
Academt start

"ACADEMY! ACADEMY!" Naruto yelled first thing in the morning

"Nii-chan! It's time for the academy! Wake up!" Naruto proceed shake Tatsuya up like a child after eating too much sugar

"I am up. I am up! Stop shaking me!" Tatsuya yelled as he tried to collect all of his souls after just getting woke up by Naruto

"It's time for academy Nii-chan!" Naruto yelled once more as he shake his brother for the last time

"Just, go down first, i'll catch up in a minute" Tatsuya tried his best to not kick Naruto's face in

"Mooom! It's time for academy!" Naruto changed his victim to his mom as he run away from the room

Tatsuya grogingly wake up as he scrubed his eyes with his hand

'what the f-' he look outside, it's still dark, there is no sign of rain, the sun is till not up yet

Tatsuya look at the alarm clock beside him, it is 5:07 a.m

The academy start at 8 by the way

'i am going to beat that child when i woke up' Tatsuya come back to sleep again and make the alarm clock to ring at 7

"NII-CHAN!" The sound of Naruto getting beaten by his mother can be heard as she must have been pissed just like him


"Uuuuuu" Naruto are rubbing his head after getting smacked in the head by his mother

Three people can be seen sitting around the dinner table eating breakfast

The mother herself are eating breakfast like there is nothing wrong, along with Tatsuya as he buttered up his sandwich

"You guys are mean" Naruto let out a tear from his eyes as he rub his head

"Next time, don't go yelling around at 5 a.m" Tatsuya said as he took a bite of his sandwich

Kushina nodded at him while eating her sandwich as well

"Hmph!" Naruto pouted and eat his sandwich

After finished eating breakfast the Uzumaki family are preparing for their younglings academy

"mooooom! Hurry up!" Naruto are bouncing infront of the door with Tatsuya sitting down on the floor while waiting for their mom

"Patient!" Kushina screamed from her dressing room as the boys wait on the door

"Why is mom always took so long before going out?" Naruto asked Tatsuya

"I don't know, maybe because she is a woman" Tatsuya said still trying to get a few more sleep

"Is woman slow?"

"No, more like they have 1000 steps to prepare themself before going out, while we only need to comb our hair and it's done"

"Well that's dumb, why do all of that?"

"To look beautiful"

"But mom is beautiful"

"To look more beautiful"

"Why do they want to look more beautiful?"

"To make people like them"

"If you are beautiful people will like you?"

"Generally, yeah"

"Why don't everyone try to be beautiful?"

"Because it's a pain, so people like me will just be ourself and don't care about what others think"

"But people will like you if you are beautiful"

"i don't want people to like me"

"Why not?"

"You like me, and you cling to me everyday, if everyone like me i won't be able to walk"

"That make sense"

'It is not' Tatsuya thought as his brother goes quite

"Alright boys! Ready to go to the academy?!" Kushina walk towards the door and tries to rile up her kids



Kushina chuckled at the difference between her sons reactions

"Alright kids! Let's go!" Kushina said as he scoop up Naruto to her arms


Along the way to the academy, everyone look at the Uzumaki family in fear

Before Tatsuya join the family people will look at them in anger, rage, but now all they have is fear

Fear of Tatsuya

While Kushina is a veteran jonin and are a very strong individual, Tatsuya struck fear more than her inside of their heart

Mainly because Tatsuya have the kyuubi inside of him and is not afraid to use it

A child, a 6 years old child can USE the kyuubi

Even if that is not true, the thought of a child capable of using a demon such as kyuubi are far scarier than Kushina can be

Imagine a 6 years old having a nuclear bomb on his hand, just one simple wrong words towards that boy and bam! Say goodbye to your city

The villager around the Uzumaki families tried to avoid them as best as they can, they open ways for them to walk everytime they are out

Naruto feels uncomfortable with the alienation from the villagers while Tatsuya enjoy it,

Imagine not having to deal with crowds because they part ways for you everytime you walk

Tatsuya feels just like a king

Kushina herself feels fine, for her this just a simple way to identify the idiots from the rest

"Kushina!" Someone called out to Kushina as she walk through the street

A woman with black hair are walking towards them with a child around the same age as Naruto and Tatsuya

"Mikoto!" The two mother greet each other with a hug

"You always make commotion when you are outside eh?" Another mother comes towards them with another child

This one have spiky brown hair that looks too wild to be on the face of a gentle mother

Probably because she is not a gentle mother

"Tsume!" Kushina call to the other mother with a smile on her face

She hugged both of her friends while telling them how much she miss them

"Yes yes we miss each other, but we should really continue our walk to the academy, we are blocking the street" Tsume said to her two friends and they all decide to walk together

The 4 childrens present around their mother look at each other while their moms walk while chating among themself

A black haired boy are looking at Tatsuya with a piercing eyes, it can't be called a glare because his face are too puffy to be intimidating

"What?" Tatsuya said to the black haired boy

"I will be the top student in the academy" the black haired boy suddenly said confusing the Red haired boy

"Ok" Tatsuya answerd with a straight face

The black haired boy continue to glare at him like he owes him money

'Did i pissed him off or something?' Tatsuya are confused by the sudden animosity he receive from the black haired boy

"Wait a minute! I am the one going to be the number one student!" The boy with red marks on his cheeks said

"Aw!" A dog emerge from the boy's pocket and bark in agreement

The boy with black hair look at the boy with brown hair and dismiss him as a none threat

"Hey!" Even without words, The boy with brown hair knows that he is being underestimated

Naruto laugh at the brown haired boy while Tatsuya just dismiss them as a kid

"Ehehe, hey, i am Naruto Uzumaki! And i am the one that are going to be the number one student!" Naruto also tried to join the conversation by entering the common goal

"You too?!" Kiba said to Naruto as he laughed again

The both of them begin to talk amongst each other as they have quite the same personality,

The black haired boy meanwhile, are still looking at Tatsuya


"Here it is boys! Your academy days start now!" Tsume inuzuka said as she look at the childrens gathering infront of the academy

Kiba and Naruto looks excited as they see all the childrens atending the academy

Tatsuya look disinterested at the prospect of attending what basically is a school, again,

Sasuke still look at him as if he owe him money

"Alright kids, now don't make troubles for your sensei and behave properly" Mikoto said as she fixed Sasuke's clothes

Kushina leaned down to her kids

"Behave properly and listen to your sensei, but if the sensei or anyone else do anything stupid,

don't beat them too hard Tatsuya" Kushina has give up trying to tell Tatsuya not to do something,

So the best she can do is damage control

"Sure" Tatsuya said nonchalantly before walking towards the crowd

The other boys followed him as they walk to the other childrens

"If you got suspended i will beat your ass!" Tsume screamed towards her son and Kiba shuddered at his own mom

Naruto look at Kiba being nervous and laugh at his face making Kiba blushed in embarassment

The 4 kids join the crowd without anyone realising it

The childrens around are too focused on what the teacher said to notice

The teacher that are giving speech notice a small child with Blood red hair walking towards the group,

He look at the child's face and flinched out of fear

'Yeah, that's what i thought' Tatsuya notice the teacher looking at him

#maybe people won't fear you so much if you act nicer#

'Naruto is nice, and they throw things at him'

#in conclusion, humans are evil#


"Alright everyone, now the last speech before we start your class assignment is from the Hokage himself!" The teacher said as he presented the Hokage

The Hokage walk towards the kid while everyone clapped and cheers

Along with Tatsuya as he clapped and switch places with a squirel on a tree

'i have seen this from some fanfiction, his speech will takes hours to finish so it's better if i just sleep here' as Tatsuya took a nap while training his chakra control (he stick his body to the tree)

The other childrens around him wonder where he is

The Hokage also notice him running away from the speech and sighed dissapointedly

3 hours later

The childrens are fighting their greatest battle of all time,

They are fighting themself to stay away as the boring speech of the Hokage can rival a sleeping genjutsu

Naruto and Kiba has gave up and sleep on the ground while Sasuke tried his best to stay standing while looking at the Hokage with a forcefully opened eyes with determination on his face

Shikamaru has retreated since the first minutes while Choji just zoned out and eat his snacks

But he ran out of snacks after the first hour so now he is agitated

The Hokage look at the sleepy childrens as he deliver the most boring and long speech he can think of

What? You think he did this by accident? No he planned for it, he stayed up all night making the most boring and long speech that no childrens will ever have the patient to listen to (This is what i thought whenever my teacher are giving some stupidly long speech, bastard must've do it on purpose)

He finished his speech with a laugh and shunshined himself back the Hokage Office

"Thank god it's over" on the parents lounge, Tsume praise the god for their blessing of not letting the Hokage go for more speech

"Did he do this every time?" Shikamaru's mother said

"Well, he did the same thing on Itachi's first day" Mikoto answerd her

"Yeah, on Hana's aswell, i think he is doing this on purpose" Tsume said

"Kushina-san, wake up"

"Phue?" Kushina open her eyes as she is leaning to the tree behind her with drolls running through her mouth

"You are never good with speeches eh?" Tsume teased her and she burst awake and tried to fix herself,

Kushina wiped her droll and tried to sit dignifiedly with her hairs dishelved And her face blushing

Her friends giggled at her while Tsume laugh loudly making her blushed even more

"Huh?" Tatsuya hear the sounds of someone laughing and he wake up from his slumber

'where am i?' Tatsuya at first are confused on why is he on a tree

And then he rememberd about the speech and he streched his hand up to relieve himself of the stiffness

He jumped down from the tree and walk towards the crowds of childrens

"Is it over yet?" He talked to the childrens infront of him

"Yeah it's over" the child yawned as he also tried to wake himself up

"Alright everyone! For the class asignment we will test to see your over all skills

This is to make sure that there won't be any inbalance of skills amongst the student of each class

For the first test it will be distant running, everyone let's go to the field track" the teacher intructed us and we all followed him to the track field

He then instructed to take a position where will run the tracks.

"We will time you to see how long can you ran and how many laps can you go through on that time" the childrens all took position and to prepare themself for running

"Ready, sets, Go!" The teacher do a chopping motion with his hand and all the children start running

Fromm all the kids there, 3 kids run faster than the other

One of them is Tatsuya, because of the Hanma bloodline his normal jogging are faster than the others sprint

Right behind him is 2 people, Uchiha Sasuke, and girl with fierce eyes looking at the red haired boy with clear hatred

After the first 5 minutes, most civilian children has given up running and the only one left are the clan childrens

Except for Shikamaru, he also gave up

The first 3 position is still on the lead as they have run atleast 2 laps more than the other childrens

The 4th and 5th position are Naruto and Kiba, they tried their best to catch up with Sasuke and Tatsuya but they are not fast enough

Tatsuya still run just slightly faster than Sasuke, he can ran faster because he knows how to use chakra, these childrens is just running purely with their physical body as they don't know how to use their chakras yet

Not like Tatsuya are using them though, his increased physique of Hanma bloodline is enough to beat these childrens in a long run

The girl with fierce eyes are panting heavily as he tried to take over Tatsuya's position, but for each time she tried to run faster, Tatsuya will run slightly faster than her

She noticed his face, He is not trying, he is toying with them

She gritted her teeths in frustratio while keep on running, refusing to give up and be worse than him,

The demon

"Stop! You three can stop running now" after an hour, the teacher has decide that these childrens will kill themself before they stop running

Well, not Tatsuya though, he looks unbothered as ever

Sasuke fall to the ground while having his heart pounding heavily as he tried to regulate his breathing

The same can be said for the fierce eyed girl

"What a monster" Shikamaru said as he look at the three childrens running for an hour without stopping

Even Naruto can only do it for 30 minutes

"Hey! That's my brother!" Naruto yelled at his new friend as they all sit in a straight line along with the other clan kids

"I am saying that in a compliment, look at your brother, he is not panting at all while the Uchiha looks like he is about to die" Shikamaru pointed to Naruto's Brother and they all aknowledge his words

"Well of course! My brother is awesome!" Naruto said proudly as he have his hands on his hips while his nose are in the air

Ino look at Tatsuya with dreamy eyes, unlike Sasuke that have a sense of beauty in his face, Tatsuya is more masculine.

His hanma bloodline make him produce much more testosterone than a normal person

As such his muscle has started growing and his baby fat are reducing faster

Producing a handsome face instead of the usual cute face of a child

The laying fierced eyed girl are still looking at the calmly standing Tatsuya as she pant heavily from exhaustion

Tatsuya notice her angry expression but just dismissed it to her being a hater

*CLAP and Tatsuya has been replaced with Kiba

The brown haired boy look around with wide eyes, he look around and wonder as to why he is suddenly in the middle of the field

Kiba look at his previous space on the lounge and see Tatsuya sitting calmly while the other childrens are surprised except for Naruto,

"OY!" Kiba ran back to the lounge while furrowing his eyebrow in anger towards Tatsuya

"How did you do that?" Choji look at him amazement,

"Magic" Tatsuya just shrugged his shoulder and answerd nonchalantly

"Is it your family technique?" Shikamaru are also intigued by this boy weird abilty,

Being able to teleport anywhere would be a dream come true for him

"Maybe? I don't know" Tatsuya genuinely have no idea if this is a family technique or not

While yes the God is the one giving him this body and powers but he doubt that the god would just, beam his baby body in the middle of the kyuubi rampage

Or anywhere really, this body must have been born through someone, he must have had parents somewhere

Maybe they died, maybe they leave him, he is not thinking about them though, he never know them and never seen them, they are dead in his eyes

"Can you do it too Naruto?" Ino asked the blonde boy and Naruto Shaked his head

"Nope! *CLAP* see? Nothing happend" Naruto said as he tried to do the same thing Tatsuya did

"How does it work? Did you just, clapped and then you are in another place?" Shikamaru asked as he get more and more intrigued by Tatsuya's power

*CLAP He change place with Shikamaru

"That's how it feels after i did it, before though i need to lock in to anything that have enough chakra in it, and i clapped and it become like that" instead of trying to explain how it feels, Tatsuya just demonstrate it to Shikamaru

"Wow" the childrens all look at Tatsuya swapping place with Shikamaru in awe

"Tch" on the field, 2 childrens are clicking their tongue in annoyance

~~~~~~~~~ to be continued ~~~~~~~~~

Hi! If you have been wondering where i have been gone..... Well i was making another fic,

I am sorry okay?! This is what happend when you gives ADHD people creativity, i just forget about this story entirely, and make 5 chapters on that one,

As an apology, i will update 2 chapters here and 3 chapters there, so go check it out, i promise it will be good, maybe, i don't know

Once again, i am sorry

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