

Anita_Jesca · Realistis
Peringkat tidak cukup
12 Chs


I thrusted into her for the last time feeling her reach her orgasm letting out a satisfying moan which prompted my release.I pulled out of her and she plopped on her back probably from the exhaustion.I pulled off the condom , throwing it in the trash can near the bed as i lay beside her .I wanted to cuddle her but the moment I tried reaching out for her i pulled my hands.It just didn't feel right, so I settled on cuddling the pillow.I could not sleep, not when my conscience was bugging meinding me of how much of a horrible human i was.For once I wished I didn't have this stupid conscience  but i guess we all don't get what we wish for.

She was sleeping,if the slow breaths and movements on her back were anything to go by. Her mouth was slightly opened as cute snores came from it.

Her hair was messy probably from our little session . She looked peacefully and different.She looked like a precious, little harmless bunny ,nothing like the persuasive seductive lady she had been when awake.She had light freckles that were hard to spot unless you were looking attentively just like Lisa.


The thought of my wife got me disgusted with myself.I let the thought drop.I wasn't going to let regret bitch me down.Lots of people did this.It didn't mean they didnt love their spouses or love them any less. I adore Lisa and this one time thing with Malikana couldn't change that.

I let my hands run through  surprisingly blonde hair which was surprisingly  soft and natural .I made an effort to  fix it, but it was unruly .

The woman beside me stir awake shifting her position so she could face me.when she smiled her dimple appeared and just for a minute I missed a heartbeat , this woman was gorgeous .

She connected our lips in a lousy kiss but I could still savor the minty taste .Everything felt just perfect until my phone started ringing.

  I pulled away from Malikana  and she frowned trying to reconnect our lips. I pushed her away slighlty and for the very first time listening to my rational thought.

I rummaged through everything trying to find my phone but i still couldn't find the damn thing.

I tried getting out of bed only to miss a step and fall hitting my head on the dressing table.

I heard Malikana laugh in which i glared back before getting up.My head hurt .I rubbed my forehead trying to ease the pain and that is when I spotted my phone under the glass table.I reached for it just as the call ended.

I had received 33 texts from my wife and had 12 missed calls; 10 from my wife , one from my father and another from my assistant. Damn it!

I picked up my clothes from the ground and huddled them.I slipped on my shirt and zipped my pants.I adjusted my wedding band trying my best to conceal the guilt that was threatening to burst through me. I couldn't even bring myself to face the pretty striper who was lying in the bed and had been nothing but exceptional and was nagging me to stay a little longer.

I placed the cheque on the table on the glass table and picked my wallet and my key and left.

It was pouring outside causing me to shiver from the cold. I pulled my coat to cover me and ran to the VIP parking lot .

I spotted my car almost immediately.It was the only Aston Martin vanquish in the parking .I unlocked the car and got in already slightly drenched from the rain.

I pulled off my coat , grabbed the steering wheel and laid my head back on my leather seats.The silence was consuming me.It was as if It was forcing me  to deal with what I felt.I could no longer outrun the guilt.There was no destruction to mask what was real.My pride was no longer inside , its was on sleeve tugging on me , screaming my weakness .

I tried holding back the tears that were threatening to spill . I wanted to scream and blame the pretty stripper but i had been the one to make the decision and no one else. I did stink of infidelity.

I pulled the steering wheel before Opening my car radio. I needed something to soothe my guilt.i needed something to hide behind.

Home .

i was almost there. The distance seemed to be reducing .I was approaching fast and I wish I could turn back.

As I neared my house i noticed the lights were still on meaning Lisa was still awake , waiting for me to get home from 'work '. I had told her ,i had a late meeting and she had probably stayed up all night waiting for me to get home .

The gesture itself made me feel feel shittier about the whole cheating ordeal.

I locked my car with one thought in mind .I had to face her.I fixed my shirt thanking the heavens Malikana had not left any hickeys only grazes on my back which would be easier to cover.

I got in and as I expected Lisa was by the door grinning.I smiled back while examining her.She had her spongebob pajamas on, her black hair was still neat.she was beautiful with those light green eyes. I leaned forward and kissed her. She tasted like cherries, the taste i was so familiar with and I loved .I wanted to taste more so I ran the tip of my tongue along her bottom lip.I felt her smiling into the kiss, the one thing that always drove me crazy.I let go of all the restraints and pushed my tongue in her mouth exploring the insides of her mouth, she let out a moan arousing me.

I pulled her up so that her legs were wrapped around my waist as I trailed kisses down her neck.The sounds she made were always sensational.She lowered her hand and hooked her fingers down my pants undoing my zipper causing my heart to beat rapidly.I was nervous.The guilt washed over me once more as her hands neared my junk.The very thing than had been inside another woman. I gently removed her hands in which she tilted her head in confusion .

I wanted to tell her i didn't want to her i had cheated on her , but i just couldn't bring myself to do it.It would hurt her.

I pulled her towards our love seat which was on my left and laid her down and locked our lips again.

This felt right, how our body was touching felt delightful. I removed her pajama pants exposing her delicate skin . I kissed her all the way , before undoing her panties.

I wanted to lick every inch of her.Five year's of marriage and everytime she managed to rekindle the passion.I slid a finger inside her and felt her react to my touch.I added another and worked them in her .She was just as aroused as I was. I quickened the pace of my fingers.She recoiled grabbing the edges of the seat moaning my name.i loved the way she said my name in estacy.

I finally let go of my trouser then my boxer briefs releasing my cock which was totally hard.

I positioned myself on her entrance watching her expression loving the impatient look accompanied by the lust.i slid into her causing her to gasp. Her expression was priceless every time.

I kissed her while thrusting into her.She moved her hips in sync causing me to explode in pleasure.She was moaning mess. I loveed every moment of it, but i growing impatient and the moment she said 'harder' I thrusted in her quickening my pace as I pined her hands above her head.My release was close causing me to thrust harder and deeper in her .I held back allowing her to edge  to I finally released inside her.I fell on top of her due to the weariness.

"That was something" Lisa said, that being the first word she had said to me since I arrived.I pulled myself from her and sat her up beside me on our love seat.I drew her closer to me.

Her hands reached my face and tilted it so that I was facing her.Looking at those green orbs one thing ran through my mind.

I had fucked two women in less than 8 hours, and one of them was a stripper.