
Jon Green the ninjutsu master in Hogwarts

A young man who died because of saving others, he was awarded by Ninja Gamer System, and sent to Harry Potter World. Lets see how the world changes as he show ninjutsu power in Harry Potter World

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9 Chs

Training (2)

Jon once again opened his Quest panel, and found that Physical Training Quest turned gray, and you can't select it anymore.

So Jon choose Chakra Control Training Quest.


Leaf Concentration Training

By keeping a leaf stuck on your forehead thanks to chakra you now only help with your chakra control exercise but also improve your concentration.

Training: 0%

Uses: 20 CP per minute

+1 CC every time Host reaches 100%


I immediately grabbed a single leaf from the branch and held it in my hand. I focused on it trying to remember what I had to make the leaf stick. Channel chakra into the palm of my hand focusing on the leaf. If I gave enough it should stick to my hand... no, wait, not hand, forehead.

I placed the leaf on my forehead and focused, I didn't know what chakra felt like, but I knew I had it. I closed my eyes and sat in the lotus position. From what I remember chakra came from one's gut, so I focused on my gut.

I let my eyes closed with my head leaning back to hold the leaf up. I couldn't feel anything. I couldn't... wait! I feel it! A rumble in my stomach! A lurching feeling slowly coming up from my stomach, rising like a wave of pure unbelievable power

"BURP!" no forget what I said, it was just a burp.

I sighed leaving my head letting the leaf fall down. I sighed looking at it. 

Chakra, it was a mixture of spiritual energy and physical energy. My physical side sucked, so maybe that was it? Maybe I need to improve that?

I sighed, held the leaf in my hand and looked up at the ceiling. I closed my eyes and focused, letting my body relax. I let my body rest, I wasn't feeling tired, but I just needed some peace and quiet.

All this talk of ninja's and chakra, it's gotten tiering. I took and deep breath and sighed. I turned my attention to my stomach. With every breath I took in my stomach expanded. As I let it out it pumped air out and shark back down.

Slowly every breath made my stomach rise and fall. And slowly, I felt something move.

It was in my gut, slowly rising up every time I breathed out. Like a water pump being pushed down squirting a little bit of water out every time.

I remained calm, I didn't let the excitement take over me, I continued the exercise.

The chakra at first began to spin around near my gut, I'm guessing my chakra pathways were circular near my gut. Slowly though I felt it began to swim all over my body. It was like there were several tiny river canals in my body and the chakra was the water finally being poured in.

I opened my eyes and let go of the chakra allowing it to return back into my gut where it came from. Amazing, this was all simply amazing.

I looked at the leaf in my hand and immediately placed it on my forehead. I closed my eyes and felt around for my chakra once more. This time it was much easier to use it, allowing me to direct the flow into my forehead.

I suddenly found the chakra running my neck and around my face. My cheeks blushed, the feeling foreign. It passed over my eyes without incident before meeting on my forehead. I scrunched my eyes, focusing on keeping the leap steady by using all the chakra I could muster to hold it there.


Note to self. Chakra exhaustion fucking sucks!

It was ten minutes into the exercise when I figured that out.

There was one small thing I overlooked.

Uses: 20 CP per minute

Yup, that's the one. And considering that I had only 25 CP, that meant I could only use the exercise for a minute. But guess what, even that was fucking wrong! Because...


That meant I was only using 10% of the all the chakra I was fucking using! Meaning not only could I not do the exercise of a minute. I could use it for only 10 fucking seconds! 


After 10 seconds I was done. Not a drop of chakra left. I couldn't believe it, I had wasted 90% of all my chakra simply because I didn't have enough control. What the fuck right?!

So now I was sitting panting on my table, not believing how unfair the world was. Either I fucking raise my chakra level or I improve my control.

Luckily my chakra recovery speed is 10% per minute. Means I will recover my chakra in just 10 minutes.

I waited for around ten minutes before regaining my Chakra to 100%. 

This time he didn't started doing practice, instead he went to his room.

He plan to exercise there.

After reaching to the room, I closed the door, and took my seat on the bed.

I placed the leaf on my forehead again and made it stick using chakra. 

I counted, one, two, three... eight, nine and done!

I stopped the chakra flow. I looked at my CP bar and found a sliver of chakra remaining. I was panting this time sure, but at least I wasn't suffering from chakra exhaustion, that was a hundred times worse!

I still had to wait for ten minutes, but at least now I wasn't grumbling in fucking pain.

I didn't have a clock in my room so I don't know how long I have been doing this. It was almost robotic the way I moved from 9 seconds of chakra control to ten minutes of waiting. I watched the CP bar regenerate itself slowly, and when I wasn't doing that I looked out the window, wondering just what was happening in this seemingly quiet night out.

But this did have it's own rewards;

Jon completed Leaf Concentration Training for 12x times.

And everytime it reaches 100%, it gave him 1 CC point.

To my utter joy, grinding really was the way to go.

Jon found that with 

And also thanks to this quest who have unlimited times of completion, without turning the Chakra Control Training Quest turning gray like Physical Training Quest.

I also managed to raise my CC stats;

CC- 12

I did calculation in my head on how much time I consume to finish my Chakra Control Training Quest.

It looked like I need little over an hour to finish the Quest first, more with every finishing up.

I actually gasped in surprise when I saw the sun rise off in the distance. I never realised it was so late. But it made sense, doing the same thing all night, I must have trained for well over 14 hours.

But the wierd part is... I wasn't sleepy or hungry. Not one bit. I know what I feel like when I stay up all night, but this wasn't it!

Maybe it was because I channeled chakra into my brain all night? Maybe that kept it active? No, what am I saying? That sounds stupid! No, it must be because of the Game, I never see video game characters need to sleep or eat... yes, that makes sense, Gamer's body can do that!

So cool! I don't need to sleep or eat! But damn, that means I really need to find something fun to do while in my room, maybe a book?

As for why no one called him for dinner, because they already have shortage of food.

You have to know, this is 1991. This time, US and USSR having cold war. And in this particular year, USSR gonna disintegrate.

So, situation of economy is not good right now.

If some kid unwilling to eat, they will be happy to get more.

I ran out of my room with a towel in hand. I saw Anne (Orphanage Sister) outside going around to wake people up. She noticed me running to the bathroom and smiled.

Jon also smiled, and went to took bath.

I took a nice long bath, because it was so early all the hot water was still available, plus I didn't have to share the shower with other people. I then went back into my room, put on a fresh set of clothes, black shirt with white shorts and my sandals.

I looked into the cafeteria but found it empty with no food ready, people were working in the kitchen, preparing the food, but I doubt it will be ready soon.

So, Jon went out to complete the Physical Training Quest.

Yes, Quest was ready to be selected once again.

Today when Jon complete the Quest, he completed the pushups in one go.

Same for Squats and Situps.

And then 1 kilometer race.

Jon once again got 3 same options, and he choose Stat points once again.

Jon directly put them into VIT.

VIT: 4 -> 7

Although he was not feeling any change in his body, but he hope that this might be useful somewhere.

Because VIT is either related to HP or SP.

Once again Physical Training Quest turned gray, and unable to select.

Means this quest can be completed only once a day.

This is bit sad.

Because if Jon can do unlimited time, with his current strength, he can atleast do it 10x times a day.

So Jon once again found a place nearby, and started training his Leaf Concentration Exercise.

Same 10 seconds of training, then 10 minutes of wait.

It took him 2 hours and 40 minutes to complete the Leaf Concentration Exercise this time, and earn 1 more CC point.

Jon already found that when Stat points reached 10, some changes appeared.

When his CC reached 10, he got +2% control over his chakra.

Jon didn't train anymore, and first went to the kitchen, and have his breakfast.

Although he can't get hungry, but he can't let others know about it.

After all, food is human necessity.

Today breakfast is 3 slice of bread, and Jam.

Really poor breakfast, but everyone ate without complaint.