
Kakashi: A new life another world

Kakashi is taken to the world of The Witcher, follow him interacting with the characters from the work, his presence in that world will change canonical events and the way the characters interact with each other.

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32 Chs

End of the nightmare (Revised)

Feeling his head getting light after the strange voice passed through his head, Kakashi tried his best to resist, so as not to lose his consciousness.

But no matter what he did, Kakashi couldn't resist, he slowly gave in and fell into the world of dreams.

Looking around in a confused manner, Kakashi didn't know what was going on, he had returned to his old room in Konoha.

The room where he spent most of his childhood, as he was looking around his room for a clue.

He felt something trying to mess with his mind, but he resisted, the training he went through strengthened his mind against attacks of this nature.

Not knowing what was happening, Kakashi left his room looking for answers.

Observing everything and recognizing the people there, Kakashi at first thought he had returned to Konoha, but this idea was soon rejected.

He noticed that there were changes, some people had exactly the same personality, others changed completely.

There were also some people missing that Kakashi remembered, and others appeared that Kakashi didn't exist in that place.

The people who lived in this illusion seemed so real, Kakashi would change the subject or talk about things they never talked about and they would respond, he couldn't understand how this could be so real.

They were like real people with their own lives and different personalities, which left Kakashi with a strange feeling.

Confused by that situation, Kakashi wondered what the purpose of the thing that put him in that illusion was, he was doing nothing at the moment.

In which he began to relive all the worst moments of his life, he went through his father's suicide, the death of Rin and Obito and the death of the last person important to him, Minato.

Kakashi lost everything again, so he came to the conclusion that whoever brought him to this place wanted to break his mind, to make him give up.

But unfortunately for the creature, Kakashi had already made peace with his past, even if he still felt a little guilty for not being able to save these people.

He understood that he did his best at that moment, and that he should learn to live with his mistakes and evolve so as not to make the same mistakes in the future.

Realizing that Kakashi would not surrender, and was not being defeated by the illusion he created, the creature accepted that Kakashi had passed his ordeal and freed him.

The ordeal was limited to overcoming your personal hell, and overcoming the worst moments of your life, and in the end standing firm and not giving up in the face of difficulties.

Slowly opening his eyes, Kakashi looks around and remembers where he is, he had returned to the room where he had faced the golem.

While looking around Kakashi sees the woman lying strangely on the bed, he realizes that she must still be trapped in the illusion.

Kakashi approaches her lying in bed, he tries to wake her up in every way, but nothing he tries works.

Yennefer simply wouldn't wake up, realizing the situation she was in.

He started to think about how he would get out of that place, but nothing came to mind, Kakashi didn't know where he was or how to get out of that place safely.

Realizing that he would need her help to get out of this place, Kakashi decided to help her wake up, using more risky means.

Releasing his Sharingan, Kakashi tries to enter her mind using a genjutsu, but something goes wrong the moment he looks into her purple eyes, his consciousness is sucked into her illusion.

Kakashi once again finds himself lost in a completely new place, this seemed to be becoming more and more common for him, it has happened so many times in these 11 days that he could end up getting used to it.

Looking around him without Kakashi looking for anything that could help him locate himself.

Realizing that he was in the middle of a very poor village, Kakashi looked for the woman with purple eyes.

But no matter how hard Kakashi looked, he couldn't find anyone even remotely similar to YenYennefer.

Knowing that he would be difficult to find by normal means, however he knew that he could not give up.

He looked in the nearby houses, but didn't find her, Kakashi didn't see anyone with her features, he then started asking about a beautiful woman with black hair and purple eyes, who she lived nearby.

No matter who he asked, no one knew that person.

Until he found a child he told him about a filthy half-breed, who had horrible purple eyes, and black hair.

Heading towards the house indicated to him, Kakashi hoped to find some clue.

After a while looking for the house that the boy had indicated, Kakashi finally found a person with characteristics similar to those of the beautiful woman he saved.

But unlike what he expected, which was to find Yennefer, what he found was a child with serious physical deformities.

Even though he was totally different from the woman he knew, some characteristics she possessed made Kakashi recognize her.

Her beautiful purple eyes were recognizable on any face, her dark black hair that highlighted her white skin was also unmistakable.

However, what confirmed her identity to Kakashi was her aura, he couldn't explain how, but elemental energy surrounded her.

Looking into Yennefer's eyes, Kakashi realized that she was nothing more than a depressed child, her look and attitude showed it.

'I'm sure that this child and that woman are the same person, possibly she lost her memory, unlike me she was unable to resist the influence of that being'.

Realizing this fact, Kakashi discovered that this situation would be difficult, the being who put them through this ordeal wanted them to overcome their personal hells, without giving up or becoming discouraged.

If she had kept her memory it would have been much easier for the two of them to overcome this situation, but since she didn't seem to remember anything, Kakashi would have to do all the hard work.

He would have to make her life the best possible so that she could overcome all the worst moments of her life, thus being able to free herself from this nightmare.

Kakashi's situation wasn't easy, even though he knew what he should do, he didn't know how to do it.

Kakashi wasn't the best when it came to children, especially one who seemed so traumatized and withdrawn.

Thinking about a plan of action to get closer to the girl, he decided that he would observe her situation and then gradually approach her.

Observing her, Kakashi noticed how she was mistreated by everyone, her mother rejected her and beat her, the village where she lived despised her.

They attacked her with words, stones and rubbish, little Yennefer had no emotional support in her life, she was suffering.

'If she suffered this way in her childhood, her mistrust and her way of acting in that place are justifiable, given everything she is going through there is no way she can be a kind person in the future'.

Unlike the Naruto she had, Iruka, Kakashi, Jiraya and others, Yennefer never had anyone, she always suffered alone, her personality was relatively normal considering everything she went through.

Discovering that she spent most of her time alone, Kakashi used these opportunities to get closer to her.

Yennefer looked nothing like that arrogant and self-confident woman he found in that castle.

Was she just a scared little girl, who was hungry for attention and affection, a very dangerous mix for a child? Anyone could take advantage of her desperation.

Yennefer was confused at first, with the boy who was showing up at her house every day, at first he left food and tried to talk to her.

But as she never spoke to him, for fear of him wanting to do harm to her, Kakashi changed his plan of action, became more insistent.

Until he stopped bringing food and I came to talk to her for a week, Yennefer didn't know why, but she became desperate, the only person who helped her and tried to get closer to her.

It was gone, she soon regretted not having responded to him, believing that if she hadn't been so fearful he wouldn't have abandoned her.

Regretful about her lack of action, she decided to go out to look for Kakashi, to apologize to him and try to create a friendship.

But the moment she took advantage of her mother's absence to leave the house in search of Kakashi, Yennefer was seen by the children of the village and was harassed.

She was thrown out with insults and stones, a stone hit her and injured her face, Yennefer returned to her house crying.

Without knowing why everyone despised her, she didn't know why she was so hated by everyone.

Depressed, Yennefer believed she should be alone, she regretted leaving home to look for Kakashi.

Placing her back pressed against the door, she cried profusely, wondering what she did wrong, Yennefer believed she was born to suffer.

She thought that suffering was what she deserved, even though she tried hard to help and get closer to other people, everyone rejected her, her appearance repulsed everyone around her.

With depressive thoughts in her mind, Yennefer could no longer bear to live this way, all her days were filled with suffering and loneliness.

She no longer saw any meaning in her life, thinking about ending it all, Yennefer heard a knock on her door.

"It's me Kakashi, Yennefer are you there?", surprised by that Yennefer didn't expect him to come back.

"I'm sorry for my absence, I went looking for something different for you to try, and it was very difficult to find."

Without waiting for her to respond, Kakashi was already used to Yennefer's attitude of remaining silent, he was already prepared for the difficulty, when he decided to gain her trust.

Yennefer was currently like an animal, injured and mistreated, he would have to work hard to gain her trust.

For this reason he was taken by surprise by her attitude, she opened the door of her house and showed herself while tears fell from her eyes.

Noticing Yennefer's teary eyes, Kakashi saw a wound on her forehead and dried blood on her face, he approached her and gently touched her hair, so he could better check the wound.

Seeing that situation, Kakashi felt sorry for Yennefer, "Is everything okay, Yennefer? Is the wound hurting?"

She heard the concern in Kakashi's voice, it made her emotional, it had been years since someone last worried about her.

More tears rolled down her face, she didn't know the person in front of her well, but he was the only one who treated her well in years.

Throwing herself into Kakashi's arms, she hugs him tightly, afraid that he would disappear again.

Yennefer was afraid, she didn't know if Kakashi would reject his touch, she was afraid he would be disgusted by her appearance.

That's why she hugged him with all her strength and placed her head on his shoulder, Kakashi was the same height as her, so it wasn't difficult for her to do that.

Her fear only passed when she felt a gentle touch on her head, Kakashi was running his fingers through her hair.

With Kakashi's gentle touch, Yennefer began to calm down, but she only released him when she was satisfied.

After she released him, Kakashi took her small hand and sat her down and began to treat her wound, her face didn't show the feelings that Yennefer expected.

Kakashi had a gentle and caring expression as he looked at her, feelings such as contempt and disgust did not appear on her face.

Feeling the heat in Kakashi's attitude, Yennefer decided to open up to him. From that day on, the two began to get closer.

For fear of him abandoning her, Yennefer was very clingy and attached to Kakashi, every time they were together she wanted physical touch with him.

Always holding her hand, hugging her or simply touching her shoulder, Kakashi managed to get her out of the house.

Taking her for walks around places, showing her nature, over time she gained confidence.

She no longer cared what other people said, as long as she had Kakashi everything would be fine for Yennefer.

Yennefer was finally having some happiness in her life, the worst moment of her day was when the two of them separated, and she had to return to her house.

Her life had been very good these last two years, she finally believed that she deserved to be happy.

But that changed when she discovered that her mother had sold her to a woman, despair took over her and Yennefer tried to run away to find Kakashi.

Unfortunately for Yennefer she was unable to escape, she was captured and dragged out of the village while screaming for Kakashi.

When she thought that all was lost and that she would never meet Kakashi again in her life, he appeared and rescued her.

Releasing Yennefer from her bonds he stood in front of her, protecting her from the woman, Kakashi was not in a good mood, he had grown fond of Yennefer.

For Kakashi she became someone important, when he found out what happened to Yennefer he rushed to rescue her.

When Kakashi was about to attack the woman who was with Yennefer, she spoke to him, informing him that she was a sorceress and was taking Yennefer to the school where she belonged.

It took a while, but the tensions calmed down, the woman wanted to take Yennefer with her, but she didn't want to go without Kakashi.

And he wouldn't leave her alone with unknown people, Yennefer would only go if Kakashi went, that's what the two decided.

Even though she was reluctant, the sorceress accepted, but Kakashi was not allowed to enter the place, that place only belonged to the sorceress and students.

Kakashi stayed outside the castle, Yennefer was not happy with that situation, wanting to stay with him, but he calmed her down and said they could meet every day.

Reluctant to this situation, Yennefer was not satisfied with it, but Kakashi managed to convince her that this was the best option they had.

With Kakashi's support and presence, Yennefer had a much happier life in Arentuza, with him by her side she didn't care what others thought of her.

Yennefer was much more spontaneous and sociable, with these new attitudes she made many more friends than in the real world, her life was much happier.

She discovered how difficult it was to become a sorceress, but for Kakashi's sake she did her best, her goal was to have a good life with the only person who truly cared about her.

For Yennefer, Kakashi was the only person she could truly trust, he was the only one who would always be by her side, she would do everything not to lose him.

When she graduated from Arentuza school and had her appearance transformation, almost everyone was surprised by her newfound beauty.

Everyone's attitude changed along with her appearance, Yennefer was able to notice that everyone started to treat her in a better way.

Kakashi was the only one who continued to treat her the same way, her beauty and her newly acquired influence meant nothing to him.

For him, Yennefer continued to be the same person she always was, realizing this she was happy.

Because Kakashi's attitude confirmed that she was important to him, Yennefer was overjoyed when she confirmed his feelings for her.

After she graduated, Yennefer was allowed to have her own accommodation, so Kakashi could finally stay under the same roof as her.

They were having a good life now living under the same roof, she spending most of her time with Kakashi who grew more handsome with each passing year.

But it wasn't just Yennefer who noticed his beauty, her friends flirted with Kakashi, even if she wasn't happy with the situation.

Yennefer didn't show this clearly, she pushed them away indirectly, as everyone knew that the two of them didn't have a romantic relationship.

The young sorceresses tried to enter into a relationship, with someone with a completely different beauty, from the beauty they were used to.

Kakashi was very attractive to these sorceresses, so a competition was created between them, to see who could date him.

With Kakashi's increasingly frequent flirtations causing Yennefer to be on alert, she was afraid that some of these beautiful women would steal him away from her.

Frightened by this fact, Yennefer went in search of advice, from more experienced people, more experienced experts who told her about the cycle of life.

And that the family would naturally move away when its members found life partners, that even though she and Kakashi were very close, at some point they would have to move away to create other bonds with other people.

Even the closest brothers ended up moving away over time, Yennefer knew that her body transformation took away her ability to have a child.

However Kakashi could still form a complete family, at the moment he was rejecting the advances of beautiful women, but one could win her heart.

Kakashi could form a family and as they would not have blood ties, his future wife could interfere in their relationship out of jealousy.

All the people she looked for told her the same thing, that someday they would move away, the life of a sorceress and an ordinary person was destined to be very different.

Even though she had seen how powerful Kakashi was, on some occasions he protected Yennefer and her friends, he knew he was more powerful than her.

But even though Kakashi was powerful he was a mere mortal, he had a very limited lifespan compared to the lives of Sorceresses.

Yennefer knew that at some point in his life, he would want a life partner, someone more important than a simple sister.

She had this in her head, that one day Kakashi would leave her for another woman, Yennefer was sad, even if he didn't have someone now, one day he would want intimacy with someone.

When Kakashi noticed his strangeness, "Yen you don't look okay, did something happen?"

A little thoughtful, Yennefer decided to answer and find out the truth, she wanted to know what she was feeling, taking Kakashi's hand, she looked into his eyes seriously.

"Kakashi, what do you think about sorceresses?"

Confused by her question, Kakashi didn't understand what she was referring to.

"Yen, I didn't understand your question, what do I think of sorceresses on what subject? Your beauty, your power or your influence?"

This genuine attitude from Kakashi pleased, at least it didn't seem like he had thought much about the women who flirted with him.

"I'm speaking romantically, so many sorceresses are flirting with you, what do you think about a romance with one of them?"

A little thoughtfully, Kakashi replied he hadn't thought about the matter since he arrived in this world, his only objective was to make Yennefer happy and emotionally strong, so that they could get out of this illusion.

Kakashi hadn't thought about having fun or getting romantically involved with any woman in this world, so if Yennefer wanted him to get involved with one of her beautiful friends, he would make this noble sacrifice for her.

"I never thought about it, but I wouldn't be against the idea of having a relationship, with some kind of luck, if that's what you want to know."

Their conversation lasted a little longer, but nothing important was reported from Kakashi's perspective, Yennefer on the other hand had her heart ache, with the idea of Kakashi finding someone who was more special than her to him.

She kept this feeling in her head until the day a sex scandal involving Kakashi spread throughout high society.

Some guards and maids saw Kakashi leaving in just his underwear, guarding a high-prestige noblewoman, this topic became a hot topic for everyone for a while.

As Kakashi rejected women's flirtations and statements, everyone thought he liked men, so he started receiving flirtations from married nobles and respected sorcerers.

Many were already watching Kakashi, gifts arrived at his and Yennefer's house every week, so word got out that he had a romantic night with a woman.

All of his former suitors became bolder, with clearly sexually explicit guests.

This rumor grew over time, more noble ladies and some sorceresses reported involvement with him, causing the two to be persecuted for a while.

This time was very stressful for Kakashi and Yennefer, but for different reasons, Kakashi was on constant alert worried about possible threats.

Kakashi was so stressed in this situation that he began to consume alcohol, in order to relax, his involvement with alcohol would cause two similar accidents.

One he would regret and try to forget the other he would be grateful for.

Yennefer, on the other hand, had her fear of Kakashi abandoning her heightened, even though she believed Kakashi when he said that nothing happened.

She became suspicious, so many reports were difficult to ignore, people's words passed through her mind.

That one day he would abandon her to be with a woman, who was her lover, one day he would have to become romantically involved with someone.

When she realized that one day Kakashi might leave her, Yennefer tried to become romantically involved with a few men, but the more she dated them.

But Yennefer compared them to Kakashi, they were inferior in every way, they weren't trustworthy, and they weren't really interested in her.

They were interested in what she could provide them, which made her sure she wouldn't find anyone like Kakashi.

That he loved her and cared for her, without ulterior motives and without expecting anything in return, even if he didn't love her in a romantic way, Yennefer believed she could change that fact.

Yennefer was very confused about her feelings, the stressful situation they found themselves in worsened her perception of what she felt.

Kakashi was unique to her, he was the only one who always supported her and was by her side, her affection, respect, admiration and trust towards him, made her believe that she wanted him in a romantic way.

Since she had no one other than Kakashi for emotional support, Yennefer didn't know how to differentiate between her feelings.

Believing that she was in love with Kakashi, Yennefer tried to seduce him, but Kakashi did not take the advances seriously, he wanted to believe that it was nothing more than Yennefer's joke.

He did not take his flirtations seriously, their level of intimacy was so high that Kakashi believed that these feelings would not arise.

Realizing that her advances had no effect on Kakashi, Yennefer decided to take bad advice, to seduce him when he was unable to reject her.

Knowing that it wouldn't be easy for a situation like this to arise, because even though Kakashi was currently consuming alcohol, he didn't get drunk, he always cleansed his body with chakra.

Thus preventing him from being negatively affected by the drink, Yennefer, knowing this, mixed his drink with a portion.

This attitude would put Kakashi in a terrible situation.3

Believing that she loved Kakashi, Yennefer had her first night with him, because she was not in full consciousness, Kakashi let his desires dominate him.

Waking up with Yennefer naked on top of him, and noticing the blood on the bed, Kakashi didn't need to be a genius to figure out what happened last night.

Even if they had

Confused by what happened, Kakashi apologized to Yennefer, but to her surprise she didn't blame him or get mad at him, in fact she took advantage of this situation to try to start a relationship with him.

She believed that Kakashi was the only one who could truly love her, he always had affection for her, even when Yennefer had none.

'I know what I did is wrong, but I will make it up to Kakashi by being the best lover the world has ever seen.'

He was determined not to start a romantic relationship with Yennefer, he was determined that this was a one-night mistake.

Even though Kakashi found Yennefer very beautiful and physically attractive, he was not romantically attracted to her.

In fact he had never been in love with anyone, Kakashi didn't know what romantic love felt like.

Trying for a long time to convince Kakashi to start a relationship Yennefer felt frustrated and undesired, every day she became more discouraged.

Resisting for a while, Kakashi tried to convince Yennefer that he didn't love her in a romantic way, but Yennefer wasn't being convinced by him.

Noticing Yennefer's sadness, Kakashi decided to give in, his only objective was to leave that world, and if that were necessary, becoming Yennefer's romantic partner was what he would do.

Kakashi couldn't say that their relationship was bad, they were very compatible, both emotionally and sexually, but Kakashi still thought that relationship was wrong, he didn't love Yennefer that way.

And even though he did everything in her power to make Yennefer happy, Kakashi saw no signs that the ordeal was being overcome.

He tried to end their romantic relationship several times, but Yennefer always convinced him, Kakashi felt trapped in that relationship.

This situation only changed when Kakashi fell in love with a beautiful sorceress, making him decide about his relationship with Yennefer.

Even though it was difficult he ended his relationship with Yennefer, however even after that fact, she was still very jealous of him.

Convinced that she truly loved him, she did everything to make him fall in love with her, which is why Kakashi kept his relationship with the other sorceress hidden.

Over the years she discovered her true feelings towards Kakashi, they returned to their old relationship as brothers.

Even though she didn't regret her romance with Kakashi, she still felt guilty about what she did to him.

She and Kakashi became quite famous, due to their power and skills, a duo that was feared by everyone.

The years passed peacefully, with the two traveling the world seeing places, this lifestyle lasted until Kakashi's age caught up.

Unlike Yennefer, she had a limited amount of time on earth, she tried to do everything she could to extend Kakashi's lifespan, but he refused.

Kakashi believed that life was only precious because it had an end date, he had no intention of becoming an immortal, he felt that his work was done.

Now he would have to trust Yennefer to overcome this ordeal, feeling that today was her last day in that world, he smiled at Yennefer, took my hand and looked into her eyes with her Sharingan.

He began to show Yennefer the life they shared together, but from his point of view and told her that he would be waiting for her on the other side, thus taking his last breath.

It was an overwhelming feeling, Yennefer felt pain and happiness at the same time, who lost the only person he truly loved in this world.

But at the same time she could see that Kakashi loved her too, feeling his feelings, Yennefer decided to move on for him.

She would take her kindness to the world, Yennefer was determined not to let the world forget him, but before she could let go of his hand, something happened.

Everything disappeared, Yennefer found herself in a completely white place, where she found another woman identical to her, approaching her and the two touched hands and merged.

Thus a new Yennefer was born with the memory of two different lives, she was no longer the same person, her new memories changed her completely.

She was now no longer so optimistic about the world, but now she also had what she had been looking for in a family, with the memories of Kakashi in her head.

Yennefer had a happy life, and now she had hope for a better life, even more so when she compared Kakashi to the boy in the other Yennefer's memories.

Discovering that they are the same person gave her hope of seeing Kakashi alive again, but this time she wouldn't let him die.

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