
Jujutsu Sorcerer: Hana Watanabe

José Weber, a famous former professional sportsman, is murdered on his thirtieth birthday, then he finds himself reincarnated on a fragile body of a girl in the dangerous universe of Jujutsu Kaisen and, to make matters worse, his mother seem unable to see the abominable curses that he has to face on a daily basis, how will this end? How will his existence change the original plot of this work? Which side of this war will he be on? Is there a destiny? Can it be changed? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This Story was also posted on Wattpad

Anne1326 · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs

Chapter 13: The Higher Ups

The walk through the countless corridors was silent and full of tension, the assistant manager was in front, the director was right behind and Gojo and I were together at the end of this "queue". The tension in the air was obvious, even though the light brown haired employee didn't know why the three of us were going to this meeting, she definitely knows it's not for a good reason.

- Gojo-sensei... - I whisper, getting the man's attention. - There's something I haven't talked about yet and it's important. - I try to reveal it.

- Don't worry, we'll talk about it later, I promise. - He interrupts me with a reassuring smile.

- We're here. - The woman warns, stopping next to the door of one of the school buildings. - Please continue to the third room on the second floor. - She asks politely.

- Let's go! - Yaga demands, taking the lead. - Watanabe-kun, please reveal things in the least detailed way possible and as you said, there is an impostor among the superiors, so be very careful with what you say. - He explains seriously.

- Leave it alone, I will pay attention and only reveal what is necessary. -

- Good. -Masamichi agrees, still stressed. - Satoru stay here with Watanabe-kun, only come in when I call you. - He sends the other adult.

- Don't worry, we'll wait here, very quietly. - My teacher exclaims radiantly.

The older man stares at us for a little longer, before knocking on the door and entering the mysterious room where the superiors are. I took this moment to rethink all my choices that led me here, to the worst possible scenario. Would it be better for me

confess that I was reincarnated? Every time I think about talking about this I get nervous and feel like something bad is going to happen...

That day that I told Yuji the truth, I had already prepared myself mentally and had thought about doing it several times, but I always balked at the time. I'm sure one day I'll tell my mother the truth, but what about others? Keiko-sensei... My classmates... Gojo-sensei... Other people I might meet in the future... Will I one day tell them too? Maybe if after this is all over I get everyone together and tell them the truth...

- Hey Hana-kun, don't worry, okay? - Satoru says, cutting off my thoughts. - I know it may seem scary talking to these old fools, but that's all they are, a bunch of old idiots. At some point they will die and your generation will take over, then we will change things for the better, okay? - He asks confidently.

- Yes... - I agree, a little calmer now. - Sensei there is something very important that I need to tell you... - I confess looking at the floor.

- Of course, what is it? - He asks excitedly.

- While Choso-san is recovering from new memories Mimiko and Hanako, two girls that Geto-san adopted, will feed the unconscious Itadori with ten of Sukuna's fingers at once. - I appear nervous.

- How many fingers will Yuji-kun have eaten by then? - Satoru asks more seriously.

- He would have already eaten five, with the other ten it will be fifteen. Of course, now that we've managed to stop the six fingers from being stolen things will probably be better, but... - I explain uncertainly.

- I see... Don't worry, I'll keep an eye on it. - He claims. - Now, returning to the subject of the meeting, I want you to know that I understand your fear and that you don't need to worry about it.

- Thank you... - I thank him with a small smile on my face.

Suddenly the door opens, director Yaga comes out and tells us both to go in. The room is very dark and has six shojis, with a person behind each one, it's exactly the same as I saw in Jujutsu Kaisen Zero. The air is heavy and even though the elderly's cursed energy wasn't that great, it still gave me goosebumps and a sense of danger.

We stopped in the middle of the room, exactly between all the screens, I had never felt so uncomfortable being watched as I did now, not even in my previous life as a famous football player. I take a deep breath and straighten my spine, waiting for someone to break the silence and start this meeting.

- Gojo Satoru, are you aware of why you are here? - The tallest old man asked.

- Because of my brilliant student? - Gojo teases.

- Because you hide the fact that a student has important information about curses and apparently the future as well. Do you understand the level of disrespect in this action of yours? Gojo Satoru you must not forget that you are beneath us and that you are constantly going against our authority, this could cost you dearly! - The gentleman with the largest body mass reports very angry.

- If it continues like this, we may have to take some action about it. - Another exclaimed.

- Please, there is no need for that. - Satoru mocked.

- Watanabe Hana, a first year student, was introduced to the world of Jujutsu this year, but he had been using jujutsu for years and somehow it was never found, right? - The taller one asks me, interrupting the fight that was about to start.

- Uh... Yes. - I confirm uncertainly.

- Would you mind explaining to us how you achieved this feat? - He commands.

- Well... - I start nervously, looking at Masamichi who nods at me, helping me feel more confident. - Throughout my life I have always lived in areas further away from the city and close to forests, even though I lived here in Tokyo for ten years, I stayed more in the rural part and during that time I had private teachers, I only went to school for the first time when I was twelve years when I returned to Sendai. Probably because I don't interact with many new people, I ended up escaping your radar. - I explain with the same professionalism I used when I had to talk in interviews.

- Could you tell me if this was intentional on your mother's part? - Some of the elderly people suggest, making me extremely angry.

- It was definitely not intentional on her part, especially since she told me that she tried to contact the Kamo clan several times after finding out she was pregnant, she only stopped searching for my father when I was around two years old, which was when we moved. - I explain angrily.

- What was the reason she decided to move? - The taller one asks intrigued.

- With all due respect, but this meeting is not about my mother, right? - I question with a temper.

- Don't worry, it's not about her, we're just understanding the situation we find ourselves in. - Another explains calmly.

- I see... I'm not sure why we moved, however I believe it was because of work, after all she told me she was selling weapons and cursed objects to the Zenin family. - I confess.

- It's true, but she had never said anything about having a child. - The gentleman on my right says.

- I can't say why she did this, since I don't even know, but I believe it was to protect me since I hadn't told her my abilities and that I could see curses, until Itadori Yuji became Ryomen Sukuna's vessel . - I try to justify it.

- And she hadn't taught you anything about Jujutsu either, correct? - The old man on my left asked.

- No, why? - I ask confused.

- It's just to confirm things. - He responds, making me anxious, especially since Satoru and Yaga are completely silent.

- Gojo, is there anything you want to add? Like why the sudden interest in him? - One of the gentlemen behind asks in a tone that makes me believe he must be smiling.

- Well, Hana-kun's cursed energy is very abundant and differentiated, so it caught my attention, besides, when he told me his mother's name, I didn't remember anyone, but it seemed familiar and think about my surprise when I discover that she was the leader of an important clan of sorcerers. - Satoru teases with satisfaction.

- It must have interested you a lot, especially since the new head of the Watanabe clan, Watanabe Hana, can apparently see the future, right? It was from him that the information about special class curses came, right?- A female voice teases, surprising me, since I thought all superiors were men.

- Who knows? Only the future can tell us. - Gojo plays with a childish smile.

- This is getting ridiculous, can he see the future or not? - The lowest demands angry.

- Yes I Can. - I admit looking down. - However, I can't choose what I see and I don't know what happens after a certain point. - I'm serious.

- And what event would that be? - The tallest one asks.

- I prefer not to talk, it's something personal. - I respond nervously.

- Something personal or something to do with Sukuna's vessel, huh? - The elderly man with the largest body mass scoffs irritably.

- Why would you think of something like that? - I ask trying to mask my concern.

- Look, we've already dealt with someone else who was in the same situation, we know how scary things can seem, with all the causes that are about to arise, but we need you to tell the truth. The conversation will be much easier if you just tell us what went wrong, what was the reason? Who do you need to protect? Is it Itadori Yuji? What couldn't they do? - He explains very angry.

- What are you talking about? - I ask extremely confused.

- I believe there's something more to him, after all he doesn't really seem to have any idea or remember why, he just seems afraid of dying... Or maybe it's just avoiding some event, it's not like I can read minds, I can just guess - Satoru responds initially seriously, and then changes to a cheerful attitude.

- I see... - The taller one says almost tiredly. - Well... Please continue to tell us what awaits us in the future. - He orders.

- Uh... - Uncertain beginning. - Most of the dangers have already been taken care of, one of the special curses has already been killed and we intervened in the theft of Sukuna's fingers. - I am rudely interrupted.

- Actually, the special curses were able to steal them, the sewn curse was not alone, at first the curse user Uraume was together. Somehow they were aware we knew their plans and changed things a little. - The superior of the Zenin clan reveals it, leaving me shaken.

- What? - I ask in disbelief. - That is terrible. - I murmur in horror.

I know that Kenjako was already aware of my knowledge about them and the future, but to think that he would actually change his plans... Who am I kidding? It's obvious that he would screw up everything and change things. What do I do now? My only asset was knowing what's coming, if I don't have that advantage then I'm not useful. Even though I've gained the rank of class two sorcerer, I'm still not strong enough to face what's coming... I'm going to die again!

- It seems like things are going to go the original way no matter what we do, so please tell us what's next. - The last old man, who hadn't said anything before, asks while thinking about something.

- If nothing is going to change, then why don't we find out their goal? It's more useful. - The smaller one disagrees.

- Both things are important for us to know. - The woman says. - Please Watanabe-kun continue.

- Ok... First of all, you need to know that there are two objectives, that of the special curses and that of Kenjaku. - I explain nervously.

- Aren't they the same thing? - The one with the greatest body mass asks in confusion.

- No, the curses want to revive Sukuna and bring the reign of curses back, while Kenjaku wants to evolve humanity and create a new type of cursed energy, if I'm not mistaken he will use Tengen-sama for this, merging him with the rest of the humans. - I am uncertain, trying to remember as many of the videos about the Jujutsu Kaisen manga as possible.

- That's... - The tallest one starts seriously.

- Something worrying. - The woman completes.

- Yes... - I agree, equally nervous. - Kenjaku is only "helping" the curses, because he needs Sukuna, how does he fit into all this? I'm not really sure, but from what I understand it's because of the chaos it will cause and this will help with evolving, or something like that. - I reveal it awkwardly.

- Hana-kun, hadn't you said that Kenjaku had been working on his plan for about a thousand years? - Gojo asks suddenly, as if he had discovered something.

- Uh yes, I said... Why? - I ask unsure.

- For Kenjaku's plans to succeed, wouldn't Tengen-sama need to evolve more into a cursed spirit than a human first? And so use Cursed Spirit Manipulation on him? - Gojo questions extremely seriously, making everyone uncomfortable.

- I don't know how much Kenjako managed to manipulate things, but I know that he has already managed to control someone's birth, it definitely shouldn't be impossible to do it in someone else's... In addition to the fact that Kenjako and Tengen-Sama know each other from more than a thousand years, so it is very likely that each knows the other's weakness. Of course, I can't say anything, after all I know that he failed to evolve Tengen-sama in the past at least twice, so it's possible and likely that he had nothing to do with any of this and things just lined up with his goal. - I neither confirm nor deny my teacher's suspicions.

- Of course something like this would happen, everything is interconnected after all, nothing in this damn universe is by chance... - Satoru rambles exasperatedly. - I need some fresh air, I'll be right back. - He says and without waiting for a response he starts heading towards the door.

- Hey! The meeting is not over yet! SATORU! - Masamichi goes after his former student, who had already left the room.

- Now that they are both out, Watanabe-kun please tell us the plan of the curses. - The lady asks me, after a few seconds of silence.

- Uh... Okay! Let's see where I start... - I murmur awkwardly. - In a few months, on the thirty-first of October, some curse users will activate special barriers, created by Kenjako, around Shibuya and its train stations, all to prevent the exit or entry of sorcerers and civilians. Kenjaku plans to seal Gojo-sensei with the Prison Realm, to start the Culling Game, which is some kind of Battle Royale with sorcerers from the past, who will be brought back. - I reveal it as briefly as possible.

- And who were these sorcerers? - The most obese question angrily.

- Uh... Some from the Heian era and others from four hundred years ago. - I say thoughtfully, trying to remember who participates. - I remember Yorozu, Uro Takako, Miyo Rokujūshi, Star Reggie. - I quickly try to mention them all.

- Wait! - The old man who I believe to be from the Zenin clan interrupted me. - Are you absolutely sure of these names? - He asks, much more worried and serious.

- Absolute! There are others that I haven't mentioned yet, but yes, I'm sure of these names. - I confirm nervously.

The elderly people then start arguing about how bad this is, among other things. I completely tune out what they are saying, because I start to think if my presence really affects things, if the fears I had were so unreal, if no matter what I do everything will end up the same... If things have already been predetermined and nothing I do will change the future, so why am I in the middle of all this? Why did I rechannel? What the higher ups said and what the sensei responded... Do they know anything? Who was that mysterious woman? Why when I passed out did I see her? Had I met her before?

I have so many questions and no damn answers, what am I doing wrong? I feel like there is some very important information missing, but I can't say what it is. Everything up until now must be connected, right? After all, the author, Gege, doesn't leave loose ends like that, even now this is real life, somehow he still has to follow this rule, right?

- Watanabe-kun, could you talk more about Domain Amplification? - The quieter elderly man orders me, taking me out of my thoughts.

- If I remember correctly, it's when the user expands his domain, without an innate technique, across the entire body like a cape, why? - I question confused.

- Would you know how to do it? Could you demonstrate to us? - The tallest one asks with false and bitter happiness.

- Sorry, I still don't have such good control of cursed energy at this point, but I plan on one day being able to do that. - I respond determinedly.

- That's great to hear, is there anything you need to evolve? Anything we can give you to help with your growth? - Zenin asks expectantly.

- Uh... I believe that just training would be enough, however if I could be taught some anti-domination technique I would be very happy. I learned that a certain Kusakabe Atsuya is a teacher specializing in this, in addition to using swords as his main weapon, in the same way as me... - I suggest, looking aside.

- Is there anything else? - The taller one asks playfully with his arms crossed.

- Well... There's a lot I don't know about my family, about the history of my clan. I'm actually really interested in this, especially since everyone seems to know about it except me. - I exclaim, obviously upset.

- I'm glad you brought up the subject! This was exactly another topic we wanted to talk about. - The elderly woman admits. - When we saw your last name and how determined Gojo seemed to have you as a student, we were extremely curious, however we waited to confirm our suspicions, imagine our happiness when it was confirmed that we were right, you really are the result of one of the several attempts to keep the Watanabe clan alive. - She explains.

- We should also not forget that it was an attempt to have a direct heir to the Kamo clan, even with this vacancy already filled by Kamo Noritoshi, it is something we should keep an eye on. - The shorter one says confidently.

- Shut up, you're just mentioning that because you're a Kamo! - Zenin complains.

- And what about that? You also boasted when you managed to form a partnership with Watanabe Masako! - Kamo counterattacks.

- Not again... - The fatter man mutters irritated.

I have to really restrain myself from laughing at the argument the two elderly people are having. It reminds me a lot of Grandpa Itadori and my older brothers' grandfather, from my past life... I wonder how they are nowadays. Carlos would already be sixty and Julio would be fifty-eight, both would already be elderly. I wonder if they've changed a lot or not, if they've managed to move on, if they've already forgotten me...

No! They would never do something like that. They may even move on, but they would never forget me. We had an unshakable relationship and Carlos is an extremely sentimental person and would never forget anyone.

- Great, now that you two shut up, can we continue the meeting? - The elderly woman asks extremely furiously.

- Please proceed. - Demands the most mysterious of the six superiors who are here today.

- Returning to the subject, Watanabe-kun would be ideal for you to understand that because you have a direct blood connection with the head of the Kamo clan, it is mandatory for you to gain knowledge about them and visit the clan's stay, in addition to meeting the head. Do you understand this? - The taller one explains seriously.

- I understand that very well, but I would like to ask my mother to accompany me when I go to meet my father, as I feel uncomfortable going to meet him without anyone familiar to me. Please, I ask you to accept my request. - I beg nervously.

- I believe this request is acceptable, however I cannot say that it will be possible, I ask that you wait for a response on this in the future. - The elder of the Kamo family informs me apologetically.

- Alright, there's no problem. - I respond more calmly.

- Please understand that from the day you meet the clan, you will be associated with it, so you must act carefully, as your actions will not fall solely on you. - The one with the smallest stature reveals it.

- Does this mean that I would also receive political help from the clan? - I question with enthusiasm.

- Heh! You are more surprising than I expected! You've already realized how much power and influence you have in your hands, haven't you? Having the support of the Zenin, Kamo and Watanabe clan is not for everyone, and if we think about how your teacher also cares about you, it would count as having the support of the three main clans. - Zenin says amusedly, leaving the room in a tense silence, as if the other superiors hadn't noticed until now how much influence I really have.

- Yes, it's a scary thing. - I agree with a mischievous smile.

- I apologize for the delay, but we're back. - Yaga makes his presence known by returning into the room, dragging Satoru behind him. - I hope everything is going well. - He says worried.

- Yes, actually it was excellent! Watanabe Hana is now dismissed and can go join the rest of his colleagues. -

- Wait, have you already talked about everything you needed?! Are you sure? - Gojo asks desperately.


- So, a lot happened, and even people died. What do you think, guys? Should we continue the exchange? - Gojo asks seriously.

- Hmm... With you talking like that... - Itadori murmurs with his arms crossed as he reflects on what his teacher said.

- So, yes... We should continue. - Aoi says, surprising everyone.

- TODO?! - Yuji exclaims in an extremely melodramatic way, almost making me uncomfortable with the lack of a sound effect at that moment.

- What makes you think that way? - Satoru questions more enthusiastically.

- To begin with, this mourning thing is something for people close to the person who died. This has nothing to do with us. Second, if there were fatalities, what is expected of us is... May we become stronger! Our results only reflect our current situation. Suffering a defeat or experiencing a victory, we grow either way. The results are important because they are constant. - Aoi explains, raising a finger at each important point.

- Todo-senpai really seems to be very confident. -Miwa whispers to her colleague, however I end up hearing it because I'm nearby.

- Uh-huh, he's confident as hell. - Maki complains, grimacing.

- Third! That unsettling feeling of not having finished that subject during their high school days will haunt them until the last day of their lives! - The scarred boy finishes explaining confidently.

- How old are you? - The sensei asks jokingly.

- I don't mind. - Megumi says uninterested.

- We will win anyway. - Nobara states with her hands on her hips.

- He may sound ridiculous, but he's right on that point. - Noritoshi agrees tiredly.

- No objections. - Panda says calmly.

- Salmon. - Inumaki agrees.

- Will the pairs for the fights be drawn randomly? - Maki questions boredly.

- Huh? Let's not do that this year! - Gojo reveals it, surprising everyone but me. - I don't like being the same. Every year, we put suggestions in a box and open it on opening day. - He explains by throwing a small box to Itadori.

Yuji fiddles with the box for a bit, before reaching inside and taking out a piece of paper with baseball written on it.

- Baseball!!? - Both directors ask, extremely confused.

- But what does that mean, Yaga? -Gakuganji questions.

- Wow, I didn't see you there! - Yuji murmurs, surprised to notice that both adults approached to see the paper.

- No, I'm sure I suggested something individual... SATORU! COME BACK HERE NOW!! - Masamichi shouts very irritated.

During all of this I had to hold myself back from laughing, because I already knew things would end like this. I couldn't help but let out a sigh through my nose at my teacher's antics, especially when both principals ran after him. I use this moment to lean back from the couch and stretch my arms, so I end up looking to the side and seeing Mai, which reminds me of the conversation I had with her twin sister earlier today.


- Hey Ze... Maki-senpai! - I try to get the girl's attention.

- Huh? Oh, hey Hana! Need something? - Maki asks with a confident smile.

- Actually, yes... - I confess awkwardly. - The exchange is about to start and... - I'm struggling to say it.

- Hey, it's okay, you can tell me, I won't make fun of you. - She tries to reassure me with a soft smile.

- Well... I need to tell you something before you face your twin sister. I have information about the future that is very important and you need to hear it. - I explain seriously.

- Follow me! Let's go to my room, where you tell me everything. - Maki states, understanding the seriousness of the conversation.

I'm then guided through the school hallways to the girls' dorms, stopping in front of my senior's room. The interior is very similar to the rest, however it is obviously more "personalized", what draws the most attention are the large boxes that must have cursed weapons.

- Alright, we're here. You can tell me what you need. - The girl with green eyes warns.

- I know you two have a complicated relationship, but... - I try to start. - Look, I'm going to tell you something important and you're not going to interrupt me, just let me tell you and you think about it. - I say more confidently.

- All good. - She agrees.

- Your sister, Mai-senpai... She really cares about you a lot, she greatly admires and envies you. Unfortunately because you left the Zenin family, Mai-senpai sees this as you breaking your promise that you would always stay with her. I know that wasn't your goal, in fact it was the opposite, to make you grow up and for her to have a better life, but she doesn't see it that way, she thought you just abandoned her. You need to fix this misunderstanding as soon as possible! - I reveal clumsily.

- Hana without being rude, but why the interest in my relationship with my sister? I really appreciate you saying that. - I interrupt her.

- Mai-senpai will be killed in front of you in October. - I admit it seriously.

- What... ? - Maki questions, changing her attitude.

- Mai-senpai will be murdered by your father in October. - I reveal it in the most direct way possible.

- Are you sure about that? - She asks coldly.

- Yes! - I confirm with sadness.

- I see... Can you tell me how this happens? - Zenin asks me, while trying to hide her feelings, but I can see her hands clenching into fists.

- Your father will fight against you and when he was going to kill you, your sister will sacrifice herself for you. - I report looking at the floor.

- I see... Thank you very much for telling me all this. Would you mind coming out and giving me some time to think? - Maki asks, with a dark expression.

- Of course! Make yourself comfortable. - I agree, already heading towards the door


I slowly go back, approaching the table where the Jujutsu Kaisen zero trio is and discreetly start talking to Maki.

- Hey Maki-senpai... - Whisper.

- Yes? - She asks confused.

- I wanted to know if you talked to your sister about what I said and if everything went well. - I confess a little embarrassed.

- It was enlightening, we still need to work and talk a lot more, but I would say it was a good start. - My senior says looking at me with a sincere smile. - I really need to thank you for telling the truth... I won't let that future happen! Really, thank you very much. - The girl with glasses thanks me.


- POP UP! - Gojo screams after Miwa hits the ball.

- NISHIMIYA! DON'T RUN YET!! - Utahime shouts.

- WHY?! - Momo asks confused.

- IF YOU DON'T KNOW THE RULES, TELL US FIRST! LIKE WATANABE-KUN! - Iori complains very irritated.

- BUT I KNOW! I HAVE TO RUN WHEN THE BALL IS HIT, NO?! - Nishimiya says very confused.

From the bench I can see Noritoshi and my brother talking. The older one is probably questioning the other about his reasons for becoming a shaman. I hope what I said before, along with the answer, makes Kamo notice what a good person Yuji is.

- STRIIIIKE! YOU'RE OUT! SWITCH SIDES! - Satoru warns excitedly.

- KAMO! YOU HAVE TO BATTLE! - The Kyoto teacher shouts very irritated.

- You can call me Masahiro Tanaka from Tohoku! - Nobara exclaims proudly as she goes to the position of first batter, first base.

- Tanaka from Tohoku is... Tanaka. - Fushiguro corrects.

- By the way, Tanaka-san is a pitcher. - Yuji completes.

- Fish flakes. - Inumaki says, which I believe is him agreeing.

- EEEI, WAIT!! THIS IS JUST A BALL LAUNCHING MACHINE!- Kugisaki shouts very irritated after ignoring the boys and turning to the launcher Mechamaru.

- KUGISAKI LOST HIS HEAD! SHE'S GOING TO THE MOUNT! - Itadori warns desperately.

- What are you talking about? It's a backup machine. We had no choice since your panda destroyed Mechamaru yesterday. - Mai tries to explain.

- Throwing machine? What's that? You know a lot about machines. What are you? A nerd? - Kugisaki asks angrily.

- It's one thing after another with you... Miss, I want to be a shaman! - Mai retorts.

After that things calmed down a bit and the game continued, Nobara fought with tooth and nail, before ending up switching places. Megumi was remarkably good, however his dissatisfaction with the game was clear. Panda did surprisingly well, surprising me and I believe others as well. I was able to play a little, I was much better than I expected, but as expected I wasn't that good, which didn't bother me, because I know my gift is in football. Maki was surprising to see, however I was already expecting something like that, unfortunately it wasn't enough, as Momo managed to catch the last ball, using her broom, which should count as cheating, but due to the stupid rule of someone on the team opponent being able to use jujutsu, it was not.

-WHAT?! THAT'S NOT FAIR! - My brother is rightly indignant.

- Fish flakes! - Toge agrees, I think...

- Go back to base, Kugisaki. - Fushiguro says coldly.

- Hm... Taker, huh? Receiving, throwing, reading the game, positioning, etc... It's a good position for you, brother. But what I want... It's a one-on-one duel with Itadori, the receiver!! - Todo says serious.

- TODO!! So why don't you take it?- Yuji asks confused.

- He can not. Only Mechamaru can throw now. - Utahime explains.

- Promise me, brother... If I hit a home run here... you will... Throw... - Todo asks confidently, before being hit by a ball.

- TO-TODO!! HOLD ON!! - Itadori exclaims worriedly.

Everyone then starts bragging about Maki and saying that she made a great throw, making Yuji notice how seriously hated Aoi is. Which made really hard to stop myself from laughing, after all this was so comical, it seemed like something out of a book or anime... I don't think I ever stopped to think about it so much, but if this reality is really just a work of fiction, so was my old one too? Are there any that are actually real?

My questions had to wait until later, as the game continued. Things didn't go very well, Inumaki ended up surprising everyone with his agility and speed, while Yuji predictably did very well, in fact he was so incredible that it was mainly because of him that we ended up winning the game. Thus ending the good will event, with a sensational score of two to zero for the Tokyo school, marking two consecutive victories for us. Obviously we celebrated a lot, people from Kyoto even ended up joining us after a while, this atmosphere reminded me of the Olympics I participated in in high school in my old life, with the feelings of nostalgia, happiness, excitement and extreme tiredness that ended up ending this day.



Any and all constructive criticism is welcome, please keep in mind that english is not my native language, so if you notice any grammatical errors please let me know.

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