
Jon Green the ninjutsu master in Hogwarts

A young man who died because of saving others, he was awarded by Ninja Gamer System, and sent to Harry Potter World. Lets see how the world changes as he show ninjutsu power in Harry Potter World

Raj · Movies
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9 Chs


Jon, who understand his whole system, his eyes first fallen on Physical Training Quest.

Let's see, how it works.

Jon found a big empty place on the ground, and came down to take the position of doing Pushups.

After doing that, Jon finished the first pushup.

Suddenly the physical training quest window appeared in front of him.

Pushups: 1/10

Seeing this, Jon went to do it again.


Its just these two pushups already consumed most of Jon's strength.

Jon directly fall on the ground, and started taking big breathe.

Now this is really bad.

A 11 years old kid can't even finish 10 pushups.

Its not that his stamina is low. Its just his strength is to low to do it.

Jon stand up, and instead of doing Pushups, he done Squats.

Completing this is much easier for Jon.

Soon Jon completed Situps as well.

After that, Jon once again do 2 pushups, and fall on the ground.

But he was not depressed.


Pushups: 4/10

Sitsups: 10/10

Squats: 10/10

Run: 0/1

Reward: ??


He doesn't need to do it in one go. He has whole evening left.

In 3 more attempts, he finally completed Pushups.

So to complete the final run, Jon came out of the room, and once again went to park.

Definitely other kids will not play with him, so he just choose the side walking path, and started jogging.

Jon checked on his panel, and found that he was consuming 1 SP per 100 meters of run.

And after running for 1 kilometer, finally a notification came.


Physical Training Quest Completed.

Please Select the Reward:-

[Status Recover]

[Stat Points: +3]

[Random Item]

Jon stopped running when he heard the notification, and when he saw the reward, a mysterious smile appeared on his face.

Status recovery can instantly let his HP, SP, and CP reached 100%.

Stat Points can be transfer to any of the attribute to increase power.

Random Item must item from Naruto World.

So choice is pretty simple.

Without hesitation Jon choose 'Stat Points'.

After the selection complete, notification vanished.

Jon walked to the side bench to sit, and opened his panel.


Name: Jon Green

Level: 1 (0/200)

Status: Ninja Academy Student


HP: 50/50 [Recovery 10% per Minute]

SP: 25/25 [Recovery 10% per Minute]

CP: 25/25 [Recovery 10% per Minute]

Control: 10%


STR: 0 [+]

DEX: 0 [+]

VIT: 1 [+]

INT: 5

CHA: 1

CC: 0

LUC: 1


Point: 3

Money: 0




[Ninja Library]


Looking at the panel, he finally understand that he can't transfer stat points to all the attributes. Instead only STR, DEX, and VIT.

Jon directly put 1 Stat point into STR.

Suddenly Jon felt a warm current flowing into his body, and his muscles, bones and internal organs started to become stronger.

This transformation only lasted for a minute, but Jon can feel his changes.

He looked around, and when he found no one was looking, he looked inside his shirt.

His chest, where he can see rib cage because of malnutrition, he now can see muscles.

Although not muscles like body builder, but atleast I don't look sick now.

Most importantly, Jon can feel that he got stronger.

Really strong.

Jon thought for a second, and transferring rest 2 points into VIT.

He don't want others to see to much changes in his body.