
Jujutsu Shinobi : being the strongest on the shinobi world!

A man was reincarnated with in the Naruto world with a mission he is given the hanma bloodline and cursed techniques to help him complete that mission, what kind of mission is that? how will he do it? will he even do it all? find out by keep reading it

FemboyMaker · Komik
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4 Chs


"are you sure it was a good idea Danzo" the Hokage are having a private meetings with Danzo,

In a dim lighted room with only one candle to lighten the room

"That boy need something to hold him down, you see how disconected he is to the village, or other childrens, or anyone" Danzo responded to the Hokage

"And giving him to Kushina will help?"

"She is the only one that can take him, maybe the uchihas can but they will never take him as their own,

Kushina, is our best bet, that boy is far too valuable for us to let go, you see his kekkei genkai, the ability to switch place with anyone with a clap, and with the kyuubi inside of him he is our strongest weapon through and through"

The hokage blow a smoke out from his pipe

"It's quite rare for you to do something like this, you usually just kidnap them and turn them into your weapon" the Hokage said, amussed at his old friend acting differently

"we all know how that ends Hiruzen, don't you think i don't know what happend 2 years ago when the Kyuubi comes back,

That child can control the Kyuubi at the age of 3, using force against him will only lead to our demise" Hiruzen laugh at his friend as he remember that day.

In the middle of the village, the kyuubi rampage for a whole hour and it suddenly just dissapeard, leaving only a boy no older than three in the middle of a crater

Some might say that the seal has been broken, but no, the higher ups know that there is no way a shikifuin seal can be broken

A shikifuin is different than any sealing technique, it is a seal created by the death god itself, there is no way a seal like that can be broken

No he purposedly let go of the kyuubi for an hour because the Hokage decide to study his weird kekkei genkai

Hundreds of casualty emerge from that events and people fear the two jinchurikis more and more

"Are you sure he will be willing to be adopted by Kushina?"

"He said it himself, the one that can adopt him is a beautifull mother with big breast, Kushina checked that list perfectly" The Hokage can't help but laugh at the his friend's words


"Alright Tatsuya, here we are, from now on you will be living with me and your new brother in of this house, what do you think?"

"I think you should let go of me"

The new mother and son couple are standing infront of a house

From behind, people won't notice the son as he can't be seen anywhere

That's because the son are being hugged on the mother's stomach with his hand still under her clutch

The mothers big breast are resting on the son's neck and it calm the anger of the child quite a bit

'well at least it feels nice' the child thought as he keeps being hugged by the mother

The redhaired mother smile and ruffled the boy's hairs with her chin again

"Not until i can trust you to not switch please the moment i let you go" the mother said gleefully at having another child

"I will only do so if you force me to, exactly like what you are doing right now" the boy said in a dead tone as he feels great shame of being carried by the red head from the orphanage, to her house

The red haired mother just smiled and walk inside if the house

She ope the door with her chains as her hands are currently occupied

"Naruto! Mommy is back!" Kushina calls out to her son as soon as she enter the house

We can hear the thumping sounds of a child running from the second floor towards the door

And there is the child, a blonde boy around 5 years old child run from the stairs towards his mother

The child stop mid way as he sees his mother holding another child on her hands

The other child has a red hair just like his mother, his disinterested eyes make him looks like he don't want to be here,

his body looks more imposing than a normal child, a small sign of muscle can be seen on the child's body

Both the boys look at each other, one with confusion the other with disinterest

"Naruto, say hello to your new brother! His name is Tatsuya Uzumaki from now on and he will be living here with us!" The mother said excitedly as she let go of the red haired child and put him down

"Yo" the child greet his new brother without any sign of interest or excitement in his voice

"Are you really my brother?!" Naruto said with stars in his eyes as he pumped his fist while looking at his new brother

"I don't have a choice as i have been kidnaped-" "Adopted!" "Kidnaped by your mother" The red haired boy said while being interupted by the mother

Naruto can't hold his happiness anymore and like the child that he is, launch himself to hug Tatsuya out of joy

Years of being isolated on his own house not being able to go outside without having something thrown at him has been really, really lonely for him

So now that he have a brother, he can have someone to play with!

Tatsuya sighed in defeat, he can just switch place with the red head behind him but he let Naruto hug him as long as he wants,

'This boy has endured too much' Is what Tatsuya have on his mind

He return the hug slightly as he pat hid new brothers back

Kushina on the other hand are having the time of her life watching her sons cutely hugging each other

She squeeled quitely as to not disturbed the two brothers hugs session

If there is a camera on her hand, she would've taken a thousand pictures by now

"Alright that's enough" Tatsuya pushed his brother and break the Hug after a full minute

"Let's do an introduction for now, my name is Tatsuya Hoshin, you can call me Uzumaki but i will not call myself that, i am your new brother as such it will be my job to protect you,

I will not play with you if your game is dumb like stacking blocks or fitting a star to a square box

I will most of the time mind my own business an i would suggest you do the same, but considering who your mother is, i am 100% sure you will bother me anyway" "HEY!"

"We will be living together for now since i have been kidnaped, so from today onward, let's get along" Tatsuya extended his hand towards his new brother

Naruto threw his arms wide open, a huge grin lighting up his face, as he launched himself into a hug again

"I should've said i hate physical touch" Tatsuya muttered between his breath as Naruto hug him tightly with a smile that can melt antartica

Kushina gets a critical hit from the sheer cuteness of the scene


"Nii-chan! Let's play!" 'One day, one day after my abduction and i am already getting sick of him'

'maybe being erased for eternity is better' Tatsuya thought as he is being shaken by his brother in the morning

He wanted to scream or beat Naruto up, but Naruto is just a child so he just sighed at him and open up his eyes

"I swear to god Naruto, if you woke me up in the morning again i will feed you to a snake" Tatsuya groaned as he wake up from his bed

"Ehehehe" Naruto just laugh stupidly at his brother's threat

'oh you think it's funny huh? There is a bird on the roof of this house, let's see if you still think it's funny when you switch place with it' Tatsuya is almost tempted to do what he just thought

"Come on Nii-chan! Let's play!" And Naruto decide to tempt fate again drag the sleepy Tatsuya towards the living room

"Good morning Boys! you wake up early today Naruto" On the kitchen, their mother are preparing breakfast for her family as the two boys run towards the living room

Well one of them run, the other one are getting dragged

"Good morning mom!" Naruto screamed as he keep dragging his new brother to where he put his toys

Tatsuya say nothing as he really, really tried his best to not pull the kyuubi just so he can sleep for another hour

"Here! I have lots of toys! We can share it if you want" Naruto sit on the living room with box of toys on his small hand as he shows his toys towards Tatsuya

The smile on the boy's face will melt any heart of those that sees it as the looks of pure joy are present on the blonde boy's face

Unfortunately Tatsuya have no heart

But he still decide to entertain his brother's whims and play along with him

Tatsuya look at the toy box and found nothing that interest him,

I mean there is a lot of toys, but will an 18 years old man play with them? Absolutely not

But the look that Naruto gave him are literally forcing Tatsuya to take a toy

He looks so excited with his arms strecthed out and stars on his eyes while giving his new brother his toys

Tatsuya gave up and take a kunai plushie

Naruto's smile widen as his brother took his toys and he giggled with himself as he put the box down between them

Naruto took a miniatur of Fourth Hokage and some Iwa ninja to play with

Tatsuya look at Naruto playing with himself, the joy the boy is having playing with himself even without Tatsuya joining him are immense

Naruto never feels this much joy in his life, playing with someone even if that person is not playing with him and just sit next to him feels amazing to him

Having a person that looks at him as Naruto Uzumaki and not a demon is really nice

"Boys! Breakfast is ready!" The two boys can hear the sound of Kushina calling them from the dining room

"Coming!" Naruto childish voice are resonated through the house as he stand up and are ready to go eat

Tatsuya do the same but before he can walk by himself, Naruto once again drag him by his hand

'This kid!' Tatsuya really wanted to switch him up with a bird right now


"I am going outside" Tatsuya said as he finished up his meal

Kushina and Naruto look at the boy with a various expressions as they heard him

Naruto look like he is about to cry and Kushina look worried

"You don't wanna play with me?" Naruto pinch Tatsuya's clothes as he look at his brother with tearfull eyes

Naruto bit his quivering lower lip, eyes brimming with unshed tears, trying to hold back the sadness overflow that threatened to burst out at any moment.

"I wanna train" Tatsuya said calmly as his brother sobed quitely while still holding his shirt

"It is not healthy for a child your age to train Tatsuya, you could stunted your growth" Kushina said with a worried tone, her words carrying a subtle tremor, and her furrowed brow revealed the underlying concern etched across her face.

"Then i am gonna play outside with the other kids, staying inside is boring" "WAAAAAAAH!!!!!" Naruto cried loudly at Tatsuya's words

"Nii-chan! Don't leave me!" He cried as he hugged his brother while crying loudly on Tatsuya's choulder

"I am not leaving you, it's just for a while, maybe until sun down"

"WAAAAHAAAAAAAA" Naruto cried louder as he heard Tatsuya going out until sun down

"Stop crying Naruto!" Tatsuya has had enough of his cry baby brother that are clinging to his clothes, ruining it with snots and tears

"No! Stay here! Play with meeeee!" Naruto keep crying as he keep holding onto his brother's clothes

*CLAP* Tatsuya swap places with Kushina

"Hua?" Naruto looks up, feeling a different sensation from before as he hugged her brother

Kushina look down at her son with a helpless smile as he pat Naruto's head

Naruto look around, he sees his brother sitting on his mother's seat while smirking at him


"Nii-chan!" And he run towards his brother again

Tatsuya's eyes widen as he thought Naruto would give up or just too confused to continue his crying

*CLAP* He swap places with Kushina again

Naruto sees his mother apearing on where his brother used to be again, stoped crying for a few seconds

Until he found his brother again and cry while running towards him again





"NII-CHAN!" Without stopping, Naruto keep crying and walk back and forth towards his brother as Tatsuya keep teleporting again and again

"STOP IT ALREADY!" Kushina tried to hold her laughter as she sees her childrens playing around with each other

Tatsuya has had enough with the teleporting and let his crying brother to hug him again

"God damn it" he muttered as his brother cried loudly on his chest

"Fine FINE! I am not going outside! Stop crying you are making my ears bleed!" Tatsuya tried to push Naruto away but his clutched are too tight that Tatsuya afraid he will hurt him if he keep pushing

Kushina can't help but laugh at his new son being forced to stay by his crying son

Tatsuya grumbled at his brother but there is nothing he can do about it


Tatsuya and Naruto stayed in the living room,

Tatsuya decide to train while laying around completely bored

He make a string out of chakra and attached it to his kunai plushie,

He then throw the kunai plushie at the wall and pull it back with his chakra string

Naruto still played around with his small miniature toys like the child that he is,

Tatsuya feels thirsty and decide to get some water

But something immedietly stuck to his back the moment he stand up

He sees his brother looking at him with eyes fulls of tears while hugging him tightly not wanting to let him go


"I am just trying to get a water, i am not leaving you alone" Tatsuya said in a tired voice at his baby brother

"Un" Naruto nodded while biting his lower lip cutely and hold Tatsuya's left hand

After that breakfast incident Naruto refuse to let him go 10 feet away from him

'This is going to get annoying fast' Tatsuya thought as he walk towards the kitchen with Naruto holding onto his hand

He walks inside of the empty kitchen, Kushina are nowhere to be seen as she have a meeting with the Hokage

'probably about me' Tatsuya thought as he chuck down a water glass

He also pour another one for his brother because he hadn't been drinking since they start playing as well

Naruto take the glass of water and drink it slopyly like a child


Suddenly a rock was throw towards the window near beside them

It didn't broke as Kushina has reinforced every single corner of the house with fuinjutsu

Naruto almost dropped the water glass but Tatsuya catch it in reflex

"Fuckin-" Tatsuya put the glass stiffly as he tried to hold his anger

His face furrowed, eyes full of rage as he gritted his teeth while walking towards the window to see the bastard that throwed the rock

He look outside and found a man with an unkempt beard, he is covered in dirts as he looks like a homeless person

But that did not stop Tatsuya at all

He walk towards the door, intending to beat the shit out of the homeless man.

But he feels a slight tug on his shirt

Tatsuya look behind, and see Naruto holding onto his shirt with tears on his eyes

"Don't" Naruto whispered quitely with his quivering mouth, afraid that if Tatsuya were to go outside he will be abused by the villager just like him

Looking at Naruto's face full of fear, Tatsuya's rage almost explode

'How dare they, He is a child god damn it!' those thought come to his mind as he hug the shaking boy to calm his fear

He sense that there is a bird flying on top of the man

*CLAP he switched the place between the bird and the man

People are screaming madly as they see the homeless man gets teleported up in the air and fall to the ground

A ninja soon come to save the man but it is unlikely that he will survive

#Brutal as always# the kyuubi said inside of his mind

'Kurama, i am in the state of complete rage right now, don't say anything stupid' the kyuubi snorted but he stop talking

"What happends there?" Naruto hears the commotion outside but Tatsuya prevent him from seeing it,

"It's just people, they usually are loud so there is nothing to worry about" Tatsuya hold Naruto's head on his chest to prevent him from seeing outside

~~~~~~~~~ To be continued ~~~~~~~~~

Hey! Here is another chapter for ya, took me a while to write as emotional thing is not my fortee, but i do have a lot of experience with childrens

Why? Because for some reason childrens just love me,

I am man by the way,

But childrens always come to me and play with me, i have a niece and when they brought friends to the house then my niece and their friends will play with me,

Some time they just wanted me to be a judged to see which one of them can draw better,

I have no idea why they like me, it's the same thing with animals aswell

Cats will come to me even after i kick him

Like hello?! I am clearly not in the mood to pet you, why are you keep snuggling on my legs? It's weird

Anyway, See you later!