human and other creature.

An Elf at one season is a human at 10 season. So Ryul is about 120 seasons. They completely stop aging anywhere between 250-500 seasons and live on your nearly 3,000 season, recording to recorded history.

"My name is Kelekona Wilkins!" Kelekona introduced herself, "You may also know I have a familiar. His name is Teisess the Red Dragon."

Kelekona looked upon Ryul puzzled face. "Is there something wrong?" Asked Kelekona. Ryul took a deep breath, "Two things you probably should know. One Red Dragon is completely rare, like Royals Rare!" Ryul explained.

"Teisess, are you a Royal?" Asked Kelekona in her mindspace, shocked to her the news Teisess response, "Those Red Dragon are rare, but far as I know, I am a common dragon."

"And second is that we are family!" Said Ryul said everyone was shocked to hear that. "How?" Asked Kelekona, thinking he knows her secret. "Your name is name Lexine Wilkins, right?" Asked Ryul, and Kelekona nodded, "Lexine is an Half-Elf, her father is my uncle." Said Ryul. "That makes me her cousin and your second cousin, I believe."

"Then we're related by name only!" Kelekona said.

"Are you sure you want to tell him?" Asked Teisess.

"Only part of the story, not the whole." Kelekona explained in her mindspace then spoke out loud, "Lexine, marry my father after I was born, I inherent the name that way."

"Oh!" Ryul thought about it. "I don't know how to handle this! Normally, you would be my superior, but snice, you don't have the blood, I don't. I am going to have to contact my father."

Ryul gave a stone out of his back and stepped out of the room. "It fascinating that a dragon will be found here in Shuzia." Nadak said. "The last dragon snice around her was nearly 500 seasons ago."

"Where did they go?" Asked Kelekona. "Killed?" Nadak couldn't answer the question, but Teisess could, "Dragon eventually mergated to the Scarlet Domain or better known as the Dragon Kingdom."

"That is located south of Ikarus, right?" Asked appearing in her mindspace. Teisess stood before her, he wave his hand and a beautiful mythical forest lay before them. Creature of all kinds where living it, including dragons. The area began to slow back up like Kelekona, and Teisess was flying higher.

There is a rocky terrain that covers the land between Ikarus and the Scarlet Domain. "The Great Royal Dragon family made their home in that terrain protect the Domain from humans." Teisess explain. Kelekona saw a mighty red dragon roar from the rocky terrain. "But one day, I don't exactly what happen the family fled or was murder and the Kingdom of Ikarus invaded."

Kelekona saw Ikarus soldiers marching in, caging, killing creatures, and plants alike. "Dragon aren't the most peaceful creatures." Teisess said. "But this was uncalled for the humans."

"Do you know what happened to Scarlet Domain?" Asked Kelekona as the scene vanished into firey red flames. "Unfortunately, I don't know what happened after this day, snice I dead there."

"Well, alongside my magic classes were supposed to have normal education classes." Kelekona said. "Maybe I will find answers there." Teisess smile, "Maybe young one!"

Then Teisess quickly went into battle stance. "What wrong?" Asked Kelekona, not noticing any problems in the real world. "There is another presence in the mindspace." Teisess said as he growled. Which Kelekona found cute and said, "Like another familiar?"

"I don't know, should be possible!" Said Teisess. "Continue on with your life, I will try to figure out where and what this other presence is."

Kelekona spent most of her morning learning, economic, math, history, and all the boring subjects that everyone hates. In the afternoon, the magic glasses began.

"Welcome, everyone!" Said a teacher as everyone walked into the room. "I am Cha Quiada. Please call me, Lady Cha. Welcome to Tier one magic classes. Here, you learn the different Tier 1 magic, mainly the four properties; fire, water, wind, and earth."