

Anita_Jesca · Realistic
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12 Chs



I let out a precarious breath as I entered the club. The sensible part of my brain was yelling at me about how wrong this was. How I didn't belong in a place like this ,it was thronged and reeked of Alcohol,Sex and sweat not an ideal environment for a married , multibillionaire CEO of group of companies.I pushed the rationality aside.I could not back out now.I needed this.I need to get away .,to get away from the stressful work environment, my wife's constant bickering  and all the expectations weighed on me ,from the judgmental atmosphere, and alcohol always does it for me.Its always my getaway.

The music was pulsing, vibrating against the walls. The lights were spiraling from the ceiling.loud laughs and cheers were ringing out from every direction causing me to cringe. The conners were inundated  with people who were probably humping each other.I abhorred this place .I wanted to flee from this perdition  ,but the thought of going home wasn't appealing either. It was during this moments that I wish I had friends or my own man cave.

I made my way to the VIP bar section and requested for vodka.The bartender was a decent looking lady with  name tag reading Elisa .She nodded before handing me my drink .She didn't try to start a conversation and for that I was grateful.The last thing I needed was someone trying to get me to talk. I gulped down my drink feeling the burning sensation from the vodka.I needed more.

When I was on my fifth round , the lights deemed out .The stage curtains were being drawn up revealing a couple of girls dressed in thongs ,some in lingerie with seductive smiles .I had almost forgotten I was in a strip club. Each of the girls took on the poles aligned on the stage twirling themselves around the poles in an erotic rhythm.Most of the men started whistling.

I will admit, I was enjoying watching the erotic dances.I took a hold of my now empty glass , holding it up to signal the bartender.

I was busy trying to get the bartender's attention that I hadn't notice the strippers descending the stage and staging themselves in the VIP section .One of them had moved close to me and sat on my lap .I tried to get her off my lap but she had firmly implanted herself on my lap,  giving a seductive smirk .She was gorgeous I would give her that.Her makeup was perfectly done.

It took all that was in me not to give in to her tempting body .She then placed her ass directly to my crotch .

I was getting aroused even though I tried to fight it.I could not bring myself to cheat on my wife Lisa.She didn't deserve that.

"I am sorry, I can't do this.I am married, " I whispered to the woman's ear trying to get her off me and instead She chuckled as if I had made a funny joke as I fought hard against my carnal urges.I tried not to notice her perfect teeth and how beautiful her chuckle was.The woman was breathtaking.

" I am sure you came here to let go.Everyone in here comes in to clear their head.Stop being so uptight and go with the flow." She whispered back smiling yet again revealing a dimple on her left cheek which made her more attractive than she already was.

I needed to focus

She was the type of woman who could easily make a man do anything without even trying and I was already feeling like a prey.

I loved Lisa and she'd never forgive me if she found out.

'she wont find out unless you tell her' she said as if she was reading my mind.

I looked at the lady sitting on my lap .She was what most people would term as perfect.

I watched as she smirked at me and leaned towards my ear.I felt goosebumps scatter allover my skin, when her hot breath brushed against it.She breathed against my neck ,obviously liking the reaction she got from me and gently bit my earlobe , causing me to swallow hard.I could feel my pants getting tighter .I could feel her smiling against my skin and that's all it took for me to loose all my restraints .

"So handsome...., what is it going to be, " she whispered bitting down the sensitive spot on my neck causing me to let out a pleasure groan .

I hated how my body was reacting like some horny teenager yet I loved the pleasure .

I opened my mouth to tell her no, but the only sound that came out were pleasure groans as she dry humped me.Thats when I let go of any rational thought I was holding on to.There was no telling her no.

"Is there a room?" I asked slightly embarrassed.She got off my lap and took my left hand leading me through a corridor with deem red lighting .

I noticed somethings I couldn't when she sat on my laps.She was tall around 5'11. She had a nice round butt and a tiny waist.Her hair was long blonde.

I let her lead me like an obedient dog which I admitably was at the moment.

She kept looking back as if she feared I would escape .How could I even think of escaping after she'd given me a taste on what to expect and promising more.

She unlocked the door.The room was enticing with red lights and red petals spread through the bed.There was a fancy leather sofa and a glass table.

She pushed to the sofa before picking the remote controller and pressing play.

A familiar Keke palmers song started playing.

She wrapped one of her hands around my neck and used the other to grip on my shoulder.I gripped on her hip and pressed her on my groin.I felt her run her tongue on the base of my neck upwards to my earlobe.She bit down on it slowly causing me to shudder.She nibbled on my earlobe down to my Adams apple ,making me explode in pleasure.I could feel my pants tighten. I bit my lip to stop the embarrassing groans from coming out .

She removed my belt before removing her blouse .I trailed kisses along her neck enjoying the moans that escaped her mouth.i loved how sensitively she was to every of my touch.she tightened her legs around my waist .

I connected our lips .She tasted like a mixture of vanilla and mint .She kissed me back with much pressure .I gripped on her butt causing her to gasp , giving me the opportunity to enter my tongue and explore the insides of her mouth .Our tongues battled for dominance,her tongue was fierce as if she was passing a message.I carried her to the bed , unhooking her bra.She flipped me and started undoing my clothes.She connected our lips again , and this time I felt the passion , the lust,the urgency in the kiss.Just as i wanted to remove her underwear she grabbed my hand stopping me .I raised my eyebrow in question.

She grinned." It's MALIKNA "she said .confusing me even more. Then she elucidated

"My name. The name you should put on the cheque ;MALIKANA ROBERTS, "

Just then I snapped to reality ; I was about to cheat on my wife with a sex worker. knew had two options ;Either go on with this and carry the gilt with me for breaking the trust my wife had on me or push Malikana off and go straight home, hold my wife and make it right.

Just then Malikana slid her slim soft hands into my pants clasping my throbbing dick  and that's the moment I knew my decision was already made and it wasn't the right decision.