
Jujutsu Sorcerer: Hana Watanabe

José Weber, a famous former professional sportsman, is murdered on his thirtieth birthday, then he finds himself reincarnated on a fragile body of a girl in the dangerous universe of Jujutsu Kaisen and, to make matters worse, his mother seem unable to see the abominable curses that he has to face on a daily basis, how will this end? How will his existence change the original plot of this work? Which side of this war will he be on? Is there a destiny? Can it be changed? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This Story was also posted on Wattpad

Anne1326 · Komik
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14 Chs

Chapter 12: Goodwill Event Part 2

- Are you sure of what you're telling me? - Sukuna asks seriously.

- Absolute! - I respond firmly. - If that wasn't already strange and crazy enough, I also feel like I've seen or met that woman before, but I can't remember where, normally I would have a flashback about something, if it was about my old life, then just It could mean I saw her in that, but I can't remember. - I explain in frustration.

- Don't worry, I don't expect you to remember her. This is actually very good, it just proves what I thought. - The king states.

- Sukuna... I wanted to ask you something. - I confess nervous.

- What is it? - The curse asks boredly.

- What's really so special about my cursed energy? What super strong ability do I have? - I question apprehensively. - I mean, you and Kenjaku for some reason want me to get stronger, right? So why don't you just tell me what it is? - I try to justify it.

- As much as this would speed up our entire process, I can't tell you. If they don't want you to know, at least not yet, then I won't be stupid enough to provoke them. Just understand that there are very powerful people who are watching you. - Ryomen reveals, leaving me even more confused.

- Do you think that at some point I will be able to know? Or will I be able to find out? - I ask.

- It's very likely, you said you spoke to Kenjako, right? - He asks, receiving a nod from me. - Then just do what he told you, he's smart, he must have given you a tip to find out everything. - Sukuna says slightly irritated.

- Okay... - I accept.

- So this is what you and Kenjako talked about that time you were kidnapped? - Yuji asks curiously.

- More or less that. - I agree. - Now you better get back to focusing, we both need to train a lot more and the goodwill event is coming up. - Serious warning.

- Yes yes I know. Speaking of which, why do we have to learn little and train directly on how to look weaker? - The teenager asks indignantly.

- Your idiocy will still kill you. - The millennial being complains. - This training I'm giving you is secret, if the great growth in skills and cursed energy that you two have becomes apparent, it won't take long for someone to connect the dots and figure out what's going on. - He informs.

- Ah... It makes sense. - Itadori notices.

- Yes, relax, I know how boring this type of training is, but it is very important and can save our lives. - I explain with a friendly smile. - Furthermore, tomorrow I plan to teach you what you would learn during your fight against Todo Aoi. - I reveal.

- The crazy guy who will hallucinate that we are best friends? - Yuji asks fed up.

- Himself. Relax, he's very strong and knows a lot about cursed energy. - I reassure my brother, while I go back to practicing.


- Only one minute until the event starts! Stay now with the lovely Utahime-sensei as she encourages you. - Satoru announces over the speakers

- There is? Hmm... Er... Yeah... It's inevitable that some people get hurt... But, well... Help each other and stuff...- Iori gets confused.

- Time is up. - Gojo interrupts.

- Wha- Hey, Gojo! - Utahime complains indignantly.

- And now the interschool tournament... STARTS!!! - The Tokyo teacher exclaims.

- Respect your senpai! - It's the last thing we hear from the speakers.

- Ichiro? - Itadori says in surprise.

- How stupid... - Nobara mutters in disappointment, before we all start running.

- Where is the main curse again? - Yuji asks.

- They released it on the right part of the map, between the forest and a building, but it's not like it's going to stay there. - I explains.

- Todo must appear when we find a curse that resembles a spider, it must be the first one we see. We're counting on you, Yuji. - Maki says.

- Yes ma'am! - The pink-haired boy agrees excitedly.

Right after he says this, we come across the cursed spirit that looks like a spider, which is upside down on a thick branch.

- Where are you going? - The curse asks, dragging out some vowels.

We stop and wait for the presence of the Kyoto student, fortunately we are not disappointed and soon Aoi arrives, killing the cursed spirit in a matter of seconds.

- Everyone's here! Come on up! All at once! - The tallest shouts with a maniacal smile, which disappeared when he received a knee from Itadori.

- Separate yourselves! - Zenin-senpai exclaims loudly.

Without wasting time we all hide around, awaiting the arrival of the rest of the Kyoto students, we will do as per my plan and ambush them.


- Todo Aoi will come straight to try to crush us. The rest of the class will follow him, as their objective is to kill Yuji. - I reveal it, earning sighs of surprise and indignation. - Yuji is the perfect opponent for him, according to Todo-san himself, so I think it's better for him to stay to face him. Originally you were going to separate, at that moment the rest of the Kyoto students will take the opportunity to surround their target, luckily Todo-san stops them, as he wants to fight against Yuji. - I'm interrupted.

- So what you're suggesting is that we wait for them while we stay hidden nearby, right? - Zenin asks.

- Exactly! - I confirm. - I believe that the ideal would be for us to separate them, each one facing the other, while those who remain must exorcize the greatest number of curses. - I reveal my plan.

- And who would be against whom? - Panda asks.

- That's a great question, originally the organization would look like this, Todo-san and Yuji, Maki-senpai and Miwa-san and Mai-san, Fushiguro and Kamo-san, Kugisaki and Nishimiya-san, Panda and Mechamaru or Muta-san, Inumaki-senpai would go after curses. - I explain, trying to remember the pairs. - To make it clear, I wouldn't mind being against Miwa-san or Kamo-san. - I confess.

- I see... Watanabe, you know everyone's ability, don't you? - Maki asks, earning a nod from me.

- Who am I going to stand against? I may not have much experience yet, but I promise I'm useful. - Junpei suddenly questions.

- Don't worry, I think I have a plan. - The girl with glasses reassures.


- You are fast. - Aoi states, quickly recovering from the attack she received. - Now I'm going to fight back, first year. See if you don't die. - He warns.

The older man throws an extremely strong punch, which Yuji only managed to defend thanks to the curse he launched in front of him. The attack still caused damage, while the pink-haired teenager was recovering, he received a kick to the face, hitting his head on a nearby tree, receiving a few more punches, for good measure.

- It's over... Well... Who am I going after now? - The taller one asks excitedly.

- Are you serious? What's wrong with you... punching me in the head? What if I end up being stupid? - Itadori complains when he gets up.

- Don't worry, Takada-chan always said that "there's no problem with boys being idiots". - Todo explains.

- And who is this? I don't care about your idols. - Yuji grumbles angrily.

- So how do you know she's an idol, man? - The other man asks. - First year, what's your name? - He asks.

- Itadori Yuji. - My brother responds.

- Okay, so Itadori Yuji, I have a question for you. What type of woman... do you like? - Todo questions with an excited smile.

- My type of woman? What is this question, out of nowhere? - Itadori asks confused.

- Don't worry, it's just my test. - Aoi explains.

- I didn't quite understand, but if I had to say... A tall girl with a big ass... I think... Like Jennifer Lopes. - Yuji states.

- "Birds of a feather..." Is it? It seems like the two of us are "best friends". - The oldest exclaims, crying with his face turned upwards.

- BUT I !?ONLY TOLD YOU MY NAME?!? - The vessel exclaims in confusion.

At that moment I receive a signal from Maki and without wasting time I look for and hit the sorceress who was flying with a broom, knocking her down. The rest of the Kyoto group hesitates to continue and we take advantage of this moment to attack and separate them. Panda throws herself with all her strength towards Mechamaru, in an attempt to disable her opponent's arm, the teenager with glasses hits her twin sister in the belly with her spear, knocking them both from the tree, Junpei launches his shikigami at Miwa, who was getting ready to use a Simple Domain, Fushiguro

runs towards where Momo fell and with a Convergence already in hand, I fire Piercing Blood towards Noritoshi.

With my obligations in mind, I focused on moving Kamo away from Yuji, which I had no difficulty doing. Although his arrows are homing, I manage to defend myself against them, using the same technique that Tanjiro used against the six-armed demon from the first season, redirecting some and managing to slice others. I was able to break a few arrows and was almost hit twice in the back, however my defense skills did not go unnoticed.

- You have great reflexes, what's your name? - The archer questions.

- My name is Watanabe Hana! - I exclaim determinedly.

- Watanabe... - He mutters thoughtfully. - Would you be Watanabe Masako's daughter? - Noritoshi asks.

- Yes, I am her SON. - I correct you.

- I see, I apologize for my mistake. - He apologizes. - Someone with blood manipulation and high sword mastery? How rare. I believe you received samurai training during your childhood, correct? - Kamo questions, activating Flowing Red Scale and coming at me.

- Exactly! - I confirm, also activating my Flowing Red Scale and kicking him in the side, after defending his punch. - You caught my interest, what else do you know about me and my mother? - I ask amusingly.

- Not much unfortunately. I was informed of the attempt to unite the Kamo clan with Watanabe, but according to what I was told, the attempts to get pregnant were unsuccessful - The oldest confesses.

- The first attempts didn't really work out, however they didn't stay long enough to confirm the last one and when my mother found out she was pregnant, it was not possible to contact your clan, no matter what she did. - I reveal it with hatred. - Abandoning a woman who is trying to have your baby is not cool at all, you know? Especially if she is important, having a large arsenal of cursed tools. Fortunately, she managed to form an alliance with the Zenin. - Irritated mockery.

- I understand very well the hatred you feel for the Kamo clan. I hope you understand that I went through something similar. Do you mind if we talk a little more about our situations? - He asks, lowering the bow.

- As long as you don't try to attack me from behind, I don't see a problem. - I agree, putting away my swords.

- I plan to change the clan's policies when I assume leadership. When this happens you and your mother are welcome to join. - Noritoshi says.

- Not to be rude, but I doubt she'll accept this, especially from the boy who tried to murder her adopted son. - I admit it seriously.

- Adopted son... ? The vessel?! - The high school student questions in disbelief.

- That's right. - I confirm. - It was something recent, however my mother and I had known the Itadori family for a few years. Now that Yuji is the last one alive, he has been adopted by us, the Watanabes, the main clan supplying cursed weapons, which is as old as the main three and which has a good relationship with the Zenin. - I reveal with confidence.

- I see what you are doing, what do you propose? - The tallest one asks.

- Yuji can control Sukuna with ease, he could have eaten fifteen fingers and still have possession of the body. He is a smiling, incredible, strong boy who makes everyone around him happy. Knowing all this, make the rest of your classmates stop attacking you and maybe I can tell my mom about you. - I speak confidently.

- I apologize, but I don't think I can stop Todo. - Kamo apologizes.

- Don't worry, my brother is strong, he'll be able to deal with him, what I don't want is the others cornering Yuji. - I confess.

- I'll do my best. - Noritoshi agrees. - Leaving that aside, I can't help to wonder, but... Doesn't it get tiring for you to have Flowing Red Scale activated for so long? - He asks.

- Huh? No, for me it's very easy to have it activated. - I disagree, confused. - Probably the intense training to stay with it and the cursed energy activated and protecting me, twenty-four hours a day, is responsible for this. - I explain uncertainly.

- You did this training with supervision, correct? - He asks me suddenly worried.

- No, why? - I question confused.

- Messing with the blood is extremely dangerous and doing it all day... Besides, I had heard that you have heart problems... - Kamo mumbles.

- I actually have high blood pressure and have already suffered from rheumatic heart disease. - I reveal it embarrassed. - When I was little, I didn't know that other people had "powers", nor that they could also see "scary creatures", so I never told anyone and... - I stop talking when I feel a large concentration of cursed energy.

I look around for any powerful curses nearby, but I don't find any, which confuses me. Unfortunately, I understand the situation when I see large roots, approaching as if they were a wave, ready to devastate everything, without wasting time I grab Noritoshi's wrist and run away.

We barely managed to escape, when we were finally able to calm down in the sky the beginning of a barrier appeared, nervous about the situation I looked around looking for Satoru, as he should have already appeared or done something. This barrier focuses on completing itself before the appearance, so if Gojo doesn't show up soon it means he couldn't get in in time, so we're all going to die or things will be the same as in the anime.

- Why is there a cursed spirit here? And whose curtain is this? - Noritoshi exclaims worriedly.

- This is... One of the special grade curses that have recently been recorded. - I appear nervous, remembering how my teacher forced me to draw all the curses that day. - We don't have time, we have to leave now. - I barely finish saying it, before Hanami is already in front of us.

- DO NOT MOVE! - I listen to the arrival of Inumaki for our salvation, without wasting time or jumping back.

- Don't waste blood on her, she is very resistant and will not be affected! - Warning in despair.

- So what do you want us to do? - The other black-haired boy asks irritably.

- Save time and run. - I shout, already with one foot back.

- Stop, silly children. - The curse orders.

- It's scarier than I thought. - I blurt out, when I hear her voice.

- All I want... is to protect this planet. - Hanami informs.

- It's just the nonsense that curses always say! Ignore it! - Noritoshi states uneasily.

- No... She really believes that and thinks that way. - I reveal it with fear, making the creature watch me for a few seconds.

- The forests, seas, skies... They are crying at the tragedies they witnessed. We can no longer live in peace with humans. We know that there are humans who are kind to the planet, but how small are they compared to those who are not? - The cursed spirit explains.

- It's a very big difference. - I agree with fear.

- We have to get out of here. - Kamo states, grabbing my wrist.

- All we want is time. In time, the planet will once again glow a radiant blue. Time... No humans here! You will become a sage... Through death! - Hanami states, laying her roots on us.

To our relief, at that moment Satoru appears in all his glory launching a Cursed Technique Reversal: Red in the attack of the curse, who was surprised by his appearance.

- Sorry for the delay, they didn't let me leave that room until the last second. - Gojo explains. - Hana-kun, please unite with your colleagues and go somewhere safe, I trust you. - He says, giving me confidence.

- Quickly we don't have much time, we have to get away or things will get ugly. - I inform, dragging the two teenagers with me.

- Watanabe... Were you and Gojo-san already aware of the attack? - Noritoshi asks, making me falter for a few seconds and almost fall, however I was held by the boy.

- What makes you think that? - I question awkwardly.

- What he said... I don't know how you found out this information, but you didn't tell the higher ups, did you? - He asks.

- Well... They're kind of unreliable, so... - I try to justify it.

- Tuna mayonnaise. - Inumaki says seriously.

- Huh? - I look confused at Toge, who looks at me seriously. - Oh! Well... I may or may not know about the future to a certain extent? - I'll explain, which came out more as a question than anything.





Is he trying to process what I said? Does he not believe me? Did I break him? Should I have explained it more subtly? Did I fuck up?


- I see... I'll split up and go after the rest of the students from Kyoto, you can go get the ones from Tokyo, we'll meet up near the lake and from there we'll all go somewhere safe, ok? - Noritoshi comes up with a plan.

- Fine by me. - I accept.

- Salmon. - Toge agrees.

With a plan in place, we separated behind the other students. We managed to find almost everyone, the only exceptions were Yuji and Aoi, who didn't seem to be anywhere. During our desperate race for the two, the barrier was broken, which likely signals Hanami's defeat. Noting that it would be a good time, I call Gojo, only to find out that the two idiots are with him and things are already under control.


- I was very worried, never do something like that again! - I scold Itadori.

- I'm sorry, I'll be more careful and not run towards the curses, I promise. - My brother apologizes, embarrassed.

- I think it's good for now... - I warn angrily.

- Hana-kun relax, I was with him. - Satoru says with a smile, letting Yuji go talk to the others.

- Even so... - I disagree, looking to the side.

- Anyway, now it's one less curse to worry about, they'll probably have to change their plans a little. - The adult mentions.

- It's likely, but it shouldn't be that big, since the most Hanami did was have the domain activated. - Remember. - And with the information I gave about Mahito, they must have been able to stop him, so it would actually be two less curses. - I say a little happier.

- That's good, I hope I can change this terrible future that you keep talking about. - The sensei says confidently.

- Yes, me too... - I agree with a soft smile on my face.

- So that's where the information about the special class curses came from. - The old man with guitar exposes, emerging from the forest. - Director Yaga's constant refusal to reveal where the information came from, the famous Gojo Satoru interested in a teenager who is the adoptive brother of Sukuna's vessel, his constant requests to leave the room... Now it makes more sense. Gojo Satoru, who really is this kid? - He ask irritably.

- Director Gakuganji, what a surprise... - Gojo begins.

- Answer my question. - He orders, looking with one eye.

- Heh, weren't you the one always talking about being polite? - Satoru scoffs. - This is Watanabe Hana, you should already know. - The man with the six eyes says with joy.

- Insolent brat! - The oldest complains. - ... Okay, do as you want! - He states, leaving me and Gojo stunned.

- Like this? - I ask, afraid of the answer.

- Later I will have to join the Jujutsu Headquarters to be able to assess the damage suffered, I hope that by then you have already decided to tell the truth. - Gakuganji explains with a smile, as he leaves.

- Gojo-sensei... - Uncertain whisper.

- Don't worry, everything will be fine. - The stronger one states with a soft smile, putting his arm around my shoulder. - Come on, we need to find Yaga. - He says, already starting to look for the man.

- Hana-kun? Everything is fine? Where are you going to? - Yoshino suddenly questions, scaring me.

- Oh... Hey Junpei. - I greet him. - It's no big deal, I just need to do something with Gojo-sensei quickly, we'll be right back. - I inform him.

- Don't worry, we'll be back quickly, tell the others that they're supposed to behave, okay? - Satoru says in a playful tone.

- You can leave it... - The emo agrees uncertainly.


- What do we do now? I can't just go there and tell them everything! - I exclaim in exasperation.

- And why not? It would be ideal to have support from the top of the hierarchy in the jujutsu world. Please don't tell me that Satoru is influencing you... - Masamichi asks disappointedly.

- Don't worry, I have my own reasons for not liking or agreeing with them. It would be ideal to have help from someone with so much political power, however I know that they are not trustworthy, I don't like them and their ideals, and I don't know how they will act with the information I give them. - I explain indignantly. - They literally revoke Yuji's death sentence, sentence you to death and exile Gojo-sensei the second he is sealed! - I reveal exasperatedly.

- How problematic... Don't worry, Hana-kun, we'll think of something. - Satoru states. -Wait, that's it! Why don't you reveal the future to us? This way we can choose what to reveal. - He suggests.

- It's not a bad idea, we can act based on what you say. - The school director agrees.

- Well... The next thing that would have happened was that in a few days we first years would be sent on a mission, where we would fight a special grade curse and two of Yuji's half brothers. However since you managed to prevent their theft, that shouldn't happen, so I'll skip to the next event. - I say confidently.

- I haven't checked yet if anything was stolen, however with the number of sorcerers we left in care and with the information you gave about the sewn curse, everything should be in order. - Yaga confesses.

- Haven't you guys checked yet? ... You know what? It doesn't matter! - I say discreditedly. - The next attack by the group of cursed spirits occurred on October 31st in Shibuya. Things start ten days before, when one of the traitors, Muta Kōkichi, is discovered, the other is someone who is part of the higher ups, I have no idea who he's. -I'll reveal it.

- Why do things get more complicated every time we have these meetings? - Gojo throws a tantrum.

- It's not my fault! - I try to guarantee myself.

- We know, Satoru is just irritated by the situation. - Yaga reassures me.

- Anyway, back to the explanation, Mechamaru fights against Mahito, as he was only using them to repair his body and make sure his colleagues would be safe. He unfortunately is not able to defeat the cursed spirits, as expected, but this only happens because he let his guard down. - I explain upset.

- So he's the traitor, huh...? Well, I suspected it was someone from Kyoto. - Satoru says thinking.

- The Shibuya Incident begins at nineteen o'clock on October thirty-first, on Halloween! A huge curtain imbued with special conditions will be trapping civilians in Shibuya and each of them will be instructed to beg for the same thing: "bring Gojo Satoru". While four teams of jujutsu sorcerers will wait outside the perimeter, the cursed spirits waiting for Gojo underground are ready to spring their trap. At twenty-one-thirty, Gojo-sensei arrives inside the curtain and enters Hikarie ShinQ's Shibuya mall. He goes down to Tokyo's BF5 subway on the Fukutoshin platform, where he is confronted by Jogo, Hanami, and Choso. The cursed spirits put Pseudo-Geto's plan into action, trapping Gojo-sensei deep in the Tokyo underground subway and surrounding him with non-sorcerers who only serve to get in his way. With the chaos stifling his ability to fight, sensei is finally forced to go on the defensive. - I try to remember and explain as best I can.

- And where is the reinforcement? He couldn't have been the only shaman to be sent there - Masamichi asks worriedly.

- Another curtain is preventing other sorcerers from entering the lower levels of Shibuya, Team Mei Mei will head to Meiji-Jinguemae Station to find the barrier's caster. Mei Mei-san and Yuji decide to split up to reduce casualties and my brother comes face to face with a very "intelligent" cursed spirit, while Mei Mei-san fights transfigured humans. - I look sad.

- They really thought of everything, didn't they? - Satoru says in disbelief.

- Well, Kenjaku has been planning this for about a millennium, so... - I try to justify, making both adults nod their heads. - After sensei defeats Hanami, Jogo struggles to gain more time while Choso hardly helps. Meanwhile, Team Mei Mei discovers that there is a train heading to Shibuya filled with a surprise just for him. A thousand transfigured humans are released onto the Fukutoshin Line Platform. They attack alongside the special grade cursed spirits and kill the civilians before Gojo-sensei's eyes. Pushed to the limit of how many lives he is willing to sacrifice, he is forced to make a decision, activate his domain expansion and kill all the hostages. Kenjaku's plan to seal his sensei enters its final phase. Confronted by his dead best friend who said he killed himself, Gojo-sensei discovers the shocking truth and falls into the clutches of the Prison Realm. - I reveal it seriously.

- How did they manage to get their hands on this object? - Yaga asks seriously.

- Sorry, I don't know. All I can say is that Kenjaku was already with the Prison Realm when he "allied" with the curses. - I confess.

- I see... - The school director sighs in defeat.

- Pseudo-Geto and his allies carry their plan to the end and unfortunately seal Satoru Gojo. Mechamaru breaks the bad news to the Mei Mei team and asks Yuji to spread the news. Fortunately, my brother manages to shout and spread the message throughout the city, reaching the other groups. The teams manage to group together and reorganize, so that Nanami-san leaves, dissipating the curtain that blocked the sorcerers Ino, Yuji and Fushiguro. They deduce that the enemies guarding the ordered curtains are in the most obvious location, the roof of Shibuya Tower. Unfortunately they have more problems than expected when dealing with the old Awasaka Jiro, just as Ino-san has difficulty with Ogami-shi, who uses his technique to transform his grandson into Fushiguro Toji, but ends up reincarnating even the soul of the assassin. - I reveal it apprehensively.

- What did you mean by transform? - Masamichi asks seriously, while Satoru remains completely silent, making me nervous.

- I'm not so sure? - I confess, embarrassed. - It is part of Ogami-shi's cursed technique, she can summon information from the body and not the soul with her Séance Technique, but I imagine that the body with celestial restriction managed to dominate the host's soul. - I'll try to explain.

- I see... - Yaga murmurs frowning.

- ... After this Yuji and Fushiguro break the two commissioned curtains that Awasaka held, with the curtain that prevents sorcerers from entering Shibuya Station finally lifted, the Jujutsu High teams can progress with the rescue operation. However, with Ino-san brutally injured, Yuji and Fushiguro have to separate, leaving the former alone in the curse haven. Meanwhile, Mei Mei finishes her battle against the curse user, Ebina Niji, and heads to Shibuya Station. At the same time, Nanami-san finds Ijichi unconscious and bleeding at Shibuya Station at Exit 13. Maki tells Kugisaki and Nitta-san to go see Ijichi while she stays with lazy old Zenin. The curtain blocks cell phone reception, so assistant managers are essential for jujutsu sorcerers. - I'll tell you, before being interrupted.

- The way you say it is as if other assistant managers had been attacked. - Satoru points out, before looking at me, as if he already knew the answer.

- Others were also attacked... the curse user Shigemo Haruta who will be on the street Shoto Bunkamura, was tasked with attacking the "sorcerers in suits", in short, the assistant managers. Kugisaki and Nitta-san will be confronted by him, they will be no match for him, luckily Nanami-san arrives and defeats the curse user easily. - I inform while facing my teacher, who has a knowing smile. - Meanwhile, Yuji will run across a bridge and notice civilians being attacked by transfigured humans. He realizes that there is not enough time to save everyone in the huge crowd, luckily a familiar speech pattern that could save the day is heard. Inumaki arrives with a megaphone in his hands, he will speak to the entire crowd with his cursed speech, ordering everyone not to move. - I reveal.

- It's incredible how you know what's going to happen in several places at the same time and the order you choose to speak... - Satoru comments mockingly.

- Is there something you want to tell me Gojo-sensei? - I ask irritated.

- Well... Regardless of what happens at the meeting, it's likely that they will force you at some point to meet the Kamo clan, I didn't get much information in the descriptions of the Gojo clan, as most were destroyed, however it is very likely that one of the two main clans still has a lot of stuff, so... - He suggests

- What the hell are you talking about? - I question confused, nervous and angry.

- Just look more into your lineage and maybe you'll understand. - The one with light hair says enigmatically.

- I understand why a lot of people don't like talking to you... - I say with a sigh, earning an irritated complaint from the twenty-eight year old man. - As soon as possible I will look for more things about my family, now can I continue? - I give up tired.

- Please continue, we don't have much time. - The director of the jujutsu school agrees.

- As Mei Mei approaches Shibuya Station, Kenjako will meet her halfway, invoking a special grade illness curse for her to exorcise. While she is underground, Yuji enters the above-ground station, however, Choso-san is waiting for him inside. During their fight the proud older brothers ask for Eso's last words and Kechizu Yuji reveals that they didn't actually say last words but cried and called out for their brother before he died, Choso-san is initially shocked and then quickly overcome with anger. - I appear nervous, knowing what will come next.

- Damn, is Yuji-kun really going to say that? - Gojo asks excitedly.

- Unfortunately... And to make matters worse, it won't be subtle. Yeah, I also don't understand how he didn't realize what a terrible idea this was. - I complain indignantly. - Choso-san uses every move in his arsenal to get revenge on his younger brothers, bringing Yuji to the brink of defeat. Just when the disadvantage starts to become obvious, suddenly Mechamaru starts talking again, through the communication device. He advises him to go to the bathroom, revealing that he has an idea. Choso-san runs to the bathroom where he finds the communication doll of Mechamaru stuck on the opposite wall. Piercing Blood destroys the doll, but water explodes everywhere in the room dispensing with it. Handling blood normally prevents blood from clotting, which is why it dissolves more easily in water. Due to these specific circumstances, Choso is unable to manipulate blood outside of his body. - Concentrated information.

- So this is the weakness of the Kamo clan technique, huh? - Satoru mutters thoughtfully with a smile.

- Anyway, Choso-san finds himself able to exceed expectations and beat Yuji, however, something suddenly stops him, at that moment, a memory was born in his brain, a memory of a past event that never happened. - I am amused, knowing how they would react to that.

- What do you mean? - Both adults ask, confused and worried.

- Well... Both Todo-san and Choso-san experienced false memories in their respective fights against Yuji. In them they saw as if they had known my brother all his life, for Todo-san they were best friends who studied at the same high school, for Choso-san he saw a life in which he, his younger brothers and Yuji grew up together and happy. I don't know how to explain why it happened, I can only say that it's not Yuji's cursed technique or something like that. - I try to explain as best as possible.

- That's... Something we should keep an eye on. - Masamichi states clearly worried.

Before I could continue talking more about the shibuya arc and the future, a person in a black suit and red tie enters, demanding that we follow them. Both employees of Tokyo Metropolitan Curse Technical College have serious expressions, stand up and follow, who I can only assume is an assistant manager. Noticing that I was still standing still, Gojo asks me to come along, reassuring me that everything will be fine, that I just need to go with the flow and not reveal too much, the more vague I am, the better.

Making me nervous, as I still haven't been able to reveal that while Choso stumbles away confused, due to memory, Mimiko and Hanako will feed the unconscious Itadori with ten of Sukuna's fingers, an important formation that I needed them to know, ideally before to go to the meeting.



Any and all constructive criticism is welcome, please keep in mind that english is not my native language, so if you notice any grammatical errors please let me know.

Anne1326creators' thoughts