
Jujutsu Sorcerer: Hana Watanabe

José Weber, a famous former professional sportsman, is murdered on his thirtieth birthday, then he finds himself reincarnated on a fragile body of a girl in the dangerous universe of Jujutsu Kaisen and, to make matters worse, his mother seem unable to see the abominable curses that he has to face on a daily basis, how will this end? How will his existence change the original plot of this work? Which side of this war will he be on? Is there a destiny? Can it be changed? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This Story was also posted on Wattpad

Anne1326 · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs

Chapter 11: Goodwill Event Part 1

- Watanabe-kun are you coming? - Nobara asks impatiently.

- I'm coming, just let me look at myself a little longer. - I ask embarrassed.

- Don't worry, I'm sure it will look great on you. - Junpei try to encourage me.

- Okay... But don't laugh! - I demand uncertain.

- Nobody will laugh at something like that, don't worry, we're all with you. - Megumi assures me.

Still a little uncertain about the situation, I leave my room wearing a trans binder, under a basic white t-shirt. The clothes make it obvious that my breasts are flat, which make me more comfortable, as I look less feminine, and nervous, due to a small internal transphobia I have about myself.

- It's great! - Maki praises.

- You look like a man! - Kugisaki says.

- It's barely noticeable that you're not a man. - Fushiguro confesses.

- Salmon. - Toge agrees.

- There's nothing to worry about. - Panda speaks confidently.

- So... what's going on? Why is everyone gathered here? - Satoru appears suddenly asking. - Hana-kun? ... You look awesome! - He exclaims excitedly.

- Thanks guys... - I thank, more embarrassed than before.

- And why are you here Gojo-sensei? - The brown-haired girl asks irritably.

- I just stopped by to let Hana-kun and Junpei-kun know that I'll need them later, we have a "special delivery" that we need to pick up. - The irresponsible adult explains excitedly.

- Sure, I'll just get a soda first. - I say with a smile.

- I'll go with Gojo-sensei, see you later. - Yoshino says goodbye, before following the teacher.

- Come on, I'm dying of thirst! - Nobara complains, pulling me and the green-eyed boy with her.

We had to walk quite a bit, almost leaving the school grounds, just to get to the nearest vending machine. Kugisaki had the opportunity to be the first to take it, looking at the situation, it reminds me of what happened a month ago when the students from Kyoto arrived, it was just as confusing and tense as in the anime.


- There's no way to increase the number of vending machines, right? - Nobara asks anguished, while waiting for her soda can to fall out of the machine.

- Impossible. The number of sales space here is limited. - Megumi answers.

- Couldn't they have at least put it closer to the classrooms? - I question indignantly.

Before we could talk any more, two people start to approach, I quickly recognize them as Mai and Todo.

- Why are you here in Tokyo, Zenin-sempai? - The shadow boy asks.

- Ah, so they are really sisters? Their auras are similar. - Kugisaki mentions.

- How impolite Fushiguro-kun. Speaking like that, there's no way to differentiate us. Call me Mai. - The woman with green hair introduces herself.

- These guys... Are they the substitutes for Okkotsu and the rest of the third year? Or is it not? - Aoi asks making a face.

- ... Do you have something to tell me? - Megumi asks seriously.

- All good. Certain things are hard to say, right? I do for you. "Host" is the right word, but... The thing is, he was a... - Mai is interrupted by me.

- You better shut up! - I threaten with anger.

- And who would you be? - The older woman asks rudely.

- I'm Watanabe Hana, adoptive brother of Itadori Yuji and son of Watanabe Masako, who is the main supplier of cursed weapons of the Zenin family. - I reveal with a shitty smile, happy to have asked my mother more about her work. - So I think you'd better take care of how you're going to talk about her adopted son. - I give one last warning.

- Brother... ? You are a man? - Todo asks in surprise.

- A trans man and would like that to be respected. - I confess seriously.

- Don't worry, I'm completely against prejudice. Now... Fushiguro... That was it, right? What's your type? - the highest ask. - Depending on the answer, I'll beat you up. Here and now. Okkotsu... Even if they don't want to, I'm going to drag the third years into the exchange. By the way... My type is... A very tall and busty woman. - He informs, tearing his shirt.

- Why do I need to talk about my taste in women... With you that I don't even know? - Megumi argues.

- Aoi Todo, from the Kyoto College of Magic, asked who would be Fushiguro's ideal woman! That's right. He's angry, but he has high standards. - Nobara says.

- Hey, shut up. The situation will get complicated unnecessarily. - The spiky haired boy complains.

- Third year of Kyoto high school, Todo Aoi. I already introduced myself. We're friends now, right? Answer me soon, it could even be a guy. A man's tastes reflect everything about him. Men who like boring women are boring themselves and I hate boring guys. Exchange is my jungle, where my soul can free itself. If someone bores me on my last exchange, who knows what might happen to him. I'm showing you kindness. I'll beat you up today so I don't kill you. Answer me, Fushiguro. What's your type of woman? - Aoi gives a big speech.

- I... I don't exactly have a type. As long as one's morality is not easily shaken... I don't wish for anything. - Megumi admits.

- Oh, it's not all bad. If you said something like "huge boobs", I would have killed you myself. - Kugisaki approves.

- Very irritating. - Fushiguro complains about the girl's comment.

- As expected. You're boring... Fushiguro. - Todo says, preparing to attack, which I copy, activating Flowing Red Scale.

The shadow boy tries to summon one of his shikigami, but the student from Kyoto attacks him first. Without wasting time, I go after the other boys, while I create water and throw it towards Mai, in an attempt to unbalance her.

- Kugisaki takes care of Zenin-sempai! - I ask shouting to my colleague, without looking back.

- Since I saw you I already knew. "Ahh... This guy is boring." But you can't judge a book by its cover, right? That's why I gave you a chance. But you trampled on my kindness. - The man with a scar on his face explains shedding tears.

- Do you happen to have bread dough for a brain? - Megumi asks irritably.

- Hey! Let's stop with it! - I exclaim putting myself in front of my colleague. - Ever heard of pansexuals Todo-senpai? What if Fushiguro is one? As much as asking the type of woman can help you understand a guy, it can't always be applied. For example, my type are tall and athletic women. Aside from that Fushiguro is much more than the eyes can see, he may initially seem like an emo teenager, however he is shy, smart, has the best morals in the class and cares a lot for others! - I exclaim, trying to defend the boy.

- ... Heh. - Aoi is silent for a while, before laughing a little. - I hope he demonstrates it to me then during the exchange. - He says with a defiant smile.

- Looks like we got there in time! - Panda exclaims appearing suddenly, next to Inumaki.

- How long Panda. Tell Okkotsu... "You're supposed to come too". - The highest demand, when it starts to go away.

- I am a panda. I don't understand human words. - The cursed corpse claims, making me laugh.

It doesn't take me long to follow Todo, because I need to check on Nobara, even though I know she's probably fine, it's best to confirm. As expected, my classmate has Mai down and being grabbed, while Maki looks at the two with an amused expression.

- Let's go home, Mai. - Aoi demands.

- Wha - Kugisaki questions, releasing the girl from her grasp. - Not a chance... Fushiguro... - She murmurs.

- He's fine, panda and Inumaki are with him. - I explain with a gentle smile.

- Looks like you had fun. What a joke. I was just getting started. - The short-haired Zenin warns.

- You can't. Unlike you I have important things to do in Tokyo. TAKADA-CHAN SIGNING SESSION! - Todo explains, showing the tickets, making the tense atmosphere disappear. - I don't want to miss the train or screwing up... I wouldn't know what to do. Let's go soon, Mai. - He says, already leaving.

- Damn it! How selfish! -She complains. - Hey you. It won't end like this on the exchange. - Mai challenges the girls.


- Stop it, idiot. Winning or losing doesn't matter, it's up to you. Let's beat her on the exchange. - Maki says.

Knowing where this conversation was going, I took the opportunity to leave and let the two of them have a "girl moment" or something. I choose to go back to where Megumi and the others are, and check if he wasn't hurt.


I wait for my turn to use the vending machine, I grab a can of my favorite soda, from this and my past life, Coke or Coca-Cola in Brazil. With it in hand, I say goodbye to my colleagues and go look for Gojo, knowing that probably the "special delivery" is Yuji, on the way I'm already mentally preparing myself for the mess that will be, mainly because I know that the people will also be mad at me.

- Hey guys. Sorry for the delay, the vending machines are too far away, what did I miss? - I ask super uninterested as I enter the room where Satoru, Nanami, Itadori and Junpei are.

- Gojo-sensei came up with a plan, for me to show up! - My brother explains excitedly.

- Please, don't agree... - I ask even though I know it's useless.

- Too late, he already agreed. - The teacher reveals excited.

- I tried to say, but I was also ignored, at least we will only have to carry these things. - Yoshino explains to me, handing over the supposed talisman of a certain tribe.

- This isn't going to end well... Let's just go... - I give up irritated.


- APOLOGIES FOR THE DELAY! - Satoru shouts, as he runs to reach the students.

- Gojo Satoru! - Utahime says irritated with his presence.

- Whoa, everyone, looks like everyone has arrived. Turns out I had to travel on some business. - The teacher confesses.

- He began to explain himself. - Nobara complains.

- I brought souvenirs. A protective talisman of a certain tribe for the people of Kyoto. Nothing for you, Utahime. - The strongest informs with fun, making me and Junpei deliver the talismans.

- I DO NOT WANT ANYTHING! - Iori shouts indignantly.


- It's so strange to see an excited adult. - Kugisaki says disgusted.

- Sorry guys! - I already step forward, receiving a worried look from the others.

- The deceased himself, Itadori Yuji! - Satoru reveals in an extremely happy way.

- That's right! - Itadori screams as he leaves the box.

Nobara and Megumi freeze in shock, I just put my hands to my face and wait for them to process and the argument starts. Yuji is surprised that our friends aren't happy and celebrating, sensei even tries to lighten the mood by introducing my brother to the Kyoto students, however they don't even pay attention, too focused on the strange and suspicious gift they got.

- Sukuna's host?! How can this be... ? - The director of the Kyoto school asks angrily.

- Director Gakuganji! Whew, what a relief, wow. I was nervous that you would fall flat with fright. - Gojo scoffs.

- You insolent brat. - The old man complains VERY irritated.

- Hey... Oh, whoops. - Yuji says when our colleagues approached him.

- Got something to say to us? - The girl with light brown hair asks angrily.

- Huh... ? - Itadori murmurs, making Kugisaki stare at him angrily and with tears in her eyes. - Sorry for hiding it from you... That I was alive... - He tries to apologize.

- I apologize for not telling you before, it was discovered that that mission was an attempt by the superiors to kill Yuji and that it would be better for him to hide that he had come back to life until he got stronger, for his own protection. - I try to explain.

- Watanabe... - Nobara starts. - This explanation of yours only makes my desire to hit you even bigger. - She says very angry.

- ... Sorry? - I try.

- Please pay attention to me, I will explain the exchange rules. - Yaga asks, drawing everyone's attention.

- We'll talk later... - Kugisaki promises.

- Kyoto high school will fight with their pride on the line! The first team to exorcise the second grade curse that was released in the area wins!! There are several other third or fourth grade curses in the same area. If neither team manages to meet the victory conditions within the allotted time, the team with the highest exorcism count wins!! There are no more rules! -Masamichi explains, holding Gojo tightly, probably with the intention of teaching the teacher to behave and not causing more confusion, making the teacher from the rival school smile and laugh at the scene in front of her. - I don't even need to say, but don't forget, you are companions who fight for a common good. The purpose of the exchange is to get to know each other through competition. So I ask you not to kill or cause fatal wounds to anyone. That's it. You are released. - The director continues.

- Hey! We have to go to the Tokyo class meeting place, we won't have much time to make changes to plans, so hurry up. - Maki warns, before starting to walk.

All the students start moving to their proper meeting places, already waiting for that, I ask to go get something from my room, I warn them that it can help us a lot to win in the exchange, when I was released to do that, I run out. In my room I go to the closet, pick up some clothes and take a piece of paper, which has a map where the cursed spirits are located, I made it using the memories I had about the anime, of course it was very badly drawn, but you can understand.

With that information in hand, I ran back to find Kugisaki bullying Yuji, forcing him to hold a mourning portrait in front of his face, and as soon as she spots me, I'm forced to kneel and stay like that, to demonstrate that I really recognize my mistake and I am ashamed of my actions.

- Aren't you exaggerating a little bit? - Itadori asks.

- Shut up. Deceased does not speak. - The girl with short hair complains very irritated.

- Hey, calm down, they explained themselves, didn't they? You should go easy on them. - Panda claims.

- The talking panda! - Yuji remembers the panda I told him about.

- Salmon, salmon. - Toge agrees.

- What? - My brother asks.

- Inumaki-senpai has cursed speech. It's a type of magic that amplifies the power of the words he speaks. So he limits his vocabulary. - The animal explains.

- You mean he can kill someone just by saying "die"? How overpower. - The boy who was resurrected exclaims.

- It's not that useful. It depends a lot on the user's skill, but the more powerful the word, the greater the side effect. In the worst case the spell backfires on the sorcerer. He doesn't limit vocabulary just to protect others, but also himself. - Megumi reveals.

- I understood. And can you speak because? - Itadori asks.

- Because he is one of the principal's cursed corpse. - I'll explain.

- LIKE THE SCARY TRAINING DOLL? - Yuji asks in surprise.

- Exactly. - I confirm.

- He explaining the technique of the others... - Nobara complains.

- It's alright, it doesn't affect Toge's magic. Leaving that aside, Yuji, return my Tozama. Satoru lent it to you, didn't he? - Maki asks.

- Gojo-sensei is guarding it. - Itadori reveals, that unlike originally in the anime, it's true.

- Tsk! That blindfolded idiot. - Zenin complains in frustration. - And what are we going to do now? We have a new member so we need to change strategies. We don't have that much time. - She reveals.

- Okaka. - Inumaki says, which I have no idea what he means, sometimes I still have difficulty understanding what he wants to say.

- Em, that depends on Yuji. What can you do? - Panda asks.

- Kick and punch! - The pink haired boy responds confidently.

- We already have enough of that... - The cursed corpse says awkwardly.

- I don't know what Itadori did while he was dead, but if everyone from Tokyo and Kyoto High School went to fight, without using spiritual power... I'm sure Itadori would win. - Fushiguro says, scaring our seniors.

- Interesting. - Maki murmurs with a smile.

- Actually... I already have a plan! Or at least very important information that can help us create a good plan. - I confess, showing the map I made. - Here is the location of where each curse will be, the one that stands out is the grade two. - I explain.

- Watanabe... How do you have this information? I'm sure not even Gojo-sensei does. - Megumi questions seriously.

- Well... I don't know if Gojo-sensei lets me reveal it, however... Look, I know about the future! Is that good? - I reveal hurriedly with closed eyes, afraid of their reactions.

- That... actually makes sense. - Junpei says still processing what I said.

- Is that what your meetings with Gojo-sensei are about? - Fushiguro asks.

- Yes... We'd like to avoid the attacks and deaths as much as possible, we're doing everything we can, however with the superiors monitoring his every move it's difficult. There will even be an attack in the middle of the Exchange, we are already taking measures for this, even so, please if you see a curse that is tanned with black lines running all over its body, branches where its eyes should be and is wearing black pants wide, do not approach. - I say nervously.

- Thanks for telling us that Watanabe, I imagine it's difficult to reveal such important information. - Maki says, leaving me slightly blushing.

- Thank you... - I thank with a soft smile. - Oh! During the exchange, Kyoto students will try to separate us and kill Yuji. - Notice.

- We already imagined something like that, but thanks for letting us know. - Panda thanks me.

We talked a little more about what to do during the fights and how we're going to split up, with the information I had about who's going to fight who, the planning was even easier. After that, realizing that we still have quite a few hours before dark, we all decided to enjoy the rest of the afternoon together by going out and walking around.

- Itadori. Are you okay? - Fushiguro asks worried his friend.

- Yes, it seems that I received an important position, but I should be fine. - Yuji nods with a smile.

- That's not what I'm talking about. Did something happen? - The one with green eyes asks.

- There is? Nothing happened, man. - The pink haired teenager tries to lie, which catches my attention. - Sorry, it was a lie... But I didn't lie when I said I was fine. In fact, what happened makes me want to not lose even more. - He explains.

- ... As long as it's okay, I... I don't want to lose either. - Megumi agree.

- "Don't want to lose" what? We took a beating last time!! Now I want nothing more than a landslide victory! For Maki-san, too. - Nobara says confidently.

- ... Stop it. - Megumi complains.

- Seasoned roe. - Inumaki says.

- Exactly! For Maki! - Panda agrees.

- Hehe, right guys... We're going to win. - Sukuna's vessel states.

- Why are you playing leader? - The senior asks irritably, kicking the boy.

- Hey Yuji... Was that about Junpei's mother? - I question, when the two of us are a little further behind. - You know it's not your fault, right? Hey, I know what you told me, but I'm sure he doesn't blame you. - I try to comfort him.

- Obviously not. I would never think that about Yuji. - Yoshino agrees, scaring me, because I hadn't noticed him approaching.

- Thank you... - He thanks softly. - Now we better enjoy the afternoon. - He says, walking faster.

Junpei and I glared at each other and without saying anything, we agreed to bring the subject up again later.


- That movie was really good! - Yuji exclaims, throwing the bucket of popcorn in the trash when leaving the movie theater.

- Yes, it was much better than the previous one. - Junpei agrees following his friend.

- Watanabe, how can you stand to see these movies? - Nobara questions me with an exasperated expression.

- I got used to it and I find them funny. - I explain with a smile of sympathy.

- To make up for this trauma it gave me, you'd better take me shopping Itadori! - Kugisaki exclaims angrily.

- Inumaki-senpai has already started to go, we better hurry. - Megumi reveals.

- Let's go. - Maki complains, heading towards her classmate.

- Can you wait a bit? I really need to go to the bathroom. - I beg embarrassed.

- You can go, I have my phone, let me know when you leave and I'll give you our location. - Fushiguro suggests.

- Dude, you're the best! Okay, let them know I won't be long. - I thank and without wasting time head to the nearest bathroom.

I ended up having to wait in line as the women's restroom was full, making me take longer than expected. After that I pick up the phone and send a message asking where everyone is, unfortunately I notice that the signal and internet are not getting, I haven't taken two steps out of the cinema, before something goes at full speed through my legs, making me fall.

I quickly get up and look around, looking for what knocked me down. I end up not finding anything, nor anyone around, I shrug my shoulders and start walking, at some point I realize that not only does the message not want to be sent, but there is literally no one around and I am on a street that is always very crowded .

Shit, this is bad, something is very wrong here. If I screamed I could alert any potential enemy, but if I don't draw attention it's likely I won't find anyone. What do I do? Okay, I just remember what I always do in dangerous situations, first I take a deep breath and try to calm down, then I look around and look for the place where I will have the greatest advantage, usually somewhere with water nearby, and then finally attract attention to myself.

With determination, I follow all the steps, I end up deciding to go back to the cinema and go up on his terrace. Up there, in none of the directions is it possible to see anyone, which confirms that I am not in a normal situation, could it be that I entered the domain of some curse? Is this an illusion? I fainted?

- You seem to have a lot of questions, don't you? - A mysterious lady with dark hair, ending just below the shoulder, wearing a beautiful and chic red dress, with several golden details, on her head there is some kind of crown and in her left hand she holds some jewelry, she asks me.

- Uh, yeah... - I agree. - Not to be rude, but who are you? - I ask cautiously.

- Please call me whatever you feel most comfortable with, after all I have many names. It's a pleasure to finally meet you Hana, or would you prefer me to call you José? - She asks me, making me even more nervous about the situation.

- I... José is fine. - I answer uncertain.

- Well, I can't criticize it, Hana is a very feminine name, isn't it? - The woman asks.

- Yes. - I agree.

- Please come with me, there are many things we must discuss. - She says, already walking towards the exit. - I believe you have many doubts about your... situation.

I end up following the mystery woman, because I don't have much more alternatives and out of curiosity about the information she has. I always stay two or five meters away, I'm not stupid, I know it could be a trap, so I'm already preparing my secret blood bag, which is in the pocket of my sweatshirt.

- Perfect! Sit here. - The woman exclaims with joy, sitting on a bench.

- So... What do you know about me? And how do you know? - I question, sitting on the bench.

- Patience, or do you want to miss this beautiful sunset? - She asks.

When I look up I see a beautiful sunset, the sky is very red, light pink clouds and the sun is very big... It reminds me a lot of my past life, when I had time sometimes I went out with my older brothers to see the sunset... Sometimes I miss them a lot, but I know I can't go back.

- It's a shame, isn't it? Sometimes we don't realize the beauty of life and how important certain things are, I'm glad you're not one of those people. Unfortunately, knowing the value of things and giving them importance still doesn't reduce how much we miss them, right? - The beautiful girl says wisely.

- Yes... And it's in those moments that happy memories hurt more than sad ones. - I complement.

- Do you consider it lucky to have a second chance? Or bad luck for having to go through so many challenges and not being able to see those you love anymore? - She questions.

- It's a good question... If we go by the logic that if I die I wouldn't see them again anyway, I think it's good. I'd rather remember them and everything I've ever learned than throw my old life away. - I confess with a smile. - Although everything in my life you can't tell if it's luck or bad luck, the amount of times I've been in the middle of an accident and survived... I can't say if the world wants me to die or is trying to save me. - I mock a little, feeling more comfortable.

- That's how it looks, isn't it? - She joins me in the mockery. - Tell me, what are your biggest regrets from your old life? - She asks.

- Well... I think it was not being able to say goodbye to my brothers, Carlos and Julio, having let my father be influenced by Carmen and Tomás, never having had a dog and mainly not having been able to do more things. - I reveal.

- I hope that in this life you manage to reach your goals... If you don't mind, I would like to know what they are. - The woman asks.

- Well... I think it's surviving, getting stronger and protecting the people I care about. - I explain uncertainly.

- It's a good start, but isn't there something more you want to fight for? Something besides surviving? Something for you to achieve? - The dark-haired young lady questions.

- I... I had never thought much about it, at least not since the first time I was attacked by a curse. - I confess, embarrassed. - If I had to give myself another goal... I believe that maybe it would be something like becoming a strong and well-known sorcerer, I know that I have some hidden potential and it would be very incredible to be able to boast about something like that.

- What if you had a normal life? What would your goal be then? - She asks.

- It would probably be getting a girlfriend, I know it's quite simple and stupid, but it's something I'd like to try again. - I admit it awkwardly.

- I don't think it's stupid, a little banal? Yes, after all it is quite common, but it is not a bad thing to be banal. - The woman says.

- Thank you... Since I was reborn I never had the opportunity to talk to anyone about this kind of thing, I believe I was just keeping everything. - I confess grateful.

- And how are you doing to move forward? All these years keeping everything alone... - She says worriedly.

- I think I was just ignoring and regretting the past, after all I have no idea how to move forward. I've never seen anyone in a situation like mine, I don't know who to trust and I constantly had to be prepared to fight. I wasn't in a good environment to process what happened or for me to be able to move on. - I explain sadly.

- Why not start with something small? Like finding a new name, one that fits who you are and your true gender. I even have a suggestion, it's very masculine and suits you, the name is... - The woman's voice gets lower and lower, until I can't hear anything anymore.

Gradually my vision clears and the sounds come back, when did I close my eyes? My vision is a blur, I hear voices, but I can't identify what they are saying. Little by little I can finally make out that Yuji on top of me, holding me and saying something, probably asking me if I'm okay.

Looking around me a little more, I can see that I'm lying in front of the cinema and not far away is a dying curse. When my hearing returned completely, I heard Megumi talking to someone on the phone, telling me that I woke up, I don't have any visible injuries, but I seem disoriented.

- What happened... ? - I question, still confused.

- When we found you, you were lying on the ground and next to a curse that was dying. - My brother explains.

- What's the last thing you remember? - Junpei asks worriedly.

- I had no internet signal and couldn't send you a message, I went to leave the cinema and I remember something hitting my legs and knocking me down. - I explain, for some reason I feel as if I shouldn't reveal anything about the mysterious woman.

- That's good, you seem to remember a lot, it was probably just a head injury. - Yoshino says.

- How are you feeling? - Fushiguro asks as he approaches.

- With a lot of headache and a little confused. Someone got hurt? You fought the curse, right? - I question.

- Yeah, don't worry about us, nobody's hurt. - The taller boy says.

- Yes! You should be worried about yourself!! - Nobara screams irritated.

- Sorry. - I ask awkwardly.

- That's it already! We need to take Watanabe to Ieiri-san. - Maki intervenes.

I am helped to my feet, we take a taxi and go back to school. There I am taken straight to the ward, where I am checked by the doctor, luckily it was nothing serious and I should be fine tomorrow. I have been allowed to participate in tomorrow's goodwill event, as long as I get enough rest today and any time I feel bad, I must immediately return to the ward.

- Then that's it? - I ask.

- Yeah, just be more careful next time. - Shoko agrees.

- Thank you... And sorry for coming back here so often. - I thank.

- No problem, I can already see that you are going to be one of those that I always need to be ready to receive, but if you can be very careful I would appreciate it. - The smoker explains.

- I'll do my best. - I say smiling, already passing through the door.

- Hey Hana-kun! - Satoru appears, scaring me. - I heard what was happening and came to see you, how are you? - He asks.

- Don't worry, it was no big deal, I should be able to participate in the exchange. - I reveal.

- That's good, please don't scare me like that again. - The teacher speaks, while placing their hands on their hearts.

- I will try. - Mock back. - Speaking of tomorrow's event... How are things preparing? - Worried question.

- Don't worry, we leave someone reliable taking care of the cursed objects and I'll be ready to act when the curse appears, everything will be fine. - he reassures me.

- Okay... I just wanted to make sure, if we can prevent the robbery, things will improve a lot on our side. - I explain confidently.

- I can imagine. Speaking of which, I'm really curious, what will happen to me, please I need to know. - Gojo asks me, hugging my shoulders.

- Kenjako will seal you, using the Prison Realm. - I confess.

- So he will go by this route... I understand why you are afraid, but don't worry, in the future I will not be sealed. - Sensei promises.

- That's what I hope. - I agree, feeling comfortable. - Oh! There's something I forgot to tell you, it's about the barrier that the curser user will create, so...



Any and all constructive criticism is welcome, please keep in mind that english is not my native language, so if you notice any grammatical errors please let me know.

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