
Kakashi: A new life another world

Kakashi is taken to the world of The Witcher, follow him interacting with the characters from the work, his presence in that world will change canonical events and the way the characters interact with each other.

Aphis · Anime & Comics
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32 Chs

Kakashi vs Duplicates (Revised)

As he slowly woke up, Kakashi remained perplexed by the scenery that appeared around him.

His memories were completely disorganized, Kakashi was confused by what was happening.

He was overwhelmed by a flood of memories that made his head ache.

Lost in contemplation and recollections, Kakashi was deeply engaged in trying to organize his thoughts.

Nevertheless, he was distracted by a soft exhale beside him, pulling him out of his daydream.

Kakashi rolled over in bed and gazed at Yennefer, who was lying beside him.

In that instant, a blend of feelings overwhelmed his heart.

Getting closer to her, Kakashi softly touched her cheek, feeling his heart tighten as he contemplated the challenging decisions ahead.

He was unsure about which decision to make.

The intense desire to return to his hometown in Konoha was unstoppable, as he had left cherished family and friends there.

Nonetheless, the concept of leaving Yennefer behind, he is the only person who cares about her in this world, this fact added another layer of complexity to his decision.

Yennefer was the individual to whom Kakashi spent most of his days with, being the initial individual to truly become so intimately connected with him.

She knew almost all of his secrets completely.

Kakashi didn't have anyone who could comprehend him like Yennefer did, and now he was confronted with a tough decision: either forsake his beloved Yen or bid farewell to his former abode.

She had great meaning in his life.

He was having difficulty making this decision as he was conflicted between these two choices.

Unsure of the choice to be made.

In a moment of difficulty, Kakashi wished for an alternative reality, one that would make his choice easier.

However, in the conclusion, he must make a decision whether to remain beside Yennefer or attempt to find his way back to his own world.

Lost in thought, Kakashi failed to register the two individuals discreetly moving closer.

He was so engrossed in his fantasies that he scarcely acknowledged their looming presence in his vicinity.

Despite being unaware, he was able to detect the approaching threat due to his years of experience, Kakashi prepared to act.

Feeling a faint odor of chlorine around you. He noticed that his skin was covered in goosebumps and his body was itchy.

Kakashi understood the meaning of the combination of these three elements, predicting that lightning would soon strike that region.

His vast experience guided him in the face of these premonitions, which he had already experienced several times during the training of his Raikiri.

So, without hesitation, he hugged Yennefer and quickly removed her from the bed.

Just two seconds before being hit by a large lightning bolt that struck the area.

Two silhouettes were seen motionless on the opposite side of the room, arousing Kakashi's curiosity.

The figures responsible for the attack were revealed to be a peculiar double of Yennefer and a mature representation of herself.

Upon realizing the size of his disadvantage, Kakashi understood that it would be an arduous task to deal with the clones while protecting Yennefer, so he chose not to get involved in the battle.

Holding Yennefer tightly, he escaped the room as quickly as possible.

Kakashi was aware that he needed to delay the enemy until Yennefer woke up, otherwise the battle would be useless and the outcome would be definitive.

He felt unable to beat an older version of himself, who was accompanied by an alternative Yennefer, especially in a place that limited his abilities.

Running as fast as he could, he was followed incessantly by his copy and Yennefer's copy.

When trying to avoid the blows coming from both opponents, Kakashi noticed that the synchrony present in his team was impressive.

Coming to match the coordination ability shown by him and Yennefer.

The constant attacks surrounded him, leaving him with few defense options, he began to feel the wear and tear of the battle.

Upon noticing the need to act proactively, Kakashi understood that there would be no way to avoid the situation indefinitely.

However, carrying the unconscious Yennefer with him, he found himself in a challenging condition.

Kakashi was having difficulty resolving his dilemma, his only expectation was that Yennefer would recover quickly to help him in this confrontation.

However, the evil duplicates showed no interest in allowing him to escape, casting a long-range fire spell to stop Kakashi from fleeing.

Yennefer's clone was determined not to let him escape without a fight.

When he saw the attack approaching, he launched a jutsu as a form of protection.

Water Style: Water Wall Formation

Creating a liquid wall and launching it against Yennefe's duplicate spell.

However, the attacks continued unabated.

Kakashi witnessed several knives being thrown towards him, all aimed at Yennefer, who he held in his arms.

Immobilized by the attack from Yennefer's copy, Kakashi was unable to move or use his arms, without time for an adequate reaction, he turned back allowing the knives to hit his back.

With the use of his earth-style natural energy, Kakashi managed to prevent the knives from causing serious damage to his back, they remained embedded, but without causing any serious injury.

Using his own body as protection for Yennefer, Kakashi understood that he was trapped and had no alternative to escape.

He was forced to face them both, even if that wasn't his wish.

Sitting Yennefer on the bed next to him, Kakashi positioned himself in front of her and began mentally plotting his plan of attack.

To benefit, Kakashi was aware of all the abilities and weaknesses of both his clone and clone Yennefer.

Recognizing that the scenario he found himself in was not favorable.

He could not see a way to emerge victorious in this dispute, the conditions were all unfavorable for him.

Without giving Kakashi a chance to reason, his older self attacked him with quick and agile attacks, wielding his sword.

Kakashi skillfully dodged blows using two kunais and made counterattacks, when possible.

Initially, he was just analyzing to check the competence of the older version of him.

And to his surprise, he realized that his other version's Sharingan was just an ornament with no real function.

His gaze did not have the ability to predict like a genuine Sharingan, he could not anticipate movements accurately.

Sometimes he needed to be rescued from his counterattacks, by Yennefer's duplicate.

However, this was not the only disparity, Kakashi realized that his duplicate did not possess the physical abilities that his adult counterpart should have.

The most curious thing is that his duplicate was not using any jutsu in this battle.

This whole situation left Kakashi perplexed, since Yennefer's duplicate didn't appear to have any problems using Yennefer's spells.

Although he was taking precautions, as this situation could be a trap.

Kakashi was aware that he wouldn't be able to extend the fight for long.

Unlike his opponents, he only possessed a childlike body and his chakra was being limited by the environment, his resistance was greatly restricted.

The most effective strategy for Kakashi would be to quickly eliminate one opponent and then focus on the other.

Dealing with two adversaries simultaneously and still being responsible for protecting Yennefer was an excessively difficult task.

After outlining his strategy, Kakashi quickly went into battle, heading towards his duplicate to take the focus off the unconscious Yennefer.

Commanding the battle as planned, Kakashi did not allow the enemies to dominate the situation, he gradually began to attack them with more intensity.

He eagerly awaited the ideal opportunity to arise in order to extinguish his duplicate, but his strategy failed.

Kakashi believed that these copies of him and Yennefer were devoid of intelligence, acting solely on instinct.

However, he soon realized his mistake when Yennefer's duplicate launched an aggressive spell against the original Yennefer, who was unconscious.

Upon noticing that attack, Kakashi quickly headed towards Yennefer, while performing seals with his hands.

However, unfortunately for Kakashi, his older self was not willing to make this situation any easier.

His duplicate appeared and stopped him before he could complete the jutsu.

Surprising Kakashi by suddenly appearing in front of him, delivering a penetrating blow with his weapon, leaving him in an unfavorable situation.

By pressuring Kakashi to make a complicated decision.

They planned to make him choose between his own safety and Yennefer's.

When faced with this circumstance, Kakashi identified a gap that had arisen, he slightly tilted his body to prevent his duplicate's blow from hitting him in a critical area.

While focusing his energy on his left hand to launch his Raikiri, Kakashi accepted the blow.

With extreme speed and power, Kakashi crossed his older version's chest with his left hand, resulting in his immediate death, but his aggression did not stop there.

Kakashi took advantage of the strength of his jutsu to propel himself and his duplicate in front of Yennefer, blocking Yennefer's duplicate's blow.

By using his double's body as protection, Kakashi was able to avoid most of the flames.

But Kakashi suffered the consequences of his actions, being hit by several fragments of fire that spread.




She was caught up in her frantic thoughts, Kakashi's voice sounded, snapping her out of her stupor, his tone demonstrated that he was still the same Kakashi she knew, but her doubts still didn't subside.

Looking around, Yennefer realized that Kakashi protected her by putting her life at risk, everything around her was destroyed, and she was completely safe, without suffering any injuries.

Blood dripped from Kakashi's mouth and onto Yennefer's face, making her realize the state he was in, most of her clothes had been destroyed by the attacks she received.

Cuts and burns were spread over much of her body, even in this deplorable situation he found himself in, she was her main concern.

A comforting smile was on Kakashi's face, wanting to let Yennefer know that he was okay.

Yennefer didn't know what happened to Kakashi, but she realized that his situation was not good, it was clear that he was in a lot of pain.

She still had questions to ask, but she could wait until everything was sorted out, Yennefer was sure she would make him answer all her questions.

A strong smell of burning flesh permeated the place, she looked at the destruction around her and was surprised to see that all the furniture was destroyed, and flames were spread around the place.

Trying to get up, Yennefer felt Kakashi's head hitting her chest, looking at that situation, she became desperate.

Her heart stopped abruptly, it felt like a hand was squeezing it, her belly was cold and she was finding it very difficult to breathe.

Kakashi was on top of her, but she couldn't feel his breathing, she got up and quickly laid him on the floor next to her and began to observe her real situation.

When she realized his condition her mouth closed tightly, he was very injured, his blood soaked his clothes and the burnt flesh spread all over his body, she couldn't see his chest rising and falling, it looked like he was dead.

Paralyzed with fear, Yennefer approached him, putting her ear to Kakashi's mouth, noticing a very weak breath, it was a flame of life that could go out at any moment.

Yennefer breathed a sigh of relief that he was still alive, she began to recite a spell to cure him.

With his limbs burned, Kakashi carefully removed the sword that was embedded in his chest.

Exposing the wound he was bleeding profusely, dyeing his clothes red.

At the moment, Kakashi's condition didn't look good, at any moment he could faint and die.

His entire body was bruised, his arms burned intensely, his chakra was about to run out.

With his body that was tired and heavy, it made every movement he made difficult.

Despite having eliminated his double, Kakashi remained alert, his muscles remained tense, ready to react to any upcoming threat.

He couldn't afford to let his guard down in front of the fake Yennefer.

Yennefer, who was right behind, was the reason he didn't give up, the responsibility on her shoulders was immense, Kakashi was sure he couldn't die there.

Planning his next strategy, Kakashi focused his chakra on his own body, seeking to optimize his physical condition.

Controlling the bleeding, preventing internal bleeding and relieving the discomfort he was experiencing.

Improving your defensive ability and noticing a feeling of lightness in your body.

Kakashi prepared to move forward and confront Yennefer's double.

However, the duplicate didn't wait long enough for Kakashi to get back up, launching a huge burning sphere towards the two.

He promptly stepped forward, protecting Yennefer like a shield.

Fully aware of his current inability to carry Yennefer to escape the attack, Kakashi was already planning to use alternatives to guarantee her safety.

Quickly creating seals with his hands, even with burns on his hands, Kakashi remained unfazed and his agility was not compromised.

Despite the intense suffering, he remained firm, aware that giving up was not a viable possibility.

The only alternative was to achieve victory, and even with his hands throbbing with pain, Kakashi managed to successfully complete his technique.

Fire Style: Great Fireball Jutsu.

A sphere comparable in dimensions to the fake Yennefer's attack was propelled by Kakashi.

Resulting in a collision that considerably raised the temperature of the environment, however, none of the blows resulted in a conclusive victory.

However, Kakashi's attack was being pushed back gradually.

He realized that his jutsu was about to fail in the battle for supremacy.

Acting quickly, he exploded his jutsu, at the same time taking two explosive kunais and sneakily throwing them towards the opponent.

Then he advanced towards Yennefer, protecting her body with hers, and used the last chakra reserve he had.

To build a stone barrier to protect them.

Through the ninja technique, Earth Style: Clay Barrier.

A powerful explosion erupted into the environment, destroying everything in its path.

Fake Yennefer didn't have Kakashi's skill or reflexes to escape.

Unable to defend herself in time, she was engulfed in flames and consumed by the fire.

The jutsu used by Kakashi resisted bravely, managing to contain most of the explosion.

However, his ability was about to fade away and so he quickly turned around and wrapped Yennefer in a hug.

Shards of rock were thrown in different directions, burning rocks hit Kakashi's back.

While he placed himself in front of Yennefer as a shield, he no longer had the energy to perform any other defensive jutsu.

The pieces hit his vulnerable body, causing multiple burns and deep cuts spread across his back.

He was in relief after beating the doubles, but his body was severely injured.

Upon realizing that everything was under control, Kakashi was able to relax a little.

With great effort, Kakashi stood up to check on Yennefer and make sure she was okay.

Noticing Yennefer's eyes slowly opening, Kakashi realized that she was finally waking up and now he could transfer the responsibilities to her.

Allowing Kakashi to finally rest, he could finally pass this responsibility to Yennefer, with a tone of intimacy and relaxation, Kakashi spoke.

"Our sleeping princess seems to have finally awakened, I always knew it was necessary to stop your habit of sleeping late decades ago, but I was extremely kind to you."

With a slight smile on his lips, Kakashi continued while looking Yennefer in the eyes.

"Rest assured Yen, I will eradicate your harmful behaviors once and for all."

Yennefer was stunned by the recent events, she had not yet had enough time to recover, her memories of the events in the universe of illusions were confused with the events on this real plane.

With the blood suffocating him, Kakashi's breathing stopped, Yennefer noticed this and removed his mask, using her magic to unblock his throat.

Kakashi had thick blood dripping from his mouth, but his breathing was shallow, Yennefer removed the knives stuck in his back to save him and then stood up to gather elemental power once more.

While chanting an incantation to protect Kakashi, Yennefer witnessed his minor bruises and burns improving, his condition gradually stabilizing, his breathing becoming steadier and more regular.

However, Yennefer was aware that he would not be able to care for his injuries properly there, and would need to return to his room to cast more powerful spells in order to heal them.

On the upper floor of Yennefer's residence, she summoned a portal and came across Beau, deciding to have him call the healer and medicinal plant specialist in the region.

Yennefer was determined not to put herself in danger, she would accept any support needed, Kakashi's condition was not favorable and she was aware that she needed all the support available.

At that moment, only one thought occupied Yennefer's mind.

'I will do everything to rescue him, I don't accept the idea of losing him'.

Creating another portal to her room, Yennefer carefully placed Kakashi on the bed, trying to be as delicate as possible.

Gathering the essential resources to care for Kakashi, Yennefer wasted no time and promptly began caring for him.

Upon hearing a knock on the door, Yennefer shouted authoritatively, her tone admitting no doubts.

'Please go in and clean and dress the wounds of the person lying in bed.'

She would take advantage of all available resources to take care of him in the best way possible, acting with as much care as possible.

During the recovery stage, Yennefer was aware that unforeseen events could occur.

Therefore, she was ready to face any obstacle that arose, in order to avoid complications in his healing process.

Acting with exceptional agility, nothing was capable of distracting her in less than 10 minutes.

Yennefer had created two compositions that would help her with the Kakahi treatment.

As she turned to look at Kakashi's naked body, which was partially clean, she could clearly see the condition of his body.

Third-degree burns on her arms were noticeable, several small wounds were scattered across Kakashi's body, and there was a large injury on the right side of his chest.

Which made her apprehensive, this chest injury was the most serious and represented a real threat to her life.

Without delay, she asked the two of them to gently lift Kakashi.

Using a healing spell on Kakashi's back, Yennefer tended to the small wounds and burns present in the area.

At the same time, she also begins to close the cuts on her back.

Yennefer persisted until the magic affected the injured area and instructed the healer to apply the ointment to her back to treat the burns.

As she devoted herself to the wound on the right side of Kakashi's chest.

The care continued for a long time until Kakashi's chest injury was fully recovered.

Then she started to take care of her arms, after several hours of intensive care, Yennefer finally found herself exhausted, unable to cast any spells.

The herbalist then wrapped Kakashi in clean cloths after finishing the initial treatment, Yennefer asked them to leave the room.

Yennefer wanted to lie down and hug Kakashi immediately, but she was conscious of her dirtiness, which could contaminate his wounds.

So, she went to clean up and change her clothes.

Yennefer was aware that Kakashi could wake up at any moment, so she quickly went downstairs and prepared soup and bread for him.

With spells she prevented the food from getting cold or spoiling, ensuring its freshness.

Beau Berrant wanted to talk to Yennefer to understand what was happening and who the boy in the bed was.

However, Yennefer was in no position to provide explanations at that moment.

She just promised that she would explain the situation the next day and returned to her room.

Observing Kakashi lying down, who was appearing to be in a peaceful sleep.

Yennefer approached Kakashi and lay down next to her, looking at his face.

Caressing her face gently, Yennefer slid her finger across her skin to her striking scar on the left side of her face.

She remained there for a while, remembering the stories he shared about her life.

Yennefer was aware that the narratives he told did not match her true age, there was something that Kakashi was still hiding from her, this bothered her deeply.

Kakashi had extensive knowledge about her, but he kept some mysteries hidden.

The desire to explore her thoughts and discover memories of her crossed her mind, however Yennefer refused to do this with Kakashi.

Aware that that wouldn't be correct and that the question could be asked later, when he was awake.

Feeling her fingers passing over Kakashi's face, she remembered the moments they shared.

Even though they were just an illusion, for Yennefer, those memories were of inestimable value, greater than anything else she possessed.

Yennefer was reluctant to admit it, however, even with all the memories and time they shared, she still harbored a slight distrust towards his intentions.

This distrust was already part of her personality and she couldn't control it.

Despite this, Yennefer was completely convinced that the love she felt for him and the love she received from him were genuine.

When he woke up, there remained some uncertainties regarding his feelings towards her.

However, they all dissipated when she witnessed Kakashi defending her with total dedication.

The bruises on her body showed how much he would be willing to sacrifice for her.

In a situation where some family members and lovers would abandon her, Kakashi remained by her side, protecting her from all harm.

While she emerged from the situation unharmed, he suffered serious injuries and endured indescribable pain.

Even though he was in pain, he faced his enemies to ensure his safety, putting his life at risk.

Immersed in her reflections, Yennefer didn't notice Kakashi's gradual awakening and his efforts to move around.

The memories of what happened to him suddenly appeared in her mind, the realization of what had happened finally made itself present.

He began to understand the condition of her body, the memories of his clone who was in the company of Julia's family also returned to him.

Worried about Julia and her family, Kakashi wanted to move, but the pain prevented him from moving.

Kakashi focused all his attention on the situation before him and, with determination, reached for Yennefer's hand to hold it.

"Yen, are you okay?"

He asked Kakashi with apprehension, not knowing exactly where they were or if they were safe.

In his opinion, they were still imprisoned in that castle, without knowing how long he had lost consciousness.

He struggled to stand up and the pain made a small painful moan escape his mouth.

Yennefer held Kakashi, preventing him from trying to get up, worried about the risk of his wounds opening again.

She was aware that his body was not in a good situation.

"Remain still."

She exclaimed quickly, interrupting him, then Yennefer examined Kakashi's body for possible injuries caused by the effort and let out a sigh of relief.

"What is your intention? Do you want to kill yourself? Don't you dare try to get up alone again."

Despite speaking in an authoritarian way, it was possible to hear concern and affection in his voice.

Kakashi smiled, which slightly irritated Yennefer.

This guy had no idea how much she worried when she noticed his injuries.

Upset with what was happening, Yennefer was holding back so as not to fight with Kakashi.

But she knew it wasn't fair, this feeling was the result of her insecurity, she wanted to know Kakashi's reason for hiding information from her.

Yennefer understood that it was not the right time for such questions, but her doubts tormented her.

Kakashi felt his stomach growl, which made Yennefer return to reality and remember the state he was in.

She sighed, choosing to postpone the serious conversation until later and focus on tending to her injuries.

Yennefer helped him get comfortable on the bed, placing pillows behind his back to ensure his comfort.

She served the soup that had been prepared and sat next to Kakashi to help him eat.

Even with Yennefer's kindness, Kakashi was reserved and did not accept being fed by mouth.

So, faced with this uncomfortable circumstance, he felt the urge to assert that he could feed himself.

However, upon noticing the expression on Yennefer's face, he understood that his words would be in vain.

He would be fed by her anyway, Yennefer would dismiss her objections.

Letting out a sigh of resignation, he opts to take the less complicated path.

So, when she brought the spoon to his mouth, Kakashi accepted it without any objection or displeasure, allowing him to be fed the soup and even pieces of bread soaked in the broth.

Kakashi was unsure whether he was hungry or whether the soup was made by an experienced chef, however, he considered it one of the most delicious meals he had ever tasted.

He felt extremely happy with that sensation, the relief that finally spread throughout his body.

"Yen, where are we?"

"At an acquaintance's residence."

"How did we end up here, did you complete the tests?", she shook her head.

"When I finally recovered from the explosion, I got us out of there, after stabilizing you."

Kakashi noticed her silence and her brief, direct answers.

Knowing her well, he realized that she was upset about something, however, she remained restrained.

Before she could say anything, she stood up and took a bottle containing a green substance, opened the lid and approached him, trying to feed him.

"Open your mouth".

She obeyed, Kakashi drank the liquid, which ran into her mouth, providing an unpleasant taste.

Then, he felt his wounds itch and the sensation of pain decreased significantly.

When he tasted the drink, he felt an unpleasant taste in his mouth and made a discreet grimace, Kakashi noticed a malicious smile on Yennefer's lips.

Indicating that she was satisfied with her setback.

He was aware that Yennefer used to act like this when she was angry, through small gestures or seemingly harmless, but somewhat cruel, gestures.

That was her way of getting revenge.

Then he took a deep breath and said, "Yen, could you come a little closer to me?"

She looked at him with a confused expression and complied with her request, moving closer.

Kakashi gently touched her hair and stroked it the way he knew she liked it.

"Yen, did something happen? Did I do something that made you angry?"

Yennefer knew that Kakashi liked her to be direct, but she didn't know how she would approach this subject with him, so she decided to open her heart.

"Kakashi I know you've been lying to me, there's no way you're a child, who really are you?"

He was already determined to tell Yennefer the truth, but it seems like he would have to speed up this process.

"Yen, I was already planning to tell you this, I just didn't know how I would approach the subject, but I won't hide anything from you."

In his narration about his life in Konoha, Kakashi shared a fragment of his journey and the reality from which he came, he described the confusion of how he ended up in that place.

Kakashi concisely explained how everything unfolded, aware that the details were of no relevance to Yennefer.

She just wanted to understand if she was being used by him, Kakashi recognized that her trust issue was something she needed to work on.

However, at that moment it was not the right time to discuss this matter.

Listening to his story, Yennefer had a reasonable explanation for how Kakashi ended up in this world.

Migration of inhabitants from other planets to this one was not new in this world, since something similar had already occurred before.

The Collision of Universes was a catastrophic event that occurred globally, bringing with it a variety of beings that did not originally belong to this world.

Yennefer, even though she was taken by surprise by the revelation, managed to assimilate it without any major problems.

She lowered her head to ponder the contents, feeling relieved that he had confided everything to her, although there were still small details to be clarified.

What mattered was that he shared the essential information, and the details could be discussed later.

A beautiful smile of joy appeared on her mouth "See Kakashi, you can be sincere when you want."

He thought about fighting back, but something he learned was that there's no point in arguing with a woman and wanting to emerge victorious.

Taking a deep breath, he murmured, "It's okay, I'm sorry, I made a mistake, I won't hide anything from you anymore Yen."

Shaking her head, Yennefer was already happy with what he had just heard.

She placed him comfortably on the bed.

Kakashi felt something different on his skin, noticing that he was without clothes. He turned to Yennefer and questioned.

"Yen, why am I without clothes? Where did they go?"

"Your clothes were very destroyed, I asked someone to prepare some for you, tomorrow we are going to buy new clothes."

She changed into pajamas and turned off the lights, laying down next to Kakashi.

The two stayed talking for a while, until they almost fell asleep.

It was then that Kakashi heard a noise coming from the window.

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