
India movieverse

a fanfic about indian movie start with 1 ala vaikunthapurram. suggest some work in info page i dont own anything of this fan-fic . only oc

white_poison · Filem
Peringkat tidak cukup
82 Chs


After everyone had settled down, Raj, Sathya, and Deepthi decided to go to the police station to get more information about Kiara's death. At the station, they met with Officer Mukhtar Khan, who handed them the autopsy report. According to the report, Kiara had taken drugs and died from an overdose.

Mukhtar Khan, with a dismissive tone, began to degrade Kiara's character, suggesting that young people today had lost their way. Raj immediately intervened, his voice firm, "We don't need your opinion, Officer. Just stick to the facts."

Deepthi, still in shock, clutched onto Sathya for support and spoke softly but resolutely, "Kiara was not like that. She was a good-natured and well-behaved girl. She wouldn't have done something like this."

Ignoring her plea, Mukhtar Khan continued, "We all know what kind of girl she was, judging by the autopsy."

Sathya, his anger barely contained, stepped forward. "Shut the hell up otherwise i will make you ." he said, his voice trembling with rage. "You don't know anything about her."

Seeing that the situation was escalating, Raj placed a calming hand on Sathya's shoulder. "Let's take Deepthi home. She needs to rest."

The trio left the police station, with Deepthi leaning heavily on Sathya for support. They returned to Deepthi's home, where her family was waiting, still reeling from the grief of Kiara's death. Sathya and Raj helped Deepthi to her room, making sure she was comfortable before stepping outside to talk.

"Something's not right about this," Sathya said, pacing back and forth. "Kiara wouldn't have taken drugs. I know her."

Raj nodded in agreement. "I believe you. We need to find out what really happened. But first, let's make sure Deepthi and her family are okay."

They spent the rest of the day offering comfort and support to Deepthi's family. As the evening approached, Raj and Sathya sat down together, determined to uncover the truth behind Kiara's death. They knew it wouldn't be easy, but for Deepthi and her family, they would do whatever it took to get to the bottom of this mystery.

"We'll start by talking to Kiara's friends," Raj suggested. "Maybe they know something that can help us."

Sathya nodded. "And we'll keep an eye on Officer Khan. Something about him doesn't sit right with me."

With a plan in place, Raj and Sathya prepared themselves for the investigation ahead. They knew they were up against a formidable challenge, but their determination to seek justice for Kiara gave them the strength they needed to move forward.

Raj and Sathya knew they needed more information to understand the circumstances surrounding Kiara's death. They decided to speak with Deepthi, hoping she could provide some insight into her sister's life. They sat with her in a quiet room, Raj urging her to tell them everything she could think of about Kiara.

"Deepthi," Raj began gently, "we need to know everything about Kiara's life. Even the smallest detail could be important. Please, tell us everything you can remember."

Deepthi took a deep breath, her voice shaky but determined. "Kiara was pursuing her M.B.B.S from P.K College. She was very passionate about becoming a doctor, but she was facing some serious problems with the college management. The college had no basic facilities, not even a proper building or good doctors to guide the students. She was really stressed about it."

Raj and Sathya listened intently, noting the frustration in Deepthi's voice as she continued. "Kiara didn't have a boyfriend. She wasn't the type to get involved in relationships or go to parties. She was very focused on her studies. There's no way she could have come in contact with drugs through social activities. It just doesn't make sense."

Sathya nodded, his mind racing with possibilities. "Was there anyone at the college who might have had a grudge against her? Any professors, administrators, or even fellow students?"

Deepthi shook her head slowly. "She never mentioned anyone specific. She did say that some of the students were unhappy with the conditions at the college, but she didn't think anyone would do something like this."

Raj leaned forward, his expression serious. "Did she ever talk about anyone threatening her or acting suspiciously?"

Deepthi thought for a moment. "No, not really. She was mostly just worried about the lack of facilities and how it was affecting her education. She did mention that some students were trying to organize a protest against the college management, but she wasn't directly involved in it."

Raj and Sathya exchanged a glance, realizing they had a starting point for their investigation. The protest against the college management could be a lead worth following.

"Thank you, Deepthi," Raj said softly. "This information is really helpful. We're going to look into this further and find out what happened to Kiara."

Deepthi nodded, tears welling up in her eyes. "Please, find out the truth. She didn't deserve this."

"We will," Sathya assured her. "We'll get to the bottom of this."

With a clearer understanding of Kiara's life and the challenges she faced, Raj and Sathya knew their next step was to investigate the conditions at P.K College and the people involved in the protest. They hoped that by uncovering more about the college's environment and any potential conflicts, they could piece together the events that led to Kiara's tragic death.