

Anita_Jesca · Realistic
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12 Chs


Riding the elevator up to my office I stepped out when the doors slid open and made my way to my office in a rush. I had come in late as it was already 9:30 and to top it all I had lots of work to do.

I resorted to filling the ongoing projects that had been brought in by the head of sales department first. I mentally calculated the cost of the project before signing them and separating them from those that I was to send to the board for approval and consultation.

"Mr. Parker, your 10 o'clock meeting is here, " Janet says through the intercom a few hours later.

Damn! I had forgotten about the meeting.

"Show them to the meeting room A please, I'll be there in a minute, " I replied before shutting down my laptop, getting up from my chair.

"Yes sir, " She answers and before she turned off the intercom, a realization hit me.

"Janet, why are you the one informing me about my meetings and not my assistant?"

" Your previous assistant Janice quit," she answered.

"why was i not informed of this . I am entitled to a two weeks prior notice," i inquired .

"Her two weeks notice has been lying on your desk ,I doubt if you even saw it., " Janet said chuckling.

"You are right I didn't, So when am I getting a new assistant .I seriously need need one, "

"Today sir.She was supposed to be here at 9:00am.She should be here anytime soon, " Janet said and for once i was thankful for the apt role Janet always played . She was competent ,One of my best employee's and she was also my girlfriend for a while during college before we drifted and i married Lisa.

"Is the new assistant any good like Janice?" I asked skeptically. I always do the background checks but i hadn't had time for that.

" you don't have to worry about her cause I personally interviewed her.Shes good," Janet answered.

"Thank you, am trusting your judgment on this Janet, what would I do without you, " I chuckled.

"I guess you'd have to do all the work by yourself, " Janet joked.

"You are definitely right. I am heading to the conference room, " I said disconnecting the intercom. That was how my relationship and Janet was.We were not bitter Ex's and she was married too .I had never met her wife but i knew she was happy .

I had a series of meetings today and it was clearly going to be a tiresome day.

I made my way into the Elevator down the conference room which was on the 12th floor. When I walked into the room, Janet was already in the place of my assistant. She smiled as she pulled my seat for me before occupying the seat next to me.

"Well gentlemen let's get to work, Shall we?" I ask and they all nod. We get to work


Hours later I got back to my office tired from the back to back meetings. I went over the overtures, canceling out what seemed frail .

My office phone then rangs and for a moment I want to scream at my assistant for not answering the call, then I remember she was not in.Damn it I hated answering calls.

" Soviet Companies, " I said grumpily.

"Hello love, " came in a voice very familiar. I smilled , she had that effect on me.

" Lisa I have a personal phone for a reason .Why didn't you call me from that phone, "I scolded jokingly .I heard her chuckle and I fought the urge to just go home and cuddle her.

" well I wanted to surprise you Mr CEO, " She cooed with a fake accent.

"Mission accomplished , anyway why are you calling not that I don't love the idea of it , " I asked leaning a bit forward gazing at her picture on top of my desk.

"Well my patient didn't show up, and I have a whole hour free before the next one comes in so I thought to myself why don't I drag my sexy ass man into boredom with me."  She giggled.

Talking about work ,Lisa was a shrink ,actually that's how we met.I was her patient .The very time I felt my world was crushing apart she seemed to be the only one holding it together for me .I knew that was technically her job but during that time, she felt close and she was the most important person in my life. Sometimes I find it funny how I fell for my shrink , dated her and married her ,yet everyone told me She was always way out of my league.

"I love you Lisa, " just thinking of her made my heart sing those three words.

"Are we getting sappy again christian parker?" She joked but i could feel it in her tone .She loved me too and i have never felt so lucky.

" Any problem Lisa parker?" i asked teasingly and she let out a laugh causing me to laugh too.

Just then someone knocked at my door.

"Hunny i gotta go," I said hanging up after a few kisses over the phone from her.

"Come in, " I called .

A bubbly Janet came in grinning like a maniac.

"Janet what is it?" I asked curious.

"Your new pretty assistant is here, " she said almost squeaking.

"I don't see anyone , apart from your over excited self." I said with a raised eyebrow.

She opened the door wide enough and there beside her was none other than ...

"What are you doing here, " I asked rather annoyed .

"I am your new assistant apparently," she replied cockily with a smirk. For a moment I wished I could strangle her. I glared at her and she return the glare with the same intensity.

"..uhm..have you two met before?"Janet asked

" No"


Came both our answers.Breaking from our glaring contest and we both simultaneously looked over to Janet ,and she looked confused .

"Well I will leave you two to it, " Janet said leaving a tense atmosphere.

"Malikana why exactly are you here?" I asked.

"Am your assistant .How many times do I have to spell it out to you, I am impressed you even remembered my name." Malikana replied bored

" You did this on purpose,didn't you?" I asked her .

" I didn't know you were the CEO of this place it's purely coincidental" she said standing awkwardly.

"Bullshit, I don't believe in coincidence .So how did you do it.Did you sleep with them too to land this job?"

This sure had to be a set up, nothing could explain the fact that the one time I sleep with a stripper she happens to be my new assistant.

"You might be my boss but I won't allow you to disrespect me .I might be a stripper but that doesn't mean am not smart, Iam more than a pole dancer you know and it's such a shame you are so close minded.Now if you may excuse me please show me my desk boss . " she said with a stern voice I didn't know she could posses .Looking at her now she looked different , Official and the glasses she had on added to the effect.

I felt a little embarrassed for judging her. In normal situations i would fired her immediately for taking to me like that ,but i had also been wrong and rude to her plus i didn't trust her enough not to find my wife and tell on me about the affair if i fired her . I guess i had to go with the "keep your enemies closer" at that time i hadn't known just how close my enemy had been.

I gestured the desk at the corner of my office .She walked to it placing her box before emptying its content and arranging them neatly.There was something about how she was organizing her stuff that made it hard for me to look away. She had only been here for less than 30 minutes and she was already drawing me in.

We sat in an awkward silence .I typed away in my laptop as she went through the files .

The silence was uncomfortable and I felt the need to start a conversation to apologise .If we were going to work together ,the least i could do was atleast try getting along with her.

"About earlier I know it wa.." I started before Malikana interepted .

"Save it Christian ,I don't want to hear it." She waved me off .. I felt slightly mortified .I wanted to use the i am her boss line on her but I doubted if she would care. I watched her closely as she typed on her laptop pushing her glasses up with one finger curving in her brows and I was completely a gonner .She had me captived.

Then I looked down only to see a bulge growing in my pants .I froze.I was hard just from her innocent act.  One thing was clear.

I was screwed.